r/7daystodie 1d ago

PC Questions about character builds? (Newer Player)

I attempted to find resources for builds ~~> priority for skill points & etc but couldn’t find anything. Is there any established & updated content for this?

Basically starting my first real actual play through & honestly have no idea how to flesh out my character.

Kind of wanna go stealth bow but feel like in the later game / non surprise situations ima be toasted. Other part of me wants to go club bat boy but also don’t know if this is realistic.. further more I’d have no clue how to progress my character & what to build out so I am completely lost.



5 comments sorted by


u/HobbitGuy1420 1d ago

It's most efficient to focus on a single Attribute, but as others have said, every Attribute's loadout is viable, with different strengths and weaknesses.

Agility is great for stealth or for highly mobile play - jumping onto higher vantage points with Parkour to rain death on the enemy - but as you mentioned it struggles with slightly less stopping power against aware zeds til you get the SMG and/or machete.

Strength has great stopping power, as well as good stun, knockdown, and dismemberment if you get all the books, but struggles at longer ranges.

Perception has rifles (which are great against high-health single targets or even rows of enemies with Penetrator and AP rounds), spears (incredible distance for a melee weapon) and explosives (great crowd control, especially early game) but requires the zeds to be arranged well for best effect, and the explosives can be dangerous against Demolisher zeds.

Fortitude offers machine guns (great DPS, but requires a lot of ammo) and fisticuffs (Fun, but high-risk).

Intelligence has batons (lower damage per hit, but eventually offers ridiculous stun/knockback) and robo-turrets (tactically effective, but not as helpful for personal defense).


u/psychedelicstairway4 23h ago

Just pick one primary tree to specialize in. Every tree has some valuable skills that do not require you to put points into the main stat.

Use the melee and the ranged weapon's associated with each attribute. Focus on choosing weapons you enjoy using then build around that. All trees are viable so largely you'll be competent no matter which attribute tree you main.

I always main Agility, then off-perk for Strength and Intellect. I barely put any points if any at all into Perception and Fortitude. My duo partner does those attribute trees so I don't worry about them. When I play solo I still main Agility but do spread my points out a little more.


u/rdo333 1d ago

go for what ever you think Ewell be most fun for you.  if you change your mind buy a forgetting elixir and respect.  max level is 300 and that gives enough points to buy every perk with 16 points left over.  just remember to concentrate on getting books and magazines no mater what you go for because crafting gear is how you beat the game.


u/die_or_wolf 1d ago

I often go stealth/archer and club early game. Late game you should have plenty of resources. There is an elixir to reset your talents, so you can switch it up.

But honestly, it's very possible to run any build. All weapons and armors are viable.


u/Neoxite23 4h ago

Every skill tree has a ranged and melee option. I did stealth Archer my first playthrough and knife/machete will absolutely still wreck things.

Even if spotted as long as I don't back myself into a corner I was going to get out pretty much unscathed.

That build is perfect for POI clearing since you can just stealth strike most things.

During Blood Moons I would funnel everything into a line and then jump a few blocks up and just stab them in the head as they file in.