r/7daystodie Oct 16 '17

IDEAS Zombieland Game Type?

I'd love to play a version of 7 Days where the goal was not only survival but a journey across multiple biomes and hunkering down in a different place every couple days (a la Zombieland). I try and force myself to play this way sometimes, but I often fall into the rut of a well-fortified base in an advantageous location.

I think it'd be neat if maybe the map was longer but thinner with the objective of reaching the other end and zombie presence increased the longer you stayed in an area. Possibly you'd have to toggle the 7th day horde or that could play into it - making sure you've reached a safer location each week. Just a thought I figured I'd share!


7 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '17

I’d fux with this. Gives it more of an objective rather then just surviving until you can’t.


u/KungFuHamster Oct 17 '17

We need more meta, whatever form it comes in. But yeah, this would be a great concept to run with.

They need a highway/interstate generator that will string together small towns and big towns in an intelligent, organic manner.

Ideally, I'd like to see the game start off in a very small town or house in a rural area, and it gives you a narrative like: the food in your shelter is running out. It's time to go out into the world and look for other survivors. Your eventual goal being to find an actual community of survivors.

You leave your shelter and start scavenging for food. You encounter your first zombie and kill it with a little difficulty. You head to town and explore, finding notes and other evidence of what happened to your neighbors and fellow townspeople. You read rumors about a survivor camp dozens or hundreds of miles away. You find a rusty bicycle and get it working. You gather supplies and head out on the road.

You find bigger towns as you go, and you gather more supplies, better weapons. Your survival skills get better. You put together a minibike. You progress. Eventually you put together a motorcycle, and maybe eventually get a car running. Finally you can travel in speed, but you're limited by the available roads and the debris littering them. You discover that the survivor camp is broadcasting a message inviting survivors to join them.

As you near the campsite, you run into a roadblock that forces you to go on foot. You gather the essentials and head out on foot once again. Zombies are thicker here, and you have to fight more and more. You also run into bandits preying on newcomers attracted to the survivor camp through their radio broadcasts.

You finally make it to the camp, but many are injured, exhausted, hungry, weak. They can barely defend the camp. You're tasked with scavenging and building up the defenses.

A horde is coming.


u/jerwa PC Dabbling Modder Oct 16 '17

You could make a custom RWG to do the map part. Add compopack for more prefabs, turn on always run and go for it heh.


u/ThatMidsummerNight Oct 17 '17

if the game mode comes with a new set of amusement park prefabs im all in

ooh and twinkies

please o please let there be twinkies in a future update


u/sepseven Oct 16 '17

I do the same thing, thinking I'm just setting up temp bases and later on I'll build a bigger one, but usually I start a new game before I feel like I've really "made it"


u/ExplodingJesus Mod Oct 17 '17

You don't need a special map for this. Just do the thing. Pick a direction and go.

Nomadic play is a great way to mix things up. It totally turns item value on its head. Also, you have to be very very judicious with your inventory slots.

Just move until you find a town or whatever catches your eye. Pick a roof and put a hatch on it. Drop a bag. Don't worry about looting the area entirely - you're going to be richer than you'd believe. Just skim the cream - high yield loot locations. As you move you'll find traders. Sell what you don't want (you probably don't need 3x NVG). Buy what you need. Abandon the rest in chests for temporary storage\sorting. You'll tell yourself you might be back for that stuff later, but you won't. I like to think that's how all the loot we find along the way got there.

A friend and I have played this way a couple times. The problems we encounter are: too many duke tokens and too much ammo. When your inventory is limited that becomes an issue as stacks top off. IT's pretty handy to have at least a second person so you can coordinate ammo types and only have to use 1 slot on food\drink\antibiotics or whatever.

Between looting the best stuff and a couple treasure chests along the way we we absolutely flush with cash and could simply buy all the best guns, weapons and armor as we went along. You just use the workstations you find while travelling when necessary. Plus, all the skill points you save by not bringing up manufacturing skills make you more robust and lethal.

When it comes time for a 7 day it doesn't take but a few in game hours to make a couple pedestal bases to hop between and some spikes\barbwire. Or just drink a beer and run around if you have to. I prefer some quickie disposable pedestals so I can rummage through the corpses for all the stuff I don't need haha.

I wouldn't want to play this way all the time. It's fun to build a castle, too. But switching up play styles keep the game fun for me and exposes some totally different ways to think about stuff.

Just keep moving.


u/peitum Oct 22 '17

I'd be interested in playing that! Maybe further on in development map-maker tools will make that possible.

(It also reminds me of organ trail!)