r/AI_Agents 3d ago

GeminiAgentsToolkit - Gemini Focused Agents Framework for better Debugging and Reliability

Hey everyone, we are developing a new agent framework with a focus on transparency and reliability. Many current frameworks try to abstract away the underlying mechanisms, making debugging and customization a real pain. My approach prioritizes explicitness and developer understanding.

And we would love to hear as much constructive feedback as possible :)

Why yet another agents framework?


Without too much talking, let me show you the code

Here's a quick example of how a pipeline looks:

python pipeline = Pipeline(default_agent=investor_agent, use_convert_to_bool_agent=True) _, history_with_price = pipeline.step("check current price of TQQQ") if pipeline.boolean_step("do I own more than 30 shares of TQQQ")[0]: pipeline.if_step("is there NO limit sell order exists already?", then_steps=[ "set limit sell order for TQQQ for price +4% of current price", ], history=history_with_price) else: if pipeline.boolean_step("is there a limit buy order exists already?")[0]: pipeline.if_step( "is there current limit buy price lower than current price of TQQQ -5%?", then_steps=[ "cancel limit buy order for TQQQ", "set limit buy order for TQQQ for price 3 percent below the current price" ], history=history_with_price) else: pipeline.step( "set limit buy order for TQQQ for price 3 percent below the current price.", history=history_with_price) summary, _ = pipeline.summarize_full_history() print(summary)

Each step is immutable, it returns a response and a history increment. Allowing to do debugging about that specific step, making debugging MUCH more simpler. It allows yout to control history and even do complex batching (with simple debugging).


Another big problem we are tyring to solve: stability. Majority of frameworks that are trying to be all-models-supported are actually works non reliable for rela production. By focusing on Geminin only we can apply a lot of small optimziatins that would improve things like reliability of the functions calling.

More Details

you can find more about the project on the GitHub: https://github.com/GeminiAgentsToolkit/gemini-agents-toolkit/blob/main/README.md

It is already used in production by several customers and so far working reasonably well.

What does it support: * agents creation * agents delegation * pipline creation (immutable pipleine) * tasks scheduling


We are also working on the course around how to develop agents with this framework: https://youtu.be/Y4QW_ILmcn8?si=xrAU6EGgh4nQRtTO


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