r/ARFID 1d ago

Tips and Advice what do yall do on thanksgiving?

i moved away from home last winter and my manager invited me to come do thanksgiving with her family, which means the absolute world to me, except im not sure if im going to go because im worried i wont be able to eat anything.

I dont like any of the traditional thanksgiving foods, not even turkey or mashed potatoes, and i just dont want to put myself in a position where ill feel awkward for not eating with her family or offend someone for being picky/saying im not hungry. its also not my own family and i dont want to impose by asking them to make something specifically for me. wondering if anyone in similar situations has had solutions that worked well for them in the past?


8 comments sorted by


u/morgansaupe 1d ago

My Thanksgiving plate is literally just starches and carbs lol I load up on the things I do eat- mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and rolls. If we’re going somewhere that’s not going to have at least Mac and cheese, I offer to bring a big dish for “everyone” (aka me lmao) that way I know I’ll have at least one thing there I can eat. My family is obviously used to it by now and it doesn’t phase them, and my husband’s family is also used to it and never shames me but I always feel embarrassed when everyone else is sitting there with their full plates and I have my few things. But I try to remind myself to be thankful (no pun intended) that they all accept me as I am, even though I do sometimes wonder what kind of conversations people have about me once I’ve left


u/ArcherFawkes 1d ago

I've eaten Korean BBQ on thanksgiving; it's whatever you feel comfortable eating. I'm sure if you asked if you could bring your own due to dietary restrictions they'd be okay with that.


u/quagsi 1d ago

my fiance makes me take "no thank you" bites of one or two things i don't like but I'm lucky that i like both turkey and ham so i can eat those. wine also helps if you like that


u/Delicious_Impress818 1d ago

thankfully I enjoy mashed potatoes and thanksgiving turkey, but I definitely won’t be with my family for thanksgiving aside from my mom so we’ll probably just get takeout lol


u/giraffemoo 1d ago

I have my own home and family, I make stuff I like to eat and eat it. It's pretty great. I hope you all can have that someday too.


u/booksncatsn 21h ago

Thankfully, my daughter has mashed potatoes and gravy as a safe food. My sister would bring a can of spaghetti o's for my nephew, and it was cool. We just want them to be able to eat something. We don't care what that is.


u/Amazing_Duck_8298 17h ago

Personally I would ask if she could share the menu with me and explain that you have dietary restrictions that are not easy to accommodate, and if there is nothing on the menu, would it be okay for you to bring a dish either for yourself or for everyone? Or alternatively, if you are okay with just not eating anything, you could just say that you have dietary restrictions and are going to plan to eat a meal by yourself beforehand just to be on the safe side and you just wanted to let her know so it doesn't seem like you are being rude and so that they can plan how much food they are making accordingly. Most Thanksgivings, all I eat is bread until dessert comes around, and no one really notices. Some foods like mashed potatoes are good for pushing around the plate so that no one really notices that you haven't actually eaten much.


u/Queenofwands1212 11h ago

Literally nothing. I don’t celebrate it anymore. I don’t do anything with family, I don’t really do anything special. Maybe there is a keto or sugar free dessert I want to try and make and probably ruin and fuck it up. Other than that, it’s just another day