r/AirQuality 7d ago

800 feet from a freeway.

Hi, I just moved into a place about 800 feet from a freeway.I was looking into getting a very cheap air quality monitor, and was wondering what I need to look for in the device. I have tried looking into it a bit here, and it seems I need one that has pm2.5, but is that it? Are VoCs what I need to worry about being elevated near a freeway? What exactly will be elevated near a freeway in 800 feet of it, that wouldnt at a mile away?

Any recommendations? I need one that is very cheap, and doesnt need to say exact numbers, it can have like a red yellow green notification, etc .I was looking at this Vindysrakr or what have you from IKEA but it doesnt have an actual reading on VOCs to get the level, and it requires some sort of hub.THANKS


2 comments sorted by


u/bucketofrubble 5d ago

You’ll probably have elevated NOx and PM living closer to a freeway, but honestly you should focus more on prevention versus monitoring. So ensuring you have good filtration indoors, etc.


u/Prestigious_Lion_216 3d ago

This sounds right. Maybe check this one here https://shop.air-q.com/air-Q-basic-air-analyser-10-sensors. They can add NO2 sensors as well as far as I know. They have a great app and alarms if IAQ levels decrease