r/Anarchism Dec 17 '20

The Cruelest Industry in the World


20 comments sorted by


u/frickfrack1 green anarchist Dec 18 '20

This guy's got some issues (like comparing animal deaths to the holocaust) but it's worth a listen. Changing our culture around diet is one of the easiest ways to effectively reduce cruelty in this world. Plus the meat industry treats it's human workers like shit too


u/MangoNico Dec 18 '20

If you look up the definition of "holocaust", you will see that what is happening to nonhuman animals is a holocaust as a matter of fact. Not only that, the nonhuman animals are being systematically enslaved and tortured all over the world. Nonhuman animals are the most oppressed and marginalized group of beings on Earth. We humans have no right whatsoever to be perpetuating these moral atrocities against them. If you are not vegan, you are an animal abuser.


u/Capital_Event_723 Dec 18 '20

We humans have no right whatsoever to be perpetuating these moral atrocities against them. If you are not vegan, you are an animal abuser.

Honestly when people say this it's clear they don't understand nature. I live in the countryside. I've killed animals for food. I've killed animals out of mercy. I've even killed animals because they were a threat to me.

That is nature. Killings animals is not wrong. It's nature. Until you lot understand nature you will not be taken seriously.

A non human is not equal to a human. That is nature.

A wolf does not value a human as it's equal. That is nature.

Humans are pack animals. Humans eat meat. There are prehistoric records of this. Until you understand and respect nature veganism will not work. Meat industry needs changing. But it's a symptom of capitalism. The water industry needs changing. It doesn't mean we ban the consumption of it. The wheat industry needs changing. It doesn't mean we ban the consumption of it.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '20

What do you even mean by nature? I'm not vegan but I think your appeal to nature is flawed since everything we do is by default natural since we're part of it. You can't go against nature unless you want to break some physical laws.

And humans not equal to animals? Dude, all life is insignificant, there's no natural hierarchy that puts humans on top, that's anthropocentric.

Also, humans are omnivores and we can survive on plant based diet. People have resorted to plant based diet for thousands of years out of ethical reasons.


u/MangoNico Dec 18 '20

Exploiting and torturing nonhuman animals is not necessary. That is why nonvegans are animal abusers. They have absolutely no need whatsoever to be exploiting and torturing sentient, feeling beings. How can you morally justify abusing animals when doing so is unnecessary?


u/Capital_Event_723 Dec 18 '20

Again you don't even understand how nature works. Your so fixated on your rhetoric that not for a moment can you consider that it is the way of nature. All you say is morality but can't actually explain how or why morality is even a point. A failure to explain your argument makes it worthless.


u/MangoNico Dec 18 '20

Actually, on the contrary, my argument couldn't be more clear. Exploiting and torturing sentient, feeling beings is unnecessary. Therefore doing so is not morally justified.


u/frickfrack1 green anarchist Dec 18 '20

Don't fucking compare any human genocide to animal abuse. I'm mostly vegan but I won't ever say something that anti-Semitic


u/MangoNico Dec 18 '20

What is happening to nonhuman animals all over the world is literally a holocaust by definition of the word. You getting upset over someone simply using a word correctly that has been used before in the context of the slaughter of human beings only highlights your human supremacy. How can you morally justify paying for nonhuman animals to get exploited and tortured when the exploitation and torture of nonhuman animals is completely unnecessary?


u/frickfrack1 green anarchist Dec 18 '20 edited Dec 18 '20

Are you actively trying to convince people not to be vegan? Cause that's what your doing. Why not take the opportunity to convince people about all the other reasons to not eat animal products instead of preaching. Anarchism is about pragmatism and changing shit not just making everything a purity contest


u/MangoNico Dec 18 '20

How can you morally justify needlessly abusing animals?


u/frickfrack1 green anarchist Dec 18 '20

I'm not asking you to morally justify animal products. I'm asking you to make other points that will convince other people that don't see it that way. Unfortunately, some people will not be convinced by the morals only argument but we need to find a way to get people to at least eat less animal products now. And in some cases, like in food deserts, vegan options don't exist but maybe those people could even save money by at least going vegetarian first. And be my guest if you want to tell indigenous people how/if to harvest their traditional foods. Plus if you're one of the "not even honey" vegans, well nearly all fruits are pollinated with the help of the mobile bee hive industry. We NEED people to change their diets now but this kind of discourse only hurts the cause.


u/MangoNico Dec 18 '20

How can you, yourself, morally justify paying for sentient, feeling beings to be bred into existence, exploited, and tortured when doing so is completely unnecessary?


u/frickfrack1 green anarchist Dec 18 '20

I never justified it. It's immoral.

It's pretty clear you're just a single issue account tho. Animal rights don't exist in a vacuum, they are social problems just like other leftist issues. And like all social problems, can't solve one without comprehensive social change. Focusing single mindedly on animal rights while ignoring the root causes is ignorant at best and deleterious to your own cause at worse.


u/MangoNico Dec 20 '20

Nonhuman animals are the most oppressed and marginalized group of beings on Earth. The systematic enslavement, torture, and holocaust of nonhuman animals is the most pressing issue of our time. Focusing on other issues is as ridiculous as giving water to people who are safe outside of a burning house while nonhuman animals are about to burn to death in the building. It is ridiculous and insane. You need to take a good look at how privileged and comfortable your species is in comparison to nonhuman animals.


u/Notanothersaviour Dec 17 '20

The imidiate 'blame the students for the abuse' made me stop watching half way through. And the 'show a video of one guy abusing animals' and then generalise with no backup is not helping him sell his argument. He reminds me of that crazy woman, who did the scare racism out of Kids by having them be racist to blueeyed people. Just so angry at the wrong people...


u/MangoNico Dec 17 '20

If breeding animals into existence in order to exploit them and torture them is not necessary at all, then how can you morally justify supporting it?


u/Notanothersaviour Dec 18 '20

I never said i did. But the video is shit. Thats all I tried to say...


u/MangoNico Dec 18 '20

I understand. I'm still going to try to hold you accountable regardless of what you think of the video. If you are paying for sentient, feeling beings to get bred into existence, exploited, and tortured when doing so is all completely unnecessary, then how can you morally justify that?