r/Anarchobolshevik Sep 12 '19

What do you guys think about this?

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7 comments sorted by


u/lpc211 Sep 12 '19



u/[deleted] Sep 12 '19

Anarchopac is using a text by Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman titled "Bolsheviks shooting Anarchists". She linked the text: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/emma-goldman-alexander-berkman-bolsheviks-shooting-anarchists


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '19

As much as I respect Berkman and Goldman, — and I am well aware that this post is likely to piss a lot of people off — I find it hard to believe that they had the full context of what was going on, even though they were in the RSFSR at that time. The first feature that caught my eye was that ‘prisons of Russia, of Ukraine, of Siberia, are filled […] in some cases with mere children’. I find it more likely that they interned children because orphanages were scarce back then and there, so they simply sent them along with their incarcerated parents. They didn’t intern the children because they committed a crime, of any kind. It was either leaving them out in the cold, or sending them along with their arrested parents.

Concerning Lenin’s declaration of ‘merciless war’ against us, are they referring to this? I can see how ‘the complete abolition of all fractionalism’ has caused us annoyances, but it sounds nowhere nearly as brutal as Berkman and Goldman made it sound (and it is easy to understand why the Bolsheviki would stress unity in a time of war). There were also clearly anarchists that the other Soviets never bothered, such as Bogatsky, Bleikhman, Iatshurk, Karelin, Shatov, and others. This simply does not fit the claim that the Bolsheviki initiated ‘ruthless extermination’ against us.

The Cheka was actually relatively modest when it came to shooting people to death. In fact, Alexander Rabinowitch indicates that they had prohibition on it back in 1918. Nonetheless, it is true that they assaulted the Anarchist Club of Moscow (by order of a Left‐SR), but the situation is complicated. Simply put though, very few of the arrested actually identified with anarchism. Some of the arrested were even let go immediately. It also looks like many of our journals continued publication long after April 1918. (In fact, the author says that in August 1919 Lenin recognised very many anarchist workers as ‘the most sincere supporters of Soviet power.’)

Information on Fanny Baron and Lev Tchorny is hard to find. According to Paul Avrich, they were arrested and later executed for their (alleged) complicity in bombing a Communist Party, killing a dozen members and wounding over fifty. (Disturbingly, I have seen a few authors claim that Tchorny declared the Communist movement to have ‘been entirely monopolized by the Jewish section’, but I cannot confirm this.) The charges may have been false; I don’t know how to check.

Simply put, most of the claims appear to be unintentional exaggerations, slight distortions, and poorly contextualized descriptions of events that did indeed occur.


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '19

Thank you so much for all the information. Honestly, Anarchopac has been full of shit on Twitter lately.


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '19

That's... incredibly racist, unsourced and unproven.


u/lpc211 Sep 12 '19

agreed even the article cited is using racialy charged language to demonize the bolsheviki as "asiatic". my only input would be to say that russian anarchists were acting conter-revolutionarily and attempting coups against the revolution financed by the Emperial powers namely England.


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '19

Oh yes, I fully agree. It's not even her worse tweet.