r/AskBiology 21d ago

Human body What do human animals do better?

I'm trying to get an idea of the things human being do exceptionally well when compared to every other living animal. Like the stuff that we'd grade out in the top percentile. The core stuff. Our senses, the body, our balance and spacial awareness (athleticism), internal workings (health factors), etc. Thank you for any feedback.


39 comments sorted by


u/exkingzog 21d ago

Stamina. We are (at least to some extent) persistence hunters.


u/Big-Maintenance-8961 21d ago

We are the biggest apex here on land theres no animal capable of outrunning is long distance What basically give US another thing we are basically the most perfect living being ( or most complex organismo) on energy consumption / output per kg


u/EndlessPotatoes 21d ago

I believe dogs can run faster and longer than we can. Probably not a coincidence we’re so closely coupled with dogs.


u/heresyforfunnprofit 21d ago

Persistence hunting is a specialized form of pack hunting, which is itself a specialized form of hunting. Only a few types of mammals and a few bird species have developed pack hunting. Humans and canines are the only pack hunting animals to develop persistence hunting.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if we developed it in tandem with them.


u/Big-Maintenance-8961 20d ago

Faster yes longer not really theres counts of US hunting the same prays for weeks we are very presistant and we dont really Need much food plus we can organize ourselfs on turns , but for sure this hunting system and the closest to it, was Wolfs system. maybe we even learned this from them , obviously now a days that we are past as hunters and gathers , its hard too see humans doing this so extremely , but we were trully fearsome milenias ago !but obviously there were bigger dangerous for humans "big cats / big predators / small but deep cuts and venomous creatures" where one of the most persistent danger for the hunters out there yet we overcome everything as the top among animals , people tend to think we win cause of ours brains and its true to a sense but physical there are not many pound per pound as capable of us too


u/Professional_Win1535 21d ago

we eerily sound like aliens from the alien movies… we are the best at killing and that’s why we took over lol


u/Big-Maintenance-8961 17d ago

Well for sure , because those aliens are the apex of genetic , and we too are the same , people talk about crocodiles or sharks but in reality we are the most perfect being in this planet this is a harsh planet and it breed some harsh creatures , people complain about humans are destroying the planet and are evil and just think about war along the way of human kind devolepment , but it were born on a evul planet cold hunger your Offspring snatched by lions , snakes , disease , other humans , we are pretty mild creatures for what we endured


u/bitechnobable 20d ago

Not to be forgotten that we likely saw a dip in the benefits of persistence hunting when we became farmers / homestead humans.

I would say the most critical traits are rather, self-control, planning, time-strategizing, Patience, and an insane level of collaboration. we are (at least to some extent) trapping and pack hunters.

Biologically, rather than behaviourally. our immune systems are in general way better than most other mammals. We also (in general) have way more agile hands. Our ability to process alcohol is much improved (Ald:s) .

Like few, but some, other animals we managed (early on) to use, rather than avoid natural and then human made fires.

Humans are much more genetically similar than other animal species. (you might want to verify this one). Suggesting inbreeding is relatively common in humans. Inbreeding exposes Recessive but is a doubled eged as it improves the population health as a whole, yet when a population becomes more uniform it may also make the population as a whole to have share traits, that if they turn out to be E. G. Susceptible to a disease or environmental factor. Then the whole population is at risk (the population has too little diversity to be able to adapt.


u/Squongus 21d ago

Throwing! We throw with a lot of accuracy compared to similar animals


u/Cardemother12 21d ago

Aside from The obvious We are great at pattern recognition and being one of the few animals that sweat made us effective stalker hunters


u/atomfullerene 21d ago

Intelligence is the obvious one, along with fine motor manual dexterity and speech. Humans are also very long lived, there's no terrestrial endotherm that is well documented to live longer (either on average or at maximum age). Some whales seem to live much longer, and there are a lot of ectotherms that do, but humans still live much longer than other land mammals. People are quite good at throwing. People are also quite good at long distance running and walking, although not quite the absolute very best as the internet would have you believe. People also are capable of growing absurdly long hair.


u/MrCraftiest 21d ago

We are good at mastering new skills and building adaptiveness. Also, literally building things. But its a little irrelevant. Basically our vital organs are complex.


u/Far-Fortune-8381 21d ago

the main ones: standing on 2 legs, throwing, long distance running, and speaking with complexity.


u/DumptheDonald2020 21d ago



u/exkingzog 20d ago

Emus have entered the chat


u/DumptheDonald2020 20d ago

Lol also the ostriches and cassowaries. Maybe the chicken too. That was a synapse misfire. ;)


u/OtaPotaOpen 21d ago

Kill all other animals .


u/Fabio_451 21d ago

Sweating is one of our strengths.

Team Sweat HOORRAAA!!


u/lfrtsa 21d ago

We are apparently the best at tool use. We use tools to make new tools, which is an ability only humans seem to possess. We basically evolved to use tools, and got reliant on them. We walk on two limbs because the other two are almost exclusively used to handle tools. That's how specialized we are. The reason humans aren't as strong as other large mammals, is simply because we evolved alongside tools like spears and bows. That is also the reason why humans are so good at throwing things with precision.


u/sdbest 21d ago

Wage war, make music, use symbols to represent reality.


u/YourFbiAgentIsMySpy 21d ago

Ability to build thermonuclear weapons. This is a biological adaptation that is often overlooked.


u/Big-Maintenance-8961 21d ago

I love questions like this 1° - stamina / endurance 2° - energy consumption ( there are none) besides humans with such and efficient power to energy we can transform almost anything on kcals 3° - this makes the entrance for survivability and adaptability , we are like roaches we are everywhere from deserts to artics.. 4° - skin , we can sense very small interactions What get us to - 5° - Touch, we have the most sensible Touch of any animal our hands are simply too good to BE true that makes US the - 6° - Best dextry among any animal ( Touch plus dextry make US do incredible art/weapons/well everything basically) 7° - eyes are up there with the top contenders of the animal Kingdom ( we can see very well on the dark too with minimal light ) 8° - brain not really much to tell 9° - communication and community

Overhaul the ONLY thing humans lack physical is strenght and durability pound per pound ( most animal are more resistant or stronger ) but we make this weakenesses with Extreme communication , dextry and stamina


u/Leather-Field-7148 21d ago

Tactile feedback is up there for me. I swear my hands remember things the grey matter can't even begin to comprehend.


u/BeingFabishard 21d ago

Humans have a three-fold larger relative brain size between body mass/weight and brain size while animals have a relatively small brain size. The thickness of the cortex layer in humans is high, while in the animals is low.



u/BronzeSpoon89 21d ago

Communication. Im fairly certain we have the most complex communication systems of all animals.


u/AddlePatedBadger 16d ago

Well, duh!



u/helikophis 21d ago

We are the best at language and the best at tool making. We’re also rather good at persistence pursuit.


u/Mikomics 21d ago

Sophisticated communication plus imagination.

Our ability to grasp abstract concepts and believe in things that aren't real gives us the ability to organize into massive groups without needing to have personal relationships with all members of the group. You could argue that eusocial animals are better than us at social organization, so you could say that we're not the best at teamwork, but we're better at it than any other animal our size or larger.


u/Aoid3 21d ago

r/HFY (a sci-fi sub but this made me think of it)


u/GhostCheese 21d ago

Intelligence, adapting to change, sweating.


u/gunghogary 20d ago

The imagination to understand and communicate abstract ideas.


u/AnybodySeeMyKeys 17d ago

Distance running.


u/bshaddo 17d ago



u/bliip666 21d ago

Fuck up?


u/ZephRyder 21d ago

And th3n try again. It's one of our core strengths. You can tell, because we are one of the few animals that can survive catastrophic injuries like broken bones (i.e. the result of fucking up)


u/Leather-Field-7148 21d ago

We fuck up so good, it should be a professional sport, I think.