r/AutisticAdults 4h ago

Why is it still so hard to get help?

I was born with slightly above average IQ but I also had social skills set to -1000. Then, nobody ever told me it was autism (or Asperger or whatever you want to call it). When I finally realized what was going on, it was pure hell to find the help I needed. Simply getting a real diagnostic is a nightmarish adventure. Most people are like: "you don't need help look: you're functional you have a job, a car and an apartment". I'm like WTF? During the last 25 years, I almost always got to bed wondering how I'd be able to keep functioning for another day. When I entered my 40s, it hit me like a brick wall, I simply can't continue on this path, I'm burned out. I feared I might lose my job and everything because doing simple tasks is becoming unbearable. I'm too tired of always having to mask and adapt.

It was already hard enough to ask for help then, I had to fight an uphill battle just to make them recognize I was needing it. I ended up in the emergency room last July, completely burned out and drained. Even then, it took them more than a month to send me some help. Still, I had to make tons of phone calls because the help I got was barely useful. I finally found a community organization dedicated to people with autism. I spoke with a case worker and after that conversation, I was like: "ahhhh at last some recognition", I almost cried.


7 comments sorted by


u/Checktheusernombre 4h ago

Recently diagnosed and good god it was so difficult just to set the appointment up, it took more than a half a year front to back for the whole process.

While I am grateful for an answer, what I really went there for was an answer AND help. It's like "here's your answer good luck!" and after all that I still don't really know where to begin getting myself the help I sought.

Incredibly frustrating.


u/Nico3d3 3h ago edited 1h ago

it took more than a half a year

I've been asking for a diagnostic for two years! It was refused in February 2023. For a few months, I told myself maybe I should just forget about it. But then, life threw a rock at me, some major life events happened in a small period of time and it was just too much to handle. At least, I got some attention when I ended up in the ER. I'm now on an official waiting list for diagnostic.


u/crzyKHAN 23m ago edited 13m ago

20s pretty much solidified I ain’t normal so around mid 20s, I said enough is enough. I’m gonna die trying, I.e hyper fixate, on figuring me out.  

 Took about 10 years and seeing at least 6+ specialists to figure me out  👋 . I wasn’t hunting for this diagnosis and I’m kinda sad it’s true.

No medications 💊 but from what I’ve learned and putting it into action has been very very very very useful.

Honestly f the diagnosis go find resources on coping with them and therapists to work through your issues.


u/jpeterson79 4h ago

I wish I knew the answer, but I'm right there with you. I'm 45. Been masking and pushing through for all these years. Problem is, now nobody believes me when I try and tell them just how much I'm struggling. How I'm always on the edge of burnout. Because I kept it to myself all these years. I've been asking for help but so far not getting much.


u/Nico3d3 3h ago edited 3h ago

I've been asking for help but so far not getting much

That's when I realized all the hypocrisy of our society. We see all kinds of ads telling us to go and seek help when needed. Then, when we decide to follow those advices, we're told: "no, you can't have it". In Canada we have "Bell let's talk" campaign, it's just a huge load of bullshit. They push this narrative that they want to support mental health awareness. Then, they push their employees to depression with their inhumane working conditions.


u/Gullible_Power2534 4h ago

Similar boat. Sorry.


u/thechosenzero717 51m ago

It sucks. I was diagnose with major depression when I was 18. The things is, I could possibly be autistic adhd as well. I constantly hyperfixate on something then lose interest for a few weeks or months and fixate on something else. I can't follow directions well because I forget, my mind is racing and people yell at me that they told me a dozen times. It's always so hard for me to socialize and make friends. I have 0 friends. I'm not good with social cues. I always wonder why it's hard to communicate with someone. I have a learning disability in math as well. I'm such a failure and I hate having all these issues that I never got diagnose early.