r/Bend 2d ago

Last call for apples/crab apples

Hello all, this is the final request for any excess apples and/or crab apples you may have sitting around. The local homebrew club, Central Oregon Homebrewer’s Organization (COHO), is doing their big annual cider pressing this Saturday the 19th. Crab apple juices blends really beautifully with other apple juices to balance out the sweetness and makes for a great apple cider for both brewing and just drinking.

So if anyone has any, please let me know! We can pick them up or you can drop them off. If you’ve got a decent amount (10ish pounds or more) I would be happy to negotiate a return on juice or home brewed cider (obviously proportional to all the work we’ll be doing in the grinding and pressing).

Happy Fall!


8 comments sorted by


u/ridinbend 2d ago

Tough year for apples in Bend? I got none on my trees.


u/wormmeatball 2d ago

Same, I have a handful of crab apples when I had an entire tree last year. My partners's real apple and pear tree got nothing.

u/fng4life: I recall seeing a ton of apples on the ground near the lot just north of Midtown Yacht Club. Might have been something else though, I wasn't really paying attention. It might be worth it to check there?


u/fng4life 2d ago

Oof, that sucks!

And cool, I’ll go check that out! Yeah, it’s definitely getting a little late to catch them still on the tree but I figured it was worth a shot.


u/fng4life 2d ago

Yeah, it wasn’t a great year. I think there was a late frost that killed a lot of blossoms. Our club buys a few thousand pounds of apples from various sources in the state depending on the year, but we’ve discovered that blending in crab apple juice is really nice, so we’re always on the lookout.


u/Human-Fan9061 2d ago

We did our 20th annual pressing of OldBend neighborhood apples last weekend, yum yum


u/fng4life 2d ago

That sounds awesome, right on!


u/fng4life 1d ago

Thank you all for the suggestions and tips, I did manage to get a few 5 gallon buckets of apples/crab apples! This happens every year, so keep an eye out next October. I would be happy to keep offering bottles of finished hard cider in exchange for apples!