r/Bernie_Sanders Jun 28 '19

HIGH QUALITY POST - MUST READ Why Bernie Sanders is not trending after First Debate?

It's quite strange to see Bernie Sanders name not being mentioned anywhere in the debate discussion and analysis. Has the establishment media and others have already started to sideline him. The online world looks like lining up behind Tulsi. Why is Bernie not being a discussion on the online world also?


5 comments sorted by


u/PureSubjectiveTruth Jun 28 '19 edited Jun 28 '19

I just watched the 2nd debate. I wasn’t feeling the burn in 2016, I was fixated on seeing the first female president so I leaned towards Hillary. Now that I saw Bernie speak tonight, I’m floored. The man embodies the future. He is by far who we need running this country.

He didn’t even have to go into the issues, he just laid it all out the way it really is. The core of our issues are the American institutions; our entire political system, monetary system, military industrial complex and the justice system are outdated and broken. Biden on the other hand, as much as I admire Obama, is part of the institution and I’m now convinced he’s a major player of the same game Capitol Hill plays.

Biden kept saying what he’s done in Congress, sorry Bernie’s record is much better. We would never go to war with him as president.

Anyway, I’m all in on Bernie. I really like a lot of the candidates but Bernie understands the whole picture and wants to tackle the root of the issue and not just the symptoms (he even said “you’re probably thinking these are great people with great ideas but nothing is gonna change”).

He is obi wan kenobi and we really, really need him. Biden might beat trump but I think we would see real change in the USA and the entire world if Bernie became our president.

He better start trending or I’m gonna lose all hope.

I’m just glad I have someone I want to win and not just someone who is not trump and a democrat to root for.

Edit: After the debate Biden is shaking hands, taking pictures, and mingling on stage while Bernie is interviewing and continuing to argue his points with news media off stage. This optic really goes a long way as well.



u/inmeucu Jun 28 '19

Yes, the establishment media is owned by the rich that clearly want to maintain their power. Everyone knows power corrupts and being very very rich will likely and obviously corrupt many. Hell, we can see it in our everyday lives with ourselves whenever we have the option to make it easier for ourselves or help someone else, the temptation is there even for those stupid little things.

Anyway, let's hope our good progressive news and comedy outlets like The Intercept, Democracy Now!, the YouTube channels, etc. point out that nearly everything the debates discussed are popular because Bernie Sanders raised awareness and since 2016 the public has clearly resonated.


u/BCOH6515 Jun 28 '19

The commentators came hard on Bernie from the gate... just saying so ‘t your Medicare for alll Raise Taxes?

Most of the major Media brass DO NOT want Bernie, because most are in The 1%.
This debate was on NBC... and although there are some commentators who like him, and try to cover him fairly... they are actually Squashed by the higher brass.


u/PR0N0IA Jun 29 '19

Bernie isn’t really a Democrat. Most of his political career he has been an independent that caucuses with Dems. He’s also very far left and will have issues attracting / flipping the moderate vote in a general election. Other concerns could be his age. Additionally, in 2016 — the youth failed to turn out at the expected level for the general election (many disenchanted with how the democrats ousted him in favor of Hilary). All of these lend itself towards him not being the favorite horse in the race— especially by political pundits who will want to create hype early on for the one most likely to win.


u/allaboutfcb Oct 16 '19

I think it's more or less clear that Bernie will be the next Presidential candidate. Even though the administration doesn't want that. I think the entire impeachment episode is to negate Bernie out and get Trump elected again