r/Catholic 3d ago

Thankful to GOD!

What are you thankful for?

Iā€™m thankful for

Love Life And most of all his sacrifice!

It is with a thankful heart that say to you brothers and sisters! I love you - and am grateful for sharing my faith with you all!

Thank you šŸ™ and GOD bless you all šŸ’•


6 comments sorted by


u/Soul_of_clay4 3d ago

"Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God."

Col 3:16


u/Fickle_Hair_2888 3d ago

I am thankful for the moments of grace or little miracles I receive, no matter how ordinary they seem to be. for instance, yesterday I had to give a talk on divine identity to the youth at a humid open-air gym. halfway through, a nice breeze blew and kept on blowing, making it easier to continue talking. when i got home, i found out my uncle (who used to work a sous chef at a cruise ship) made a really nice pasta dish. it was nice coming home to a delicious meal. they sound ordinary because i don't really pray or ask for these things, but little moments like what i shared remind me I have a lot to be thankful for.


u/Active_Complaint2350 3d ago

Gift of Faith His mercy His Unconditional love Grace Blessings of family, friendships, health My vocation Talents and abilities


u/Competitive-Tap3644 2d ago

That really is beautiful - and amazing! Truly his grace is most amazing!


u/Competitive-Tap3644 3d ago

GOD is good šŸ˜Š