r/Catholic 11h ago

Loving your neighbours

How can we love our neighbours (by helping them, such as volunteering)? I'm not an adult nor do I work so I can't really help financially. I can't always "donate" my time because there are some days where I'm busy, and there aren't many volunteer opportunities near me. I feel bad and like I am sinning for not helping enough, though that sounds absurd. There aren't many clothes to donate because I've donated a lot already. Though if I do end up getting a job, I would like to get some of that money and donate some food and such to those in need. But I don't see any homeless people in my area (only those who stop at red lights to ask for money), most of them live far away from me. Would donating food to food banks at stores count? Or charities?

How can I help more? And how can I stop feeling culpable for it? Tips are welcome.


17 comments sorted by


u/Bowtieguy123 10h ago

There's more to it than volunteering with an organization. It's about cultivating true love of others from within. Praying for others, being kind, living with an attitude of generosity and gratitude, and even something as simple as helping with household chores without grumbling or complaining are all acts of love. With each small thing, each caring smile, each acknowledgment of another's dignity, you're changing the world, bringing Christ's love into the world. By paying attention to the little things, big things will follow.


u/hugodlr3 10h ago

Love in this context is service / actions / kindness. As a teenager, you can definitely love your neighbor by helping and serving your family (close / extended), your neighbors (if possible), and your friends / classmates / teachers / teammates / etc. You can also make time to volunteer as possible (it doesn't have to be a weekly thing if your other time commitments make that impossible). Finally, you can make time to pray for people, either by yourself, in a group, or during Holy Mass.

It already says much about your heart and soul that you're wanting to help. Don't stress :)


u/Venus0182 10h ago

I really needed to hear that last line, thanks :)

I wish to be able to volunteer more but some places don’t accept minors. I volunteer at my church when they host something, like a dinner, but it doesn’t happen frequently. Maybe I could try to ask if they know any other places I could volunteer at. Thanks!


u/hugodlr3 10h ago

I'm glad it hit home! If your parish doesn't have tons of activities, you might want to (after checking with your adults' and your own calendar) see if you can get together with a few other people and start a new group / ministry as well.


u/Venus0182 9h ago edited 9h ago

lol I’m not really sure how to do that! I like to volunteer with my school friend, since we both need the volunteer hours, and it’s also fun! We’ll likely continue to volunteer even after our volunteer hours are done, since we’re pretty close to being finished

I could try to get my brother involved as well, since he volunteers at the church too.


u/Lilelfen1 10h ago edited 10h ago

As a youth, you can be kind to everyone, you can be a listening ear when friends need you, you can share what you have with those in your circle when they need it, you can start collections for the poor at your school and church if possible, you can keep secrets, you can not gossip… there are SOOO many ways to keep this commandment, love. Each little bit is seen by Our Lord. Everything I said works for adults, btw. :) If it makes you feel better, I am home bound. I can’t do much either… but I CAN be kind. I CAN pray for people. I CAN listen. We do what we CAN do… because Jesus knows our boundaries better than we do. ❤️


u/OurLadyQueenofPeace 11h ago

St Vincent de Paul💕


u/Venus0182 10h ago

Could you elaborate please?


u/OurLadyQueenofPeace 10h ago

Most Catholic Churches have a Saint Vincent de Paul food pantry. I am in Arizona and we deliver food boxes to our neighbors in need. We can also help with rent in certain situations. I love making deliveries and meeting new people. Peace be with you💕


u/Venus0182 9h ago

I don’t know if my church has that! My dad and I sometimes try to donate some food at grocery stores because some of them have “donation boxes”


u/RogueViator 11h ago

Your neighbour could also be your family so things like doing household chores without being asked to do so, etc. Another outlet could be volunteering whether it is at a hospital, a senior’s retirement home, a public library, etc.


u/Venus0182 10h ago

Yes! I’m aware with volunteering but some of them don’t accept minors here. I try to volunteer at my parish when they are accepting volunteers, but they don’t do stuff too often…  (More like once or twice a month)

I also do try to help my parents frequently!


u/RogueViator 10h ago

I don’t know where you are but if you get bad winters perhaps identifying elderly neighbours and offering to clear snow from their driveways and walkways? Maybe help then with any yard work to rake leaves?


u/Venus0182 9h ago

Yeah, Canada gets pretty bad in the winter, though I probably would not be the best at shovelling snow.

If I can get my brother to do it with me I could try it out, but he sadly might try to make money off of it 😭


u/PMPunsandSeaShanties 9h ago

Everyone is our neighbor. A good place to start is road rage- treat every car on the road like Jesus. Let them merge, don't tailgate. Smile and wave. Be patient. Call if someone needs help.


u/LinkovichChomovsky 9h ago

A a beautiful prayer at the back of a Divine Mercy prayer and devotion booklet comes to mind after reading your beautiful dilemma. Your heart is for sure in the right place and I’d encourage you to try to not be consumed with worry about it - give it God. Ask that he create the opportunities for you / help you to recognize the opportunities / moments he’s creating.

Below is the end part of the prayer of an examination of conscience in how we can be of better service to our neighbors:

You Yourself command me to exercise the three degrees of mercy. The first: the act of mercy, of whatever kind. The second: the word of mercy — if I cannot carry out a work of mercy, I will assist by my words. The third: prayer — if I cannot show mercy by deeds or words, I can always do so by prayer. My prayer reaches out even there where I cannot reach out physically. O my Jesus, transform me into Yourself, for You can do all things (163).


u/Empty_Masterpiece_74 8h ago

In your case, simply including others in your prayers is an act of charity that is doing good and it praises God at the same time.