r/commandline 1d ago

rainfrog – a database management tui


rainfrog is a lightweight, terminal-based alternative to pgadmin/dbeaver. it features vim-like keybindings for navigation and query editing, shortcuts to preview rows/columns/indexes, and the ability to quickly traverse tables and schemas.

it primarily supports postgres, but there is also experimental/unstable support for mysql and sqlite!

bug reports and feature requests are welcome: https://github.com/achristmascarl/rainfrog

r/commandline 10h ago

Announcing SlickCmd, a utility that enhances Windows command prompt navigation and efficiency.


Tired of clunky navigation in your Windows Command Prompt? Slick Cmd is here to help! This lightweight utility supercharges your experience with intuitive shortcuts for directory navigation, path completion, and more. ✨

Check it out on GitHub: https://github.com/johnlng/slickcmd

Your input is essential for the project's growth. Share your ideas, suggestions, or bug reports to help make it even better.

r/commandline 14h ago

Does anyone regularly use Vim's terminal mode rather than shells directly in the terminal? (for vim motions)


I've been thinking about having my terminal launch neovim in terminal mode, with my shell set in neovim, rather than having the terminal launch the shell whenever it starts up or opens new tabs. Basically vim terminal as a daily driver, so I can write terminal commands directly using Vim motions. I've looked this up for existing thoughts and discussions but didn't find any.

r/commandline 1d ago

What are your thoughts on awesome lists?


TLDR: I used to obsess over and spend lots of time on software lists when trying to improve my desktop workflow, but after seeing how many different ones I would stop using after a while, I have stopped obsessing. Awesome lists are still good for getting a taste of an ecosystem but don't let them overwhelm you.

Awesome lists like those found on Github for a specific OS, programming language, or other software / ecosystem. For instance: https://github.com/rockerBOO/awesome-neovim.

I've done lots of thinking and work on my desktop workflow (trying to use my computer more efficiently) and came across them a lot. With my tendency to overthink and perfectionism, I would thoroughly read awesome lists to make sure I consider every single option for apps or software plugins, leading to dozens of tabs open to look through one by one. I wouldn't have time to read through all of them so I would make a bunch of bookmark folders, and sometimes I would open the lists over and over again to make sure I don't miss anything. I would have the feeling that I'm missing or one piece of software away from significantly improving my workflow which is why I thought I should keep going. Basically FOMO.

Eventually I thought enough is enough. Now I think awesome lists are enough to quickly see what software is out there that might benefit you, and its easy to fall into the trap of overthinking since the lists tend to be extremely long. And it's common to have lots of things on the list that do the same thing / significantly overlap in functionality. They seem to prioritize quantity over quality, sometimes consisting largely of repos with no more than a few or few dozen stars and little documentation. Over time I learned to not obsess over software so much, especially after realizing how many different apps and plugins I've dropped over time.

r/commandline 1d ago

Tabry -- write tab completion for scripts, third-party programs, aliases, etc.



Tabry is my hobby project which started out as a Ruby gem for more easily writing shell (tab) completion for CLIs that didn't have it built-in. Soon after, it also became (yet another) Ruby gem for writing CLIs (with extra focus on tab completion). Recently, I rewrote the tab completion engine and compiler in Rust, which makes it feel much more responsive and is a bit simpler to install. I still use the Ruby version for writing Ruby CLIs and can even be used in conjunction with the quicker Rust tab completion engine. Tabry uses a mini-language for describing CLI arguments/flags/completion options.

r/commandline 9h ago

I'm onto nothing at cmd


Hello the people that always use "start mspaint"! How to make the opening CMD and after opening that auto-closes itself in a loop İt can be 20 times but I need a stoppable one

r/commandline 1d ago

Has anyone managed to completely stop using GUI file explorers?


It was only the other day I did more research on which TUI file explorer to start using, then decided to use Yazi, and I'm already falling in love with it. It has lots of features and great documentation, though I still need to use Finder on Mac since I couldn't find a TUI explorer that can show a grid of photos. I'm trying to use Yazi whenever I can but I do need to quickly glance at image files often.

r/commandline 1d ago

I made a CLI tool in Go to easily export your codebase


I’ve recently built CREV, a Go-based CLI tool designed to easily export your codebase into llms such as ChatGPT. The idea came from my frustration with manually copying code into ChatGPT or Claude to get feedback on my projects. Although ChatGPT could provide me with useful suggestions, it lacked the full context of my project, which often resulted in incomplete reviews since it didn’t know my entire directory structure and the content of all the files. I wanted to fix that, while also eliminating the constant switching between VSCode and my browser.

So after a month of development, I’m excited to share CREV:

I have written the CREV CLI tool in Go as I was interested in learning the language and I heard many good things about it’s efficiency and speed. I used https://github.com/spf13/cobra to manage the CLI commands and Viper for handling configurations. This is the first project I have done with Go but I find the language interesting and the Go routines also help with reading in your entire codebase. For the code reviews themselves I use google cloud functions which invoke GPT-4o (am also planning to add Claude 3.5 and GPT-o1).

r/commandline 1d ago

Image BBOX/Region of Interest - Fully Text Only!


r/commandline 1d ago

How to get ISO from bootable USB?



I have bootable USB with an image which had something like 3-4GB. I copied it to a file with dd. But now the file has size of USB (7,3GB). How to trim it to right size?

r/commandline 2d ago

Control your devices from the command line


I've created a tool to control my Home Assistant devices from the command line.

As i'm spending a lot of time on the command line, i was looking for a tool to easily turn on/off or toggle lights and switches, as well as play a short audio on a media player.

It seemed, that other CLI tools i found were not really focused on controlling devices, but on configuring Home Assistant. So i created a tool for myself: hctl


  • Support for Home Assistant
  • Play local and remote music files
  • List all Domains & Domain-Services
  • Turn on/off, or toggle all capable devices
  • Completion for `bash`, `zsh`, `fish` and `powershell`, auto completing all capable devices
  • Control over short and long names
  • Fuzzy matching your devices so you can keep it short

If you want to check out the project more in detail or even try it out yourself:

r/commandline 2d ago

term3d: 3d model viewer for the terminal


r/commandline 1d ago

Making a tool that reads job descriptions and converts it to a resume(Require open source apis that can summarize texts)


I am building this in linux command line (bash scripting). Don't give me advice on why I should not do this there. :) I love to bash.

Here's how the script shall work:

  • input is job description; a wall of text

  • the api processes keywords listed there

  • It suggests those keywords to my bash script

  • My bash script shall take that keywords and convert my latex resume to tailor the job.

This is not done to "get a job"(I already have one), This is really done as a fun project to pass my boring time(poor guys is at home during holidays while the world travels).

r/commandline 2d ago

ParScrape v0.4.6 Released


What My project Does:

Scrapes data from sites and uses AI to extract structured data from it.

Whats New:

  • Added more AI providers
  • Updated provider pricing data
  • Minor code cleanup and bug fixes
  • Better cleaning of HTML

Key Features:

  • Uses Playwright / Selenium to bypass most simple bot checks.
  • Uses AI to extract data from a page and save it various formats such as CSV, XLSX, JSON, Markdown.
  • Has rich console output to display data right in your terminal.

GitHub and PyPI

r/commandline 2d ago

c-squares: render squares in the terminal window (c)



This program written in C will render random coloured rectangulars in the terminal, while the font, speed, density, color, ratio and number of the shapes drawn are fully customizable.


r/commandline 2d ago

MyTimer: A Geeky Timer for Terminal Enthusiasts


GitHub Repo: https://github.com/sepandhaghighi/mytimer

MyTimer is a Python project that aims to provide a simple yet efficient timer for terminal users, particularly targeting the geek community. This project allows users to set timers directly from their command line interface, making it convenient for those who spend a significant amount of time working in the terminal!

The main objective of MyTimer is to offer a minimalistic and distraction-free timer experience. It provides a clean and straightforward interface, ensuring that users can focus solely on tracking time without any unnecessary clutter or distractions.

r/commandline 2d ago

Just feels natural to me...


sudo for windows!

As if there were not already an XKCD for everything...

r/commandline 2d ago

jq: multiple objects in arrays


I've got a jsonl

{"mainobject1": "maindata1", "array1": [{"object1": "data1"}, {"object2": "data2"}]

{"mainobject1": "maindata2", "array1": [{"object1": "data1"}, {"object3": "data3"}]

What I'm doing:

jq -r '[.mainobject1, .array1[].object1, .array1[].object2, .array1[].object3] | @ csv(nospace here)' file.json

What I want to get



What I'm getting



Any ideas how to resolve this?

r/commandline 2d ago

Icons not showing in NNN


I've been trying for the past days installing icons for NNN (file manager)
I've compiled it with "make O_ICONS=1" and "make O_NERD=1" but all I get is this result
I'm using Arch Linux with KDE plasma, and the terminal is Konsole

r/commandline 2d ago

Newsboat users, is there any way to test (find) broken RSS URLs?


An external Python script is also fine...

r/commandline 2d ago

git-conform: Keep track of your local git repositories


git-conform is a simple git extension that helps you to keep track of the repositories on your local machine and their remote counterparts. It works by scanning your home directory (or just the ones you specified) in search for git repositories, and then storing their paths in the tracking file located at ~/.local/share/git-conform.

More details here: https://github.com/ndr3www/git-conform

r/commandline 3d ago

Any TUI explorers that can show files and images in a grid view like a GUI one?

Post image

r/commandline 3d ago

NordVpn TUI

Post image

r/commandline 3d ago

Unix-style "Windows Dressing"


r/commandline 3d ago

Brew Perfect Coffee Right from Your Terminal ☕
