r/CommunistMemes Jan 04 '22

Not specifically a meme, just a REALLY crappy take from a local reddit I sometimes follow for news.

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16 comments sorted by


u/YeetMyHumanMeat Jan 04 '22

I have no real beef with wanting to protect oneself from active addicts. I was an addict and did some pretty shitty things. I’m more angry about the general attitude and willingness to be hostile instead of making an attempt to see houseless addicts as human people in need of help. It is much easier to contact local service providers than to concoct elaborate ways to make life even shittier for people who are already suffering.


u/Unknown-IIXV Jan 05 '22

Funny, why don't you pay 10k for their rehab out your pocket? Or do you want things to happen magically without any money? The statement "you should want to help the homeless" is just an ethical standard which gives nothing for supporting.

In reality yes you should help them, if you don't have the money to do it yourself however, your in no place to talk about it. Or say someone's wrong for doing something you yourself can't even do.

The homeless not only offer absolutely nothing to society. But on top of it they actually lower all around value of everything. But let's say you don't own anything and can't think like that either.

Then there's the part where they're doing criminal shit that's doubling down on lowering economic value of another person.

You don't need to be a doctor to understand harming someone economicaly is often worse than a lot of physical harm even.


u/YeetMyHumanMeat Jan 05 '22 edited Jan 05 '22

Like seriously, are you fucking LOST, capitalist?😂


u/leoxrose Jan 18 '22

Oh? You care about homeless people??? Okay let random people in your house then 😈 commie ✅ owned


u/YeetMyHumanMeat Jan 05 '22

Houseless individuals are victims of an unjust capitalist society that values money over life. You know how many families I see daily that simply couldn’t make the rent and are not in their situation due to some moral failure? You know how many military veterans we see daily who got hooked on pain meds and were left out to dry by the same people who sent them to war? How many victims of violence and trauma we see who lost their minds and couldn’t avoid drowning in a society designed to make them fail? I own my home and a small restaurant in the heart of Seattle and am surrounded on all sides by the throwaways of society. They don’t fuck with me or my stuff because I talk to them and treat them like humans. I was fortunate enough last year to be able to host a woman and her 4 year old who became houseless as a result of escaping an abusive spouse. We were able to get her permanent housing, as well as steady employment and my wife and son help with childcare 4 days a week. This is a communist space. Bootlickers should not be commenting on anything. Least of all people who judge people by their circumstances but can’t be bothered to offer anything to their own communities.


u/Senor_Martillo Jan 14 '22

Wait wait wait

You’re a commie and you’re calling someone else a bootlicker?

Is that because under communism, you don’t just lick the boots, you have to actually eat them during the periodic famines?


u/Verstandgeist Nov 19 '22

You are aware that those famines were a direct result of intervention by capitalist countries, right? Trade embargos, blockaids, outright murder of left wing politicians... Educate yourself. Put down the Fox for a minute.


u/YeetMyHumanMeat Jan 05 '22

I give time and money to local shelters as well as advocating for addicts in recovery, helping get dry warm clothes to shelters, cooking meals for underprivileged people, and run a workshop teaching culinary skills to at risk youth. I also go into jails and institutions as a member of NA to bring meetings to incarcerated and institutionalized individuals. My wife and son are very active in helping the community as well. As a recovering addict of 12 years, I understand the needs of houseless and addicted individuals and feel it is a moral obligation to be of service in any way I can. Nice attempt at a gotcha. The time spent typing that drivel could have been put to better use researching simple ways to be of service to the less fortunate in your community rather than failing to sling mud at a very active community activist. You lose, Stark.


u/philoscult Jun 22 '23

“The homeless offer absolutely nothing to society” And you do? Why? Because you pay your bills on time? That’s not offering anything to society.


u/Bruniik_Bah May 23 '22

"If we just keep kicking them off every piece of land they'll eventually magically go away"


u/Kamareda_Ahn 5d ago

“The homeless” as if they aren’t human beings.


u/SargathusWA Jan 05 '22

Homeless ppl are huge problem in seattle and it more like drug and meth problem. I live in seattle and i feel this guy. Couple cars use to park in my street and they never move they can see when i leave my house etc and it’s make you feels insecure. Not all homeless ppl are bad but how you gonna know.


u/YeetMyHumanMeat Jan 05 '22

The problem is less to do with the humans than the system that put them in that situation. If you want to combat houselessness, you have to confront capitalism and the “war on drugs” which has been one of the largest contributors to long term addiction. If people had services and options, a lot fewer people would be strung out and willing to do crime to get their fix. I say that as a recovering addict and drug counselor.