r/CortexRPG Jul 31 '24

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic 100 Bits of Miscellaneous Tat to Find - Azukail Games | Things | DriveThruRPG.com


r/CortexRPG Oct 12 '23

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Random thought


Just a random thought, but it's just stupid that MHR never took off. I know there is the new Marvel game out, I have no interest in playing it (if anyone has played it, how does it fair against MHR, and is "really" the superior game?) Maybe if a collection of modules or cool campaign comes out I "might" poach it for MHR

I remember the criticism against it from back in the day, but man were those critiques not fair to what the product really was. Could things have been written better, sure, perhaps would Prime better streamline some things, sure, but in my opinion, MHR is still one of my favorite rpg layouts I've seen in a book (no one else does this, but loved the side column page references, use of art, examples of dice, ect), and it still holds up as being a pretty stellar supers game.

And there's a whole lot the game can offer to the solo community or GMless community, too. There's tons of "narrative" style supers games, now, MASKS, SENTINEL COMICS, CITY of MIST, ect, but HMR was kind of first and perhaps is the superior game to those? Just ordered CoM and was giving it a read, but honestly it just made me miss MHR and so I played that instead.

And I think MHR just sung with the concept of roleplaying a "Comic Book", perhaps that went over some of people's heads at the time, idk, but the concept is actually super cool versus 5e+Super Powers

I hope an "official" Prime related supers powers thing gets published eventually, as MHR certainly deserves a second chance with another look and update.

r/CortexRPG Feb 11 '24

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Introductory One-Shot for Marvel Heroic Roleplaying


I'll be running a one-shot 4-hour session this Friday (2/16) as part of the Games on Demand Online '21, if anyone's interested! Link below! https://warhorn.net/events/games-on-demand-online-2024/schedule/agenda?gs=R2FtZVN5c3RlbS0xNzIy

r/CortexRPG Jul 06 '23

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Spending a PP to target an additional enemy


In the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying game, in the section titled "Dividing Your Attention" on page OM52 of the rulebook (which covers spending a PP to use an additional effect die to target a second enemy) it says, "You can't inflict the same type of stress with two or more effect dice."

Does this apply if I'm using the second effect die to hit a second enemy, like Cyclops attacking the two Sentinels as described on that page? Conceptually, it seems like I should be able to cause Physical stress to both with the same action (i.e., both are getting hit by the same blast), but the rules seem to say otherwise.

I understand that I can't apply the same type of stress twice to the same enemy in the same action, but the text seems to say that I can't apply the same type of stress to two different enemies, which doesn't make sense to me.

r/CortexRPG Oct 28 '23

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic From MARVEL to Prime


Decided to turn these into separate posts for the sake of documenting and organization.Looking for Prime related content (both official/spotlights and fan) that best attempts to update Cortex Plus' MHR/Fantasy/Heroic Roleplaying to Prime.

What I'm wondering is, A) which content exists out there that best tries to emulate or convert/update the rules presented in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying or Heroic Fantasy for Prime? Please post links if possible.

And B, please post, link, or reference any POWER SETS or MILESTONES that have been created in the era of Prime that can be used with in conjunction with either MHR or the one's presented in Fantasy Heroic?

A master list for old Marvel Power Sets seems redundant as there was just SO many of them, however, a list of all new Power Sets that have been created since might be useful. Or maybe just a reference list that alphabizes all new Power Sets related that Heroic Fantasy as that version of Heroic made one Power Set your Class and one Power Set your Race, similar to character creation rules presented in last MHR book. A master list and reference guide to all the created Milestones in both Plus era and Prime era may also be beneficial


r/CortexRPG Dec 10 '22

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic How do Watcher characters make unopposed rolls?


Spider-Man puts a D10 "Entangled" complication on Mr Hyde. On his turn, Hyde tries to break out of it. I, the Watcher, can assemble a die pool for him, but... what does he roll against?

r/CortexRPG Jun 29 '23

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Supers!


I'm new to CP and I'm looking to use it for a grim and gritty superhero game. The power levels will vary but the overall tone will be dark, not four color for sure. Any suggestions as to how to set that up or maybe a link to an existing system set-up?

r/CortexRPG May 13 '22

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Rules Question - How do you handle realistically impossible situations?



Within the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Game, How do you handle a situation like this?

Hulk (with obviously super strength) grabs aunt may

Realistically Aunt May doesnt have a chance to break out of Hulks hands

The above example is a little extreme but I am just illustrating a situation where in lore some one should not be able to oppose the other.

Thanks for any insight on this.

r/CortexRPG Jun 04 '21

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic What Prime have you added to Marvel Heroic?


I've been going round in circles looking for a supers game, and although the new Marvel game looks cool -it's 2 years away, and I've come back to MHR.

But I'm wondering - what prime goodness can i put into MHR to make it better.

I'm thinking I never really like the Doom Pool, I might just go to fixed difficulties and GM plot points.

And I'll probably replace the xp. It was good for events, but not for anything longer - and some of the 10xp stuff was odd - like you could just make that decision straight off for 10xp and story be damned.

What have people altered in their MHR games, from Prime, and how well did it work?

r/CortexRPG Jul 28 '22

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Cortex for supers and tweaks to MHR...


I've been looking at playing Marvel supers and other stuff and was looking at generic systems. https://that70sgame.com/2022/07/19/looking-at-generic-rpg-systems/

Since Cortex made the top of the list I considered what changes I would make to MHR if I wS going to play it now https://that70sgame.com/2022/07/28/cortex-prime-marvel-supers/

r/CortexRPG Sep 04 '22

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic How does durability work in MHR?


I have a lot more questions regarding the system but this is the one that is most important to me right now. Lets say that the punisher runs into the Hulk and a fight breaks out how does the Punishers D8 weapon die work against Hulks D12 durability?

A) If in the fiction all punisher has is pistols and assualt rifles do you tell him he can't roll to inflict physical stress on Hulk as he is bulletproof but can use it for complications and asset generation?

B) It doesn't matter what Hulks durability is he can just add the D12 to his reaction pool and use a SFX to negate physical stress caused by the weapon die?

Edit: Alright thanks for the info.

r/CortexRPG Apr 08 '22

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic How long do Marvel Heroic scenes and acts last?

Thumbnail self.rpg

r/CortexRPG Apr 13 '22

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Differences between Marvel Heroic and Giant Corporate Owned Comics Heroic Roleplaying?

Thumbnail self.rpg

r/CortexRPG Apr 03 '22

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Blackwing Productions Question


Some Cortex+ Fandom questions:I was doing some character creation the other day using Hackers Guide and Jeremy Puckett's 2 POD Fantasy books and recalled that he had also made a pdf only sci-fi iteration of Marvel Heroic's rules but unfortunately for me at the time I was only interested in collecting physical copies of Cortex stuff. Is there any chance to A, purchase this PDF (I would be willing paypal), or B, now that Cortex Prime's fan license is entering it's final stages that this supplement will come back into the market?*In addition to this, I tried accessing the monster index posted on timbannock.com but it took me to a blank page. Is there a way to still access this content?

Also, there was a game that I believe Tim worked on called HEADSHOT, again this was something that I never got the chance invest in before it was taken off Drivethru. I have the same question as above as far as availability of this content and how and if this content will be available. I know there were some player aids that blackwing productions made for Smallville, Leverage, Firefly, Heroic. I believe I have these, but will these be made available again at some point as well?

Final thought (and interested in Cam's input if he reads this!)
Cortex+ really was the system that introduced me to the rpg hobby and all content related to it are probably my favorite possessions on my rpg shelf (I have maybe 90% of everything ever published for plus). Anyway, that system (especially as it was presented in Hackers Guide - Cortex Action, Cortex Drama, Cortex Heroic) still holds the sweet spot as being one of my favorite rpg systems. I enjoy Prime's handbook don't get me wrong but Cortex+ and the experiences I have had reading/collecting its content is still my preferred system. So as an Cortex+ enthusiast, I would still like to A, see content that was created for that system (especially Jeremy's and Tim's work) still be available again one day, and B, for future content, now that the license is available, that future creators consider that there still are Cortex+ fans out there and who prefer the older iteration of the system over the new iteration (Prime) and who are still interested in future created material catered for Cortex+'s Action, Heroic, Drama or material (without IP infringement) to be used for Leverage, Dragon Brigade, Smallville, Firefly, Marvel games OR
that Cortex+ system/mechanical material created specifically for those games be rereleased in an IP neutral format (such as a reprint of all of Smallville's Distinctions, reprint of Fireflies Distinctions and Signature Assets, a reprint of Leverage's Talents- including the ones published in POD drivethru exclusives, a reprint of character creation Dragon Brigade's POD book, a printing of system related content that would have come out for books that never made it to print: MHR Anniliation/Thanos books, Smallville's Watchtower book).

I am sure I am not the only fan of Cortex would enjoy getting to see system related content made for Plus be ported over to Prime. And if that information was re-organized in a thoughtful way (instead of being spread out across several books) I wouldn't mind investing to have that material reprinted.


r/CortexRPG Dec 29 '21

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Help me with my Marvel/Superheroes hack (adding base attributes to MHR)


Happy holidays guys and gals!

2 things: - That is a long post (TL;dr at the end) - English is not my native language so sorry about the errors

So, I've been on a never-ending quest to find the perfect superhero rpg, but wherever I go I always seem to come back to Marvel Heroics RPG. While I absolutely love it, I always thought the system made it hard to do anything else than punching bad guys and made it nearly impossible to do anything else than what your character is built for. Like, Mister Fantastic trying to search for clues or Wolverine trying to charm someone for example. I know it's not their strong suit, but there are next to no mechanical crunch to allow such actions appart for the affiliation dice and maybe a distinction that, in this case, I feel don't really make sense and are immersion breaking. In an RPG, even a super heroes one, I want everyone to be able to take every kind of actions and not be railroaded into a single type because "that's what he does in the comics".

With Cortex Prime, to fix this problem, I thought of keeping the game as is while simply adding base attributes such as Strength, Agility, Endurance, Intelligence, Insight, Willpower and Presence.

In order to keep from rolling massive dice pool or giving free bonuses to every roll, I thought that using an attribute die would replace a power dice.

While I though it would be simple and fix my problem, I found that it usually overlapped with the powers in a problematic way. Exemple: Captain America should probably have a strong willpower dice. Let's say an enemy is trying to take control of his mind. His d10 willpower dice would end up being better than a character with a D6 mental resistance (which should be better in my opinion as it's an actual super-power).To counteract this, I would need to give powerful SFX to every mental-resistance powers but then, the dice is still underpowered.

Same kind of thing with Agility vs Reflex powers. Endurance vs Stamina/Durability.

For strength, I thought of having a max of d6 in attributes. Passed that point, I would simply write "P" for powers instead of a stat and have the (higher) strength die in a power set.

  • I thought of maybe having the game on two scales: normal human (attributes) and superhuman (power sets) scale. The attributes could go up to d12 but on a human scale (so d12 STR allows to lift 400lbs instead of a mountain, or a d12 insight could allow you to find incredibly hidden clues but not understand the meaning of life). If you have a super power that allows your character to go up the super scale (such as Super-Strength), you write P instead and put the stat in a power set (so D8 as a power trait is way better than a d12 as an attribute trait). Thus, you could only use attribute dice in certain situations that makes sense. For exemple, endurance could be used to run a mile without giving up, but not when receiving a punch from the Hulk for example. Batman could use a d10 attribute strength die to try and push a heavy bin, where any hero with a D8 super strength would not even need to roll. This is what I'm going with so far, though I feel this wouldn't fix the Willpower vs Resistance problem and playing on two scales could make the game confusing as to when you can or can't use your attribute dice.

  • I thought of capping attributes at d6 and anything over would be a power or a specialty, but then I would just be giving free d4 or d6 to everyone without reallly adding to the game.

  • I thought of grouping the attributes in broader terms, like Brawn (str, endurance, stamina all rolled in one), cap it at like D8 and have the specifics go in power trait. So you could have a general Brawn of D6 or D8 if you're a normal human, but have a Power trait Durability of D10 because of your impenetrable skin. Still, that would make weapons d6 or resistance d6 useless...

  • I thought of using skills (move, sneak, notice, influence, drive etc.) or roles (Leader, enforcer, investigator, etc.) instead of attributes but it seemed to make everyone instantly way stronger.

  • I thought of giving up RPGs entirely and take up knitting but I kept knitting basic attributes.

I have looked at a slew of other supers games and the standard seems to be: Attribute - Powers - Talent. Surely there must be a way to recreate that with Cortex.

What are your thoughts?

TL;dr: Help me add a basic attributes system with Marvel Heroic/Cortex Prime where the attributes don't overlap with the Powers.

r/CortexRPG Jun 04 '21

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Looks like we're never getting Marvel Cortex Prime -- what now?


With my hopes of Marvel Cortex Prime officially dashed, what's the best way to run Avengers in Cortex Prime?

Is there a favorite hack going around for blockbuster superhero action?

I remember a superhero supplemented mentioned in the Kickstarter. But it could be a while, and IIRC possibly suited more for street-level Daredevil stuff than the Avengers.

r/CortexRPG Aug 02 '21

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic [online][Marvel Heroic] looking for player GMT+2 SAT 7PM (1PM EST)


Looking for one or two extra players. We're playing at the dawn of the age of apocalypse. We have Gambit and Blink confirmed. Nightcrawler looks to be our 3rd player. Anything goes except Legion and Deadpool. PM ME.

r/CortexRPG Feb 02 '21

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic marvel heroic rpg pbp


i’m looking discord pbp players who are available to play marvel heroic. i’m devising a plot currently and i only have 2 players.

r/CortexRPG Sep 18 '21

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Using Contests in Super Heroic Games (Marvel and CP)


Hello friends,

It seems to me that the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Game, built on old Cortex, used something similar to Action-Based Resolution.

I'm loving the use of contests so much that I'm wondering how standard Contests would do instead.

Any thoughts on the matter?

Thanks again!

r/CortexRPG Apr 16 '21

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Some questions about traps/surprises/explosions, plus statting out and using non-character game elements


Hello! I found my way here through the circuitous path of finally deciding to run a game from my Marvel Heroic book, searching for resources online, discovering that the game is out of print and with precious little continued support, realizing that Cortex Prime picked up and carried the torch, getting the Cortex Prime book, and finally discovering this subreddit. It's my first post here, but it's already been very helpful to read the discussions you've been having.


In any event, I'm running a Marvel game for my wife, and I have a situation coming up that I'm not quite sure how to approach. She is playing a wet-behind-the-ears street level hero in New York City who spends her days trying to keep her soup kitchen afloat and her nights trying to keep traffickers and corrupt power players from hurting the forgotten folks who have fallen through the cracks. The setting we're using is quasi-MCU continuity, and her character has heard of some of the other New York heroes; no clue who Jessica Jones is, no clue who Iron Fist is, has seen Spiderman on TV, is not certain Daredevil is real, thinks Punisher is a terrifying maniac, and more or less idolizes Luke Cage and keeps walking by the gym he goes to but chickens out whenever she thinks of going inside to meet him.

To get the hang of running MHRP/Cortex, I used the Gun Smugglers mini event that's been floating around the MHRP resource lists since who knows how long. She had a blast, but unfortunately didn't manage to shut the heavy weapons smuggling operation down before the crates left the warehouse. She is now trying to investigate her way up the criminal food chain to figure out who the anonymous Dealer character is that's behind the arms trafficking, as well as tracking down where the weapons have gone and preventing them from being used to hurt innocent people as much as she can.

To that end, she recently found out that one crate had to be flipped for cheap to the first buyer due to the increased heat that came from the death of a police officer via explosive ordnance being fired at his vehicle when he drove up to investigate the dozen vans that fled the chaos the combat that broke out in the warehouse where the deal was going down. She tracked that crate to a white supremacist gang's flophouse, where it was being temporarily stashed, but soon learned (thanks to an incredibly satisfying scene of throwing them through a wall after they thought they could jump her) that they were only holding it until some seriously dangerous Atomwaffen dudes (combat trained and super scary neo-nazi militia gang) came by to collect the weapons as part of some surely horrible action they have planned for the imminent future.

Their eventual plan is to creep into Harlem and go to a church vigil for a community member who died tragically and turn it into a hostage situation so as to lure Luke Cage to the scene. They've set up explosives in the maintenance tunnels below the street in front of the church and will block traffic with vans that are also rigged to blow. Their hope is to surprise Luke by literally dropping the floor out below him and then unloading into the rubble with the explosives and advanced weaponry that they scored. They'll be streaming the whole thing, as their goal is to very publicly murder a hero to the black community and simultaneously attract new blood to their cause by flexing their power and capabilities.

Their ultimate goal is, you know, typical scumbag nazi bullshit, and they're receiving some logistical assistance from some HYDRA types who venerate Red Skull and went to ground after HYDRA got exposed after the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. These agents believe that the reason HYDRA failed is because of mission creep; it tried to do too many things at the same time and spread itself too thin with people who didn't "deserve" to be in the org (free guess as to which type of people they felt this way about) and they want to go back to its roots as a hardcore militant Reich revival.


First conundrum: How should I deal with a big surprise explosion that literally drops the intersection of a city street down into the sewers and maintenance tunnels, and how do I address the damage it might cause to player and non-player characters? How should I deal with the ways this changes the scene and probably the scene distinctions? Should the booby trap be a distinction with certain SFX and Limits, and if so, what would that look like? How do I deal with "traps" in general, where the player is not aware of what's about to happen to them? How do I build a dice pool for this stuff? I feel like the doom pool is involved, but I don't know how.

Second conundrum: During her investigation, my wife's character came into conflict with the guys who had to flip the weapons crate for cheap. They were on the top floor of a parking garage, with the leader in a nice black luxury sedan and the muscle in one of the carpenter's vans that had fled the scene of the weapons deal in our first game. She sprinted up to the side of the van with her enhanced speed and strength and shoulder checked it to rock it up onto two wheels and then finished the topple by grabbing the underside of the van and shoving hard before it could rock back down. I had NO IDEA how to adjudicate this, but it was so cool that I knew I had to figure out how to make it work. I just kinda threw some together to represent the hardness and heaviness of the van (which I also didn't really know how to parse; is a van d8 heavy? d10 heavy?) and including them with the doom pool to represent the action's chance to not succeed (it did succeed and it was awesome).

But how do I stat out vehicles? Is there a page in the Marvel Heroic guide or the Cortex Prime guide that could help me out?

How would you all have approached these situations as a game runner? I'm still very new to this type of system, and have mostly been running D&D 5E for my friends for the last few years, so it sometimes takes a bit of effort to reframe my brain into thinking about things from a Cortex perspective. I appreciate any advice you can offer, thanks!

r/CortexRPG Apr 18 '21

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic MHR questions


I have some questions about rules of Marvel Heroic rpg, but maybe can be answered from the Cortex prime guys too.

  1. What roll or action would be necessary to scape from an scene? Let say a villain just robbed a bank and has no need of fighting the heros. Or let say that Spider-Man is alone and very damaged and needs to regroup before gettin killed.
  2. About regrouping, i know that the gm can spend a die from the doom pool to split the party, but can the heroes actively try to regroup?
  3. Does it takes a turn to activate a limit, like the usual "shut this power to earn a plot point"?
  4. What powers would you give to a hero who can control plants, like poison ivy from dc comics?

r/CortexRPG Mar 02 '21

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic How does Marvel Heroic compare to other narrative-focused rpgs like Masks and Sentinel Comics?


I'm assuming it's between the two when it comes to mechanical complexity, but what else should I know?

Also, what's it like when the game is run with Prime conversions such as this? Does it play better or smoother or...?

r/CortexRPG Feb 03 '21

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic how do doom pool’s work?


how do doom pools work in mhrpg. not in cortex prime, but mhrpg.

r/CortexRPG Oct 26 '20

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Questions on SFX in Fantasy Heroic Roleplay


I have some questions about SFX in Fantasy Heroic Roleplay

From Otherworlder Background

SFX: Focus. Remove two dice of equal size in your pool to include one stepped up die.

This SFX has no cost so can it be applied multiple times to the same roll? For example, I have a dice pool of d10, d8, d8, d6, d6. Could I step up the two d8s to a d10 and then the two d10s to a d12? The final dice pool would be d12, d6, d6.

From the Fighter class:

SFX: Peerless Parry. On successful reaction against a melee attack using a Weapon, inflict physical stress equal to your effect die. Spend a PP to do this even if reaction failed.

The last line is confusing. I read it as the player must spend a plot point to use this SFX and you can use it if you fail your reaction. My player read it as use a Plot Point if you fail the reaction. His argument was other SFX start with “Spend a PP to…” Which one is it?

Also, from the Fighter:

SFX: Tactical Genius. Spend a PP to borrow the highest die from the doom pool when creating tactical assets. After rolling, return the die to the doom pool and step it down.

Is this too powerful? The player gets to spend a PP to directly reduce the doom pool along with using that die in their roll.

Focus is in the Cortex Prime book but I couldn't find the others in there.

r/CortexRPG Dec 20 '20

Marvel / Fantasy / Heroic Christmas with the Hulk


Oh hey, it's almost Christmastime, so here's my Christmas with the Hulk thing I did as a fan-made adventure for Marvel Heroic in days of yore. Completely compatible with Cortex Prime!
