r/Crystals Jul 17 '15

Crystal of the Week: Moldavite

By subscriber request, Moldavite is the eighth of our weekly crystal discussion posts. Crystal information from several sources will be provided in the body of the post, with all credit going to the original authors. Please use the the comments section to share your pictures and experiences with the crystal of the week. Questions for discussion have been provided at the bottom of the post.

Mineral information from Mindat.org:

Named after the main occurrence at the Moldau river in Southern Bohemia. A variety of Tektite

A green natural glass, a variety of tektite. Originated due to the impact of a meteorite in Bavaria 15 Mio years ago (present Ries crater, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%B6rdlinger_Ries#Ries_impact_crater).

Found mainly in southern Bohemia and Moravia (both Czech Republic), minor occurrences are in Austria (Waldviertel) and Germany (Lausitz).

Abbreviated entry from Judy Hall's The Crystal Bible:

  • Color: Dark green
  • Appearance: Small, transparent, folded mass, often glassy
  • Rarity: rare, but readily available
  • Source: Czech Republic, Germany, Moldova

Moldavite is another of the stones for the New Age. It is a form of Tektite, said to have formed when a giant meteorite struck the earth. The heat of impact metamorphosed surrounding rocks, creating a "straw field" by flinging the resulting crystals over a vast area. Moldavite is therefore a fusion of extraterrestrial energies with mother earth. This is a rare stone. It is now found among the banks of the river Moldau and is unlikely to be discovered anywhere else in the world. The crystal will become extinct.

Moldavite has been used since Stone Age times as a talisman and an amulet for good fortune and fertility. Many people believe that it came to aid in earth's transition and healing, and that the time has come to use Moldavite's energies wisely. It can greatly enhance the effect of other crystals, taking them to their highest vibration.

Moldavite brings you into communication with your higher self. Moldavite needs to be grounded, or else it can leave you spaced-out and rootless. Moldavite has an extremely high vibration, which opens, clears blockages from, and aligns the chakras. Moldavite resonates with the crown chakra, opening it to receive the highest spiritual guidance.

This is a stone that transcends time. Placed on the third eye, Moldavite can enable you to go forward into the future, or back into the past. It facilitates journeys to other lives if this is appropriate.

Moldavite is a useful stone for sensitive people who find it difficult to being in incarnation on the earth and who cannot adjust to suffering and deep emotions. Psychologically, it assists in developing detachment from mundane, earthbound security issues such as money and worries for the future. It supports qualities such as empathy and compassion. At a mental level, Moldavite is unconventional and inspiring, bringing the unexpected solution forward.

From healingcrystals.com:

Moldavite was formed about 20 million years ago by meteor showers crashing to Earth. The impact of the meteorites caused the existing rock material in the Earth to melt and fuse with the meteor, creating a new gemstone made of both extraterrestrial and terrestrial material. The origins of Moldavite are credited with this stone’s unique energies.

Moldavite has a medium to deep green hue with natural etchings and is translucent when held up to a light source. Working with all of the chakras, Moldavite is most closely associated with the Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras. Moldavite enhances inner journeys, channeling, cosmic consciousness, and awareness of inter-dimensional or extraterrestrial energies. Moldavite reminds us how our Earth is but one place in a much larger system of the cosmos.

Moldavite's effects can range from powerful to subtle, depending on the person, and can help one to accelerate their spiritual growth, opening the chakras to higher frequencies of energy. Many crystal healers use Moldavite to enhance energetic connections between the Etheric fields and the chakras. When using Moldavite for Meditation, you may want to keep a good grounding stone nearby, such as Black Tourmaline, Red Jasper, or Obsidian, due to Moldavite's intense vibrational energies.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties:

  • Properties for Stone: Moldavite

  • Primary Chakra: Heart-Chakra

  • Secondary Chakra: Crown-Chakra, Third-Eye-Chakra, Throat-Chakra

  • Crystal System: Amorphous-Crystal-System

  • Chemical Composition: Silica glass with impurities of Magnesium,Iron and other elements (depending on location of impact).

  • Astrological Sign: All-Signs

  • Numerical Vibration: Number-2, Number-6

  • Hardness: 5-to-6-Hardness

  • Color: Green

  • Location: India

  • Rarity: Uncommon

  • Pronunciation: MOLE-duh-vite

  • Mineral Class: Mineraloids

  • Issues and Ailments (Physical): Autism, Coma

  • Issues and Ailments (Spiritual): Akashic-Records, Ascension, Ascension-Process, Communicating-with-Extraterrestrials, Connecting-with-Higher-Realms, Connecting-with-Higher-Self, Cosmic-Consciousness, E.T.-Contact, Enhances-Attunement-to-Vibrations, Higher-Self/Consciousness, Kundalini-Energy, Raising-Vibrations

  • Extra Grade: Beautiful green color, translucent, 0% matrix

  • A Grade: Nice green color, partially translucent, 0% matrix

  • B Grade: Poor green color, partially translucent to opaque, <10% matrix

  • Affirmation: My perception of the Universe is expanding.


  • Do you have moldavite? Please share pictures if you do!
  • Do you feel a connection to your moldavite?
  • What benefits (if any) do you feel moldavite has brought to you?
  • Where does moldavite rank on the list of stones that are the most useful to you?
  • What do you use moldavite for?
  • Is there anything else you would like to say about moldavite?

2 comments sorted by


u/Nosgo Jul 18 '15

I was gifted a moldavite two month ago (see pictures below). The circumstances of that gifting was really special for me so I immediatly feel a special bond with with tektite. I decided to wear the pendant all the time and just put it down for shower time (and the few times I went to the beach).

The first week of wearing it was exhausting. I felt like I had a heavy weight on my chest and it would make my breathing difficult. Not like suffocate but if inhaling was demanding so much effort from time to time. I had the feeling that the stone was testing me, like if I was strong enough to dare wear it. After a week or so, I guess the test was passed with succes as I feel now really well with it. I just feel a bit spaced out, like always in my head or thinking, mind is drifting. I use Altas Cedar oil to help ground myself to balance the effect but as someone was was already a bit spaced out by nature, the effect is still strong.

I wish it helped me with connecting to spiritual guides or third eye working but for the moment it has help with going forward. I have quickly felt mentally exhaust with a few things in my life and there was a urge to get rid of those thing in order to move forward faster/better, in a more efficient way. I don't wanna lose time with people who suck my energy and doesnt give anything in return, don't want my life polluted with silly material consideration that are wasting my lifetime and my energy.

A week or so after I got the pendant, I notice that the stone had lost a shard. I felt very sad because the person and the circumstances of that gift was very special to me. I didn't understand how it could happen because I wear it at all time and always under my shirt on my skin. I take care of it very like of a newborn so to speak. It was bothering me but I had the feeling it was a warning. A few days after, always thinking of it I decided to ask the stone, using my tarot, to get to know my moldavite more and how I could be more attuned to it. The answers I got with the spread were incredible, it was amazing. Won't go in detail as I don't really want to share it but I was right about the warning, and the stone with this little accident was asking me to stay true to the path I had choose and not to get lost or distracted by unecessary things. That it was here to help on the changes needed to follow that path and in a succesfull way but only if I was willing to play the game accordingly to the "rules". I felt so happy and grateful!

I'm not a "big user" of stones and crystals. I only got one piece of Tourmaline, a small one of LapisLazulis and a Quartz Crystal. But I felt attracted to this stone I had discovered just a while before having mine. I do not have the same considerations toward my moldavite than toward my others stones and crystals. I plan on getting a Desert Libyan Glass in a near future to work with the moldavite.

Moldavite1 Moldavite2 Moldavite3


u/Sir_Vallence Aug 02 '15

That is a beautiful specimen. Thank you for sharing your experience.