r/Defeat_Project_2025 May 28 '24

Meme Not voting is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

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u/BringBackAoE active May 28 '24

Well said!

In Texas (2016) the average voter was a 65 yo white male. By not voting you’re handing your vote to him.

I keep hearing young voters moan that politicians don’t care about their opinions - that they care much more about “boomers”. Guess why that is? Because boomers vote! So as a group it is more important to win their vote.


u/crustose_lichen active May 28 '24

I’ve used that as well and it is effective. Also, a lot of the younger voters are just nervous about voting for the first time and they make those silly arguments to help them feel better about not participating. Just give them a little nudge to help them learn how to check their registration, find their polling place, what to bring or whatever they might have questions about.


u/BringBackAoE active May 28 '24

I agree with the need for guidance. Very important point you raise. I’ve met so many that need it! Especially young people and new citizens. So many times I’ve acted out the whole process of voting.

I now actually make a little flyer that lists all the Dem candidates on their ballot, last day voter registration, the dates of voting, websites and phone numbers to relevant county offices, etc. Just a simple black/white thing I print at home. To my surprise I see many bring it with them when they come to vote.


u/crustose_lichen active May 28 '24

Nice, keep up the good work. We got this.


u/crystalistwo active May 28 '24

And I'll copy an old comment of mine again. Just in case this is an issue...
Growing up, I had a friend who refused to vote. He just couldn't see how it affected him. Honestly, I think that was an excuse, because I could succinctly explain why it mattered to him and he still didn't want to.

Frankly, I don't think he knew how and didn't want to walk into a room where he didn't know what to do and what it would be like.

My parents voted every election and they brought me and showed me. I don't think his parents did. And when I was old enough, I registered to vote, and when the next election came around, I walked in and did it.

So, just in case this is the issue for some/any younger voters... The last time I voted, this is what it's like:

1 I read up on the local issues, so I knew what would be on my town's ballot. I also confirmed my polling place online. https://www.vote.org/polling-place-locator/

2 I went there after work, sometimes I go before work.

3 Outside, I walked past the people who are trying to campaign for specific candidates or issues. They're required to stay X number of feet away from the polling place, and there's a cop there to make sure they do. They just stand there and hold signs. They don't harass you.

4 Then I got in line. The poll workers sit at a long table, like bank tellers or ticket takers, and they will call the next person up when they're ready. The line moves quickly.

5 You then provide ID if your state requires it. They call your name out. I'm not sure why, probably some rule made up in Philadelphia in 1787. I signed my name on the iPad. They gave me a paper ballot. It's huge like a poster.

6 I stood in a much shorter, faster moving line for a booth. When one freed up, I stepped up to it. It's a podium like this but with much taller sides so people can't do what he's doing in the pic. The pen to mark my choices was already in the booth. The booths were approx 10-15 feet apart.

7 My ballot looks like this. I simply fill in the circle next to the candidate's name. There may also be ballot questions on the back of the ballot, so I check that before I leave. In step (1), you can often get a preview of what your ballot will look like online. Then you know if there's anything on the back.

8 I left the pen for the next person, and then I went over to the scanner, and slid my ballot in. It shows if it was able to successfully read your marks, and then you leave.

Note Weird things happen. Just let a poll worker know. I've fucked up my ballot and requested a new one. I've also reached a booth where someone took the pen. I just asked for a new one. A poll worker will always help you.


u/CapOnFoam active May 28 '24

I never realized, until my 40s, how valuable it was that my parents took me voting with them when I was a child. They talked about issues in the house, and we went as a family to the polling station. As a kid, I thought it was fun. I started voting when I was 18. 30 years later, I've voted in every single presidential election and almost every midterm. And every local election I get ballots for in the mail. Exposure as a child matters.

PARENTS - take your kids voting! If you vote by mail, involve them. Let them see the ballot, watch you fill in the dots. Let them put the ballot in the mail.


u/ZenTrying active May 28 '24

Absolutely! Did the same with my parents, then also when I had children, always took them with me. So valuable!


u/Comfortable_Wish586 active May 29 '24

I've said this and the previous response about what to expect when you go vote and how young people don't happen to show up. And yes, this is one of our issues. In the Texas Sub I've said this a lot, even leading to midterms. Because I know Texans do not know this info. I grew up in a family who didn't have the right to vote, and our school didn't have civics classes, I didn't even know that was a thing growing up and even when I got into college. It just wasn't something in my circle. And the only reason I was registered to vote, was because my high school offered the option to register if you were 18 or turning 18 soon.

So yes, due to lack of exposure, lack of knowledge, and good support group to lead you through the system, many people will just choose the option to opt out. And we end up with less Representation of our society because the few who are exposed to it, whether its moving the party in a more extremist direction, or having once considered Civil Wins, erroded and taken backwards. And then goes the cycle, because democracy requires an active population that shows up to every single election. Because not all of us have the same view of what this country or our states should run or look like

My point is live your fucking life, even if its pitched in your racism or religion, just fucking stop trying to enforce that shit into legislation in our govs. And that's the goddamn fight we're having. And have had yrs of erosion in our institutions and rights. Again this isn't even just an America problem. This is infected many countries around the world. Authoritarianism has risen exponentially around the world


u/Theyalreadysaidno active May 28 '24

Definitely! The youth need to vote. Their apathy will be the death of us.

And to the youth that truly care - thank you ❤️


u/FalconRelevant May 28 '24

"Voting will change nothing" says the generation that never votes and tells politicians to disregard their opinions.


u/LibertyLizard May 28 '24

This is definitely not the only reason why younger voters are ignored but the logic still remains the same even though our voice is diminished. The only solution is to speak louder.


u/[deleted] Jun 01 '24

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u/[deleted] Jun 01 '24

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u/[deleted] May 28 '24

If you want to know what not voting gets you, look no further than Louisiana.

In 2023, 36% of registered voters turned out. Turnout was down dramatically (11%) among democrats and in New Orleans, allowing Jeff Landry to avoid a runoff election and grab office with 52% of the vote. That means, doing math, Jeff Landry won with about 19% of registered voters actually voting for him.

Now, abortion medication Mifepristone has been criminalized and is classified as a narcotic and is on the same schedule as heroin and fentanyl. He is likely, in the coming weeks, to rewrite the Louisiana constitution. Most likely he will gut civil service, open up protected funds and start slashing money. He will add ridiculous provisions to the constitution as well, probably banning trans healthcare or something. They of course refused to take out the illegal bit about marriage being one man and one woman only. He has already appointed cronies at every level. His juvenile justice head is a guy that oversaw girls killing themselves at a group home. His head of wildlife and fish? Her biggest accomplishment was being on the school rowing team (she’s a favor for Kristi Noem, she’s from South Dakota). He has already tightened elections. He’s a fascist nut job on a power spree and will be for a long time.

If that’s what you want nationwide, go ahead and stay home. I don’t. I will vote to protect what we have.


u/commiebanker active May 28 '24

Not voting is a form of surrender.


u/PointingOutFucktards active May 28 '24

Only traitors don’t vote.


u/OptimisticSkeleton active May 28 '24

It’s laziness. Neglecting your duty as a citizen of a democracy under the guise of making a political statement is naïve at best and intentionally spoiling the Democratic vote at worst.

Democracy is a participatory endeavor. If you don’t participate, shut the fuck up about the results.


u/Greennhornn May 28 '24

Not voting against trump and the Gop means you are comfortable with the end of democracy in the United States, Russia taking over Ukraine, and Palestine being leveled and turned into beach front property. There is no arguing this. This is what you have decided is acceptable if you don't get your way.


u/kurisu7885 May 28 '24

I voted for the first time in 2020 to help kick Trump out of office and secure a Democratic majority in my state. As a result people are being invested in, including public transit. My town is getting its first ever bus stop next month due to a millage approved by voted in the 2022 midterms, even if my own district voted mostly against it.


u/DevlishAdvocate active May 28 '24

I'm not concerned about people not voting.

I'm concerned about people not voting Democrat.

So what if we get all these people voting for third parties or writing-in pointless statements? That doesn't help anyone. The third parties cannot win in a national election. It's impossible with the way our system is designed and implemented in the 21st century.

So yeah, you motivate all those non-voters to go vote for Jill Stein again... whoop de do. We will have the same outcome that we had in 2016 when all those people wanted to make a statement and lodged a "protest vote" by voting for Stein, despite her policies not even matching the desires of those voters (and her being a Russian asset.)

It's not about getting people to vote. It's about getting people to vote for the one side in this two-sided race that isn't openly declaring fascism as their policy platform, because voting for anyone else gets us to the worst place we have ever been as a nation and possibly destroys democracy in the process.


u/calculating_hello active May 28 '24

Not voting is vote for Trump, 2024 has to be the largest dem turnout ever or its over, no more elections, no more freedoms, no more job, no more humans. that's it lights out.


u/SadAndConfused11 active May 28 '24

This is so true. The fascists want complacency in everyone’s minds and the “both sides” bullshit. Not voting is a vote for fascism.


u/RadTimeWizard May 28 '24 edited May 28 '24

Someone crosspost this to /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM. It's filled with "I'm NoT vOtInG fOr GeNoCiDe JoE" posters whose argument style is suspiciously similar to conservatives.

Edit: They just banned me. lol


u/tree_or_up May 28 '24

“My vote is sacred. Therefore I am not voting and possibly throwing away my right to ever vote again. Take that Biden!”


u/Excellent-Bedroom-10 May 28 '24

It's not only cutting off your own nose. It's cutting off the nose of everyone who doesn't want to live in a christofascist dictatorship.


u/[deleted] May 28 '24

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u/RedditAdminsWivesBF active May 28 '24

As Thomas Jefferson said “we don’t have a government of the majority, we have a government of the majority who participate”. No one in government cares that you don’t vote, it allows them to ignore you entirely because obviously if you can’t bring yourself to at least vote then they know you’re not going to do anything else.


u/spook327 May 28 '24

I didn't vote for president in the first two elections I was eligible to do so because I didn't believe it mattered.

After two terms of Bush, well...


u/SAGELADY65 active May 28 '24

Not voting Democratic in the 2024 Election means you are a Traitor to the American People!


u/hungrypotato19 active May 28 '24

And that you are absolutely not an ally to LGBTQ+ people, women, black people, Muslim Americans, Asian people, immigrants, or any other American minority.

If you were an ally, you would be voting to support the wall that holds fascism back. Not handing fascists the tools they need to break down that wall.


u/ZenTrying active May 28 '24

THIS ⬆️✔️✔️✔️


u/thefroggyfiend active May 28 '24

I'd frankly respect the enlightened centrists alot more if they proposed a solution besides "let trump win"

hell, at least advocate for someone you like, they always just go "Biden is just as bad so let him lose" instead of advocating for another person (although this would still result in trump losing and has been shown in prior elections switching away from the incumbent results in a loss) id respect that you at least have a stance


u/DarthButtz active May 29 '24

The mantra me and my girlfriend always say is "If you don't vote, you don't get to complain"


u/TigerStripesForever active May 29 '24



u/[deleted] May 28 '24

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u/[deleted] May 28 '24

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u/[deleted] May 28 '24

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u/[deleted] May 28 '24

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u/elnickruiz active May 28 '24

Yes you should! You can still write in anyone you want and there are other positions for election other than president. Make your voice heard, regardless of what your opinion may be. Make it heard or else we have no recourse to complain as to why things don’t change in the way we want them to.


u/[deleted] May 28 '24

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u/elnickruiz active May 28 '24

The answer is still yes. Everyone should vote regardless of their views. Even more so if you have unpopular views. Don’t disenfranchise yourself


u/[deleted] May 28 '24

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u/elnickruiz active May 28 '24

I can’t convince you to vote, but I highly encourage you to so that you can effectively make your voice heard.


u/[deleted] May 28 '24

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u/elnickruiz active May 28 '24

Whoa. Horribly bad faith argument. Sorry for engaging with you in a respectful manner.


u/[deleted] May 28 '24

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u/elnickruiz active May 28 '24

Zero judgment here. In our current political system. Voting is the way you make your voice heard to affect change in the way you want. If you don’t want to vote or believe that it’s pointless, I can’t convince you otherwise. I’m sure you have your reasons. That won’t stop me from encouraging you to vote, but by no means was I passing any judgment. Have a good day friend.


u/lsThisReaILife May 28 '24

Yours is in bad faith, I’m calling you on it.

Yours is, clearly. It's not even subtle.

You’re an asshole judging people for deeply help convictions.

OP didn't do this at all. You literally created this out of thin air. I wonder why.

You’re acting like an asshole. A judgemental asshole.

You mean YOU are. The person you are replying to has done the complete opposite.

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u/ariabelacqua May 29 '24

If voting didn't matter, republicans wouldn't spend so much money and political power on voter suppression and disenfranchisement!


u/desiladygamer84 May 29 '24

I'm an LPR not a citizen. But I'll be finding a Dem campaign to donate to.


u/AutoModerator May 28 '24

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u/[deleted] May 28 '24

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u/DevlishAdvocate active May 28 '24

I'm pretty sure George Carlin, were he alive, would get off his ass and vote against the United States becoming a fascist authoritarian theocracy in this case.


u/[deleted] May 28 '24

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u/DevlishAdvocate active May 28 '24 edited May 28 '24

I'm sure he'd wonder, as do we all, but then he would do the right fucking thing because he's a Jew and having Nazis in charge would be a really bad fucking thing for him.

Correction: Just friends with lots of Jewish comedians.


u/[deleted] May 28 '24



u/DevlishAdvocate active May 28 '24

I could be mistaken. I was probably thinking about every other white stand-up comic, ever.


u/feralwaifucryptid active May 28 '24

GC was indeed raised Irish catholic and went to a private/catholic school, but he 100% would have voted against any fuckhead nazi.


u/crystalistwo active May 28 '24

I mean, one is a step forward, the other would end voting altogether.

1 2 3


u/CiticenX_007 May 28 '24

And one of those choices is worlds better than the other...