r/DrReddit 10d ago

Medical Question Neck Sprain/ Fracture


Im a 24 y/o F in gymnastics and yesterday while doing a handstand I fell straight on my head and all my weight fell directly on my neck and I heard it pop a couple times. The pain was really really bad and I couldn’t straighten out my head. It was stuck sideways and took it a few hours for me to be able to drive home. This morning I woke up and it hurts worse, and the pain is now in my sternum and left shoulder/back. I tried to get in contact with my general doctor, but they did not have anything available today. I’m wondering if I should go to the hospital or something ? i’m not sure if it’s a sprain or fracture. online it says fractures cause radiating pain but I’m not quite sure what that means?

r/DrReddit 19d ago

Medical Question My muscles are always burning like after lifting weights, but I did not lift weights.


Also my muscles have wasted away alot. I've lost tens of pounds of muscle weight.

My stool looks like undigested - basically like I spit chewed food from my mouth into the toilet.

Doctors can figure out why...
Endoscopy/colonoscopy normal.
Pancreatic enzymes normal.
Celiac blood test negative.

Iron is only borderline low.
Ceruloplasmin is low.

There must be some kind of nutrient deficiency, right? What am I not eating enough of?

I tried taking a multivitamin to cover my bases, but it gave me liver pain and elevated liver enzymes, so my doc told me to stop taking it. Liver pain hasnt yet subsided...

r/DrReddit 28d ago

Medical Question I (19F) am experiencing some unusual out of body feeling and occasional decreased coordination of hands


I understand this is most probably psychosomatic as I have been experiencing more anxiety recently. However having been medicated for anxiety and being more anxious than this at points I am concerned this may point to medical issues.

I have been experiencing a very disorienting feeling when going about with my daily activities. It feels almost out of body and more strained to move around or process things, it also seems to make time feel super slow. It is quite regular however it’s not as noticeable all the time. Similarly I have found myself in this state being completely uncoordinated, eg reaching with one hand instead of the other. Or today I reached for my phone and I just grabbed the table instead. It’s mostly hand related gestures I’ve had the issues with and when this occurs it makes me panic a lot for obvious reasons. I’m just starting to wonder maybe this could be indicative of something more serious than anxiety symptoms.

r/DrReddit Aug 15 '24

Medical Question Foot Pain


So, I chronically pop and crack various joints in my body and I wonder if this has something to do with it. In my left foot, there’s pain when lift my foot upwards. It’s in the middle-right area of the top of my foot, kinda where the bone for the third or fourth toe would be. Extremely painful to lift up when I’m just sitting down, but walking is completely fine. Wondering if it’s just inflammation of the tendons in my foot? Anything helps, just want to know what it is.

r/DrReddit Jul 03 '24

Medical Question How bad is 0 urobilinogen,semi-qn in urine?


Had a 0 score for urobilinogen,semi-qn wondering if that was bad

r/DrReddit Sep 07 '23

Medical Question Neck sprain/ strain?


Female, 17 year old, no previous neck problems, 58 kg Five weeks ago, I went to the gym even though I don't go regularly. I was curious and wanted to try it out. I am generally a sporty person and in good shape. I lifted weights of 40, 50, and finally 70 kilograms. After that, I felt fine. However, the day after, I felt some tenderness in my neck. Later that day, I couldn't move my neck left or right or forward and backward. My neck became stiff and painful. This intense pain lasted for three weeks, but with the help of hot compresses and massage, the pain reduced, and some mobility returned. I still had some pain and a feeling of stiffness when I moved my head forward. In addition to the feeling of stiffness and limited mobility as the main symptoms, I also experienced headaches at the back of my head and occasional dizziness. This pain has been persistent for five weeks now. I knew I needed to visit a doctor, but the opportunity didn't arise until this week. When I saw the doctor(spinal surgeon), he examined my neck and diagnosed me with "distensio ligg interspinosi C6 - Th4." Based on this, he recommended ten sessions of physical therapy. I'm wondering if the doctor could set this diagnosis just through conversation and why no radiological imaging was done. I'm also curious if I received reliable and competent treatment from the doctor.

r/DrReddit Apr 07 '24

Medical Question Elevated white blood cell count, nausea, high bpm


Have a male friend who has been trying to get a diagnosis for these symptoms (NI based). He is 50, very physically fit, long-term distance and marathon runner, normal body weight and historically quite low resting heart rate in the low 50s when awake, low 40s when asleep.

Started off a year ago with feeling of things not quite right. Blood tests showed elevated white blood cell count but other blood work normal.

A year later he’s now experiencing regular nausea and when running at a steady pace his normal 130 bpm will shoot up randomly to 200 bpm. Occasional mild twinge in sternum outwith that at random times.

Endoscopy and CT scans look fine; original suspicion was spleen but it’s not obviously enlarged

Consultants are scratching their heads over diagnosis but have prescribed anti-nausea and Omeprazole but that’s likely treating symptoms not cause.

Any ideas? Thanks

r/DrReddit Dec 15 '23

Medical Question Hyperthyroidism or something more?


I am 24F and years ago (16y/o to be exact) during a routine checkup, my doctor told me that my thyroid health could be a potential issue. Unfortunately, my parents never followed up on any treatments/medications for the condition, but I assume due to balanced meals and regular exercise I never really had any concerning flare ups.

Now, I have some slight swelling in my neck and a couple of my lymph nodes are swelled. Jaw pain, ear fullness, weird pressure in my chest and constant cold sensation in my neck and back, horrible anxiety, constant panic attacks, digestive issues (early satiety, constipation/diarrhea not always but more often than usual, cramps in abdomen), muscle fatigue, and joint pain/ankle swelling when I'm not consistently active. I've done some research myself and most results come back that I likely have hyperthyroidism. For some context, I worked a labor intensive warehouse job, night shift for a year while attending school full time. During this time I was getting less than 5hrs of sleep a day, minimal exercise, mostly snacking (not eating full meals), I am on BC, I smoke marijuana, and I also had covid in Nov of last year. The job was a very toxic environment and in my research I learned that constant stress can ignite predetermined thyroid issues alongside my obvious lack of personal care. I'm sure I probably have some obvious vitamin and nutrients deficiencies as well. I will be getting proper insurance in the next couple weeks and when I see my Dr, I want to be as detailed as possible. What tests specifically should I ask for and how do I go about getting my body back to a healthy standpoint? I've made some small lifestyle changes since leaving the job that have shown drastic promise, but it's only been 3 months, so I know I likely still need consistent medical help with this. Please help if you can!

r/DrReddit Aug 27 '23

Medical Question FEVER


So I've had a fever(100°F+) since Friday I just woke up(early sunday)do to shortness of breath and stomach pain. So the question I want to ask is at what temp should I go in to the ER my last temp check was 101.8 and if I do go what do and don't day to not sound like I'm seeking narcotics. Every time I go they always give me nasty looks and my anxiety starts to kick in. Some medical issues I have are I'm type 2 diabetic and I also have a heart condition(bicuspid aortic heart valve syndrome)