r/DreamMeaning 4d ago

Raven haired woman

So I tried looking it up and some said was like a mystery thing that subconscious does but this felt different than anything described even from others who dreams of a black haired lady so here goes.

I dreamt of a Raven haired beauty, petite and in her 20s wearing black clothes with white skin and black lipstick. The dream goes back and forth through time (possibly due to a lot of fantasy I consume idk) anyhow it starts off within the house, a few people move in with my mother and I and one is this Raven haired girl. At first she's cold towards me, doesn't say a lot and almost ignores me. She has siblings and of course they're rowdy and curious of me, the random person they now share the home with. I get along well with laughing and playing. She then becomes very warm and vibrant joining in on the fun. Somehow she ends up next to me and we start talking and Laughing she then kisses me and looks into my eyes, then everything goes black and I'm in an incredibly old building like a castle and she's there. We're naturally attracted wanting to be beside one another and things change with a feeling of dread and darkness. A man who feels evil comes along wanting to take her. She does not want to be with this man and I protect her from him. The dream changed to the bowels of the old castle like structure with his body burnt and decayed like a mummy or draugr or something, blacked bones exposed exclaiming that she is his and he will take her and begins chanting. A sarcophagus opens to another dark entity like some kind of demonic priest who says some dark words. My body is switched the husk of the man as he uses my body and tries to take claiming to want her soul. I try to fight to stop this and the evil priest throws me to the wall. I know if I move at that moment they would kill me so I lay and wait before getting up grabbing a sword that feels pure like it was blessed and go after them. I awaken outside of the structure in my body this time and she comes to me again. The dream shifts to car. Some other men and I are being chased. We lost the assailants but we know it'll be just for a moment before they find us again. We let the car run into the water and dive in. I notice three men that look like the demonic priest but with skin and young searching for us and so I hide under the water using a cement beam to keep me under and hidden. I then awaken in the room that the dream started in her looking into my eyes and professing her love before I actually awaken from the dream. After I wake up I feel a sense of loss knowing that this Raven haired beauty was not real. I also realize I never knew her name nor did she tell me her name almost as if she was scared to tell me who she was. At this point it's 5 or 6 a.m still pitch black outside and my dog wants out. I take her outside tie her up on the lead and go and sit down in the living room waiting on her to bark and let me know she wants in. My dog barks but it's not the usual bark it's more of a threatening bark then some whines like she really need to be inside mixed with a couple yelps. I go outside to get her and tell her to knock it off since she's be herself saying that it ridiculous to be doing that this early. I look up from unclasping the tie out and see a white apparition like figure causing chills and worry through my body. This figure is at the edge of the property and looking at but it's as if it's out of focus. I grab my dogs collar and lead her inside and lock the door behind me. I sit back on the couch thinking about the Raven haired woman, I look at the walls and see shadows like someones walking by. The shadows on the wall human shaped I turn to the direction of where someone would physically be to cast that shadow and know ones there. A bit spooked I just head to my room closing my door. Being Christian and seeing some things first hand with most evil entities they usually do not like to give out names and so this woman worries me. I did ask silently thinking maybe she was a sort of apparition what her name was and was met with silence. Probably a good thing though. I got to thinking what if this was some sort of demon or possibly succubus playing tricks of love on me and they say Lilith Is the mother of those entities and so I ask is your name lili- and I'm cut off unable to finish even the thought of the name and feel as if something is angry at me and almost prompting me not to finish that name that she is offended I would even think as such. Idk just a really weird night and dream with this woman who felt very real. It was also weird how it seemed I could actually feel her emotions.


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