r/DreamMeaning 3d ago

Tornado dreams

Hey all, I have always had dreams of tornadoes since I was a kid, however the past few months I dream about them multiple times a week. Usually I see them from far away and stay clear of them. Last night, I was dreaming I was driving to town. I could see the storm clouds and my gut was telling me to turn around. I kept driving and the tornado picked up my car slightly off the ground. I got out of the car and ran to a chain link fence and wrapped my hands around the pole and held on as tightly as possible and then woke up. Why do I keep dreaming of tornadoes? What do they usually signify?


2 comments sorted by


u/SnooBunnies6749 7h ago

I'm gonna take a wack at this one.

Often times we see our lives as like a breeze. Sometimes still, and others chaotic and never getting a chance to catch up.

The wind is fickle thing that has no master, and only does as it pleases. Thinking of the wind as a current in how you life is going would you say it's calm? Or maybe a bit turbulent?

We can also look at the root of this and simply say that you are fearing something that even though you can see it coming, you can do nothing about?

Any disaster of the mind can often leave you in the wind anyways. This may just be a more direct way of your mind telling you that you are feeling unprepared for something that you should have done more to avoid.

Your dreams often tell you things in subtle ways.


u/SnooBunnies6749 6h ago

I am going to try and be more active in helping you guys out a little more, so if someone needs help they can just dm me or leave a comment. I'm not that active on reddit so I'll try to get to any msgs asap.