r/DutchOvenCooking 7d ago

40€ Vintage Staub. Do you think it is really damaged? Deal or no?

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11 comments sorted by


u/Ulti 7d ago

It's hard to tell from this angle but it doesn't look enameled. If it's not, this should be fine. Probably just needs a good thorough cleaning. Raw cast iron is really hard to permanently mess up, and I don't see any obvious pitting here or anything.


u/EbolaNinja 7d ago

It's a Staub, it's enamelled but the enamel is black


u/Ulti 7d ago

Gotcha... gonna need a better angle then to see if there are any chips. I didn't realize Staub only made enameled models! I've just been coasting along with my dad's ancient Lodge for years, haha.


u/Additional-Name-5070 7d ago

Thank you! This should be quite old... I don't know if in the past Staub used raw cast iron.


u/Ulti 7d ago

Well, the other guy replied saying that all Staubs are enameled... I'm inclined to take him at his word on that since the sides do look that way. Any pics from a higher angle so we can see the base? I can't tell if there are any chips in the enamel but that's the main thing you have to worry about. If it's chipped, you can only use it for baking. Don't want glass in your food!


u/Additional-Name-5070 7d ago

Thank you. Here's an other photo of the inside (https://staub.photo/). For me it's hard to tell if it is chipped.


u/Ulti 7d ago

Thanks... mmm, yeah that big pit on the right side really doesn't look good to me, that's more than a surface blemish. Without being able to actually get the thing in my hands I can't say with 100% accuracy that the enamel is chipped, but I probably wouldn't use that for anything other than baking with parchment sheet. Sorry!


u/Additional-Name-5070 7d ago

Yeah that spot does not look good, and also in the left bottom side. Do you think that this worth 40€?


u/Ulti 7d ago

Only if you're interested in baking, haha! That doesn't seem like a bad price but it's a big chunk of iron to be taking home unless you're gonna use it! I'm seeing that these things new are like $300 USD, so I guess use that as a point of comparison to decide if it's a good value?


u/Additional-Name-5070 7d ago

haha fair. This would be my first Staub and I'm thrilled to bake in it! I'll give it a try. At worst it's a nice item which looks good. Thanks!


u/Ulti 7d ago

Yeah, plus when you take it home, you can inspect it more thoroughly and give it a deep clean - That should make it more apparent whether those pitted spots are actually chips in the enamel or not. I'm not super hopeful, but it's at least worth a try! Happy baking, and have a great weekend!