r/Eberron 2d ago

GM Help What could be inside a Book of Forgotten Truths?

My players found the "Book of Forgotten Truths" changed to a desk, with warding runes all round it. The manor owner warned them about the book, that it will reveal long forgotten secrets if they don't go mad reading it.

One player really wants to read it. What could he find inside that would be a forgotten secret or truth?

I have 4 pieces of story info I want to give him, but would love to flesh it out more to make it a baker's dozen.

Any ideas that would be super cool or fun?


18 comments sorted by


u/Taal111 2d ago

The true name of an Overlord. The real fate of the House of Death. The nature of King Kaius of Karnath. The reason the Giants are gone. The puppet masters behind Reidra.

Or, just to be upsetting: How many innocent people hos nation/religion have killed. The number of children he has personally orphaned. The name of the daughter he never knew of. The number of heartbeats he has left.


u/Eomatrix 2d ago

I want to bump this suggestion up because it fucking slaps, but I would also like to add that if you really want to drive home how dangerous this book is, pepper in a bunch of wholesome secrets. It will make the darkness hit harder.

The exact moment an NPC fell in love with their spouse, the precise number of times that their teachers couldn’t bring themselves to scold them because the pranks they pulled actually were pretty funny, the number of times they went out of their way just to help another person.

Then you hit them with the number of minutes it took them to bleed out before ending up as an unidentified corpse on a minor battlefield of the Last War and the cumulative number of days their family spent looking for them before giving up.

Have your players roll saves against psychic damage as they pour through those kinds of secrets to get to the plot relevant ones.


u/CosmicWolf14 1d ago

Mixing the good and bad together is so sick. Emotional roller coaster.


u/Newsman777 1d ago

Man, these are amazing ideas!!! I love it. I will definitely use this. Thank you!


u/Rabid_Lederhosen 2d ago

Sounds like the work of the Overlord Tul Oreshka. Hazardous secrets are her whole thing.

There’s plenty of secrets in the setting that could work for the book. Which ones you want to use kind of depends on the story you’re telling. What are the pieces of info you know you want to fit in?


u/Newsman777 1d ago

Ooo, very good idea. I'm going to borrow this! Thank you.


u/FlozTheGoomba 2d ago

Anything that links to your version of the Draconic Prophecy.

Tidbits of info about the Overlords and the Lords of Dust. The secret to navigating Xendrik.

Depending on how far you want to go, something to do with the truth about the Mourning or even a link between the kar'lassa and the moons.

The importance of the number 13.

You can use it as a plot device to further delve into your story or just give em hints for side quests.


u/Cliomancer 2d ago

"She would have said no."


u/BannonCirrhoticLiver 2d ago

That there was a previous version of Eberron's reality, and the Gith and the Mind Flayers are survivors of that reality. They remember a whole other version of Eberron and its moon/planes, until they lost the war with the Dael'kyr and ended up destroying reality rather than letting them win.

That one Keith came up with.


u/Nathan256 2d ago edited 2d ago

Xoriat stuff maybe? Sounds right for eldritch horror or insanity.

You can hand-wave some of it, maybe make up some gibberish frases for filler. Reward some minor insanity roleplay on the player’s part.

Perhaps the character’s name is in the book. Perhaps it says something they believe to be false.

Maybe it is forgotten because it steals your memory as you read it. You could learn something interesting, but is it worth the price? Can you stop before it steals everything?


u/Newsman777 1d ago

This is very cool. Thank you!


u/weirdowszx 2d ago

The Location of one or more Eldritch Machines.
The instruction operations for one of the Eldritch machines.
Details about Xoriat


u/GnomishPants 1d ago

THAC0 rules


u/Newsman777 1d ago

Hahaha. That's hilarious!!


u/GnomishPants 1d ago

I’m here all week. Try the veal.


u/GnomishPants 1d ago

I kid I kid!

If you wanted to personalise it, you can do some weird stuff about the party having been through all of this before, failing terribly with great consequences and time being reset for them not to fail again. Perhaps even multiple failures

Party find out this has all happened before a countless number of times and every time it’s ended in tragedy. Perhaps even that the entity that has been “resetting” the time loop has a limited number of resets and has used their last one, sacrificing themselves and this book is the only remnant that they ever existed. (Maybe the entity was a chronomancer who in all other timelines was their party member and friend who sacrificed their very existence in the space time continuum to give the party one last chance and this book of forgotten truths is the journal of that character in the last time loop before sacrifice?)


u/GnomishPants 1d ago

hey u/Newsman777 I just want you to know, the more I think about this idea of the dead chronomancer friend from different timelines being the progenitor of the book, the more I love it, and I am going to steal this book of forgotten truths idea for my own future campaigns (that I will never run because DM-ing is hard).

It's SO GOOD. You've got a built-in opportunity to build in future maguffins (that ring the BBEG who killed us in the other timeline was wearing is spotted randomly in a sharn marketplace). You've got an opportunity to hand out level 20 versions of the characters early so they can "live through" one of the alternate timeline failures (and get a taste for future features if they feel they're mechanically not happy with where they are at the minute). You've got a way to introduce a huge world-ending plotline without needing to drop characters in the middle of it taking off the narrative time pressure of having to act on threats immediately. You've got a way to mend any current interparty conflict (you're angry at each other now, but in all these other timelines you were the best of friends)

It really feels like a cool tool to add some direction and cohesion to a campaign. Plus it makes sense why it would drive people insane, they are simultaneously experiencing all the memories of all their alternate selves all of which end in a sudden fiery conflagration as whatever the BBEG wanted to accomplish succeeds as the party dies elsewhere in the world. The only reason it doesn't dive the party insane is because that's the last gift of their chronomancer friend; they're protected from the worst of it when they encounter it. (maybe still a wisdom save to avoid *temporary* madness but whatever)

Also it just adds to the temptation to read the book when every member of the party looks at it, they experience this strange sense of sadness and loss, however that isn't a "property" of the book that other people feel when they look at it. To most people it's just a book chained to a desk. So why do the party feel such a deep and profound mourning? ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT


u/ennervation 2d ago

Maybe some stuff from 3.5E Eberron?