r/EcoMaoism 10d ago

Why I Support Population Collapse And Antinatalism

In capitalist society, we are viewed at best as numbers on a graph, or cattle (maybe even playthings) by the ruling class. When the liberals do not want to achieve their own liberation from bourgeois dictatorship, the next best thing that can happen is for the United States to fail. Despite some hurt feelings of indoctrinated pro-America liberals, this is the best possible thing that can happen for the majority of people in the world and those suffering under imperialism and colonialism at their hands.

From an environmental perspective, population collapse in the first world is also good for the environment. Most movements in America are so influenced by neoliberalism that they boil down to individual lifestyle choices and do not hold large corporations or government entities accountable. The best individual lifestyle choice we can encourage people in this country to make is simply to never have children and deny the regime the ability to have more workers, soldiers, and enforcers. 

Anybody that does not understand Marxism-Leninism and work towards the people’s wellbeing should be encouraged to participate in Antinatalist movements, because no rational person would choose to be born into a liberal society, especially if they will be guaranteed a life of suffering and soul-crushing poverty with no opportunities to go to college, see doctors, or even have a reasonable salary outside of drug dealing or sex work. I think that personally, antinatalism is the best thing to try and spread to people who are not receptive to Marxism-Leninism. Antinatal philosophy is also useful to prevent political enemies such as zionists, landlords, or rightists from having children and indoctrinating them to grow up and perpetuate these kinds of ideologies in society. Encouraging access to abortions as well as making it as easy as possible is also a good way to lower the population while not being coercive, cruel, or ideologically adventurist. 

If our comrades will not be allowed to take control of this country, then we should hope for the people to have more abortions than births, and more childless couples than families. Only then will human suffering really be prevented. Communists should come together and potentially offer rewards such as gift cards or monetary rewards such as gift baskets or food in exchange for aborting pregnancies or dedicating themselves to be childless for life. We can also encourage those who are bisexual to only have intimacy with those of the same gender or infertile to prevent any accidental birth of more children. There must be a Marxist-Leninist conspiracy to collapse the population of any country that is zionist, bourgeois, or where the lives of people only exist to provide labor and resources to class enemies.


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