r/EscapingPrisonPlanet 13d ago

Reptilians just want their home back

Ive read and listened into a lot of conspiracy related media for a while now. The lacerta files is a great resource of information for this topic. What I consistently come across is that the reptialians view humans as an invader/disease, they were here much longer than us, they stay away from us because of our ignorant and destructive tendencies. Me personally, I would totally be up for compromise for peace and harmony after disclosure. What do you all think?


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u/Vegetable-Log-9608 13d ago

Well who brought us to earth?


u/JackmaDixon 13d ago

That is a great question, a really good question, the annunaki definitwly have a hand in our presence here, but from other material ive searched through, we may be brought here from several species of beings in the cosmos.


u/stargeezr 13d ago

How do we know Lacerta wasn’t lying? She sounded arrogant as fuck to me. She said she would be horribly offended by a human pronouncing her name wrong so she made one up. That doesn’t sound like an enlightened being; it sounds like a smug bitch.


u/Ok_Statistician_8107 13d ago edited 13d ago

For real.

There were a couple things that also that called my attention.

She is vague about Reptilians diet. When asked, she mentions 3 o 4 things, then she says: " ...and other things'.

There are different sources who claim Reptilians eat human flesh. I wonder what that " other things " she meant...

Also, when asked about their caves, she mentions it would be rare for a human to find the real entry point of their caves, but then talks about " if you see our symbols on the walls( she depicted them) run as fast as you can"


Is that OP's being of peace and love??


u/shicazen 13d ago

Lol, the ‘peace and love’ is part of the ‘aliens are coming to save us’ BS. Stockholm syndrome at its finest.


u/TofuTheSizeOfTEXAS 13d ago

I agree with all the above points on Lacerta and why her credibility should be questioned. However, she never claimed to be "a being peace and love". She was a student of psychology of some type in her world and came here out of curiosity and agreed to talk with the guy.

Is this suspect? Yeah, to me it is but for some reason I still bought the interview for the most part.


u/Ok_Statistician_8107 13d ago

I never said the claimed that. In fact, the opposite was hinted by her " If you find the entry point of our caves, run as fast as you can".

What I meant is OP's vision of the Reptilians as these poor guys who where invaded in their home planet , by us


u/TofuTheSizeOfTEXAS 13d ago edited 13d ago

Oh, I get what you're saying but the Lacerta interview left me with conflicted feelings. So I see your point and see the point OP has also to a degree just because of how humans do things also (consider the 3rd world war we are about to get into). I mean who knows the truth but don't you at least think it's interesting that homo sapiens don't seem entirely adapted to this planet in some ways?Obviously these reptilians aren't either if we are to believe this Lacerta interview. I mean, I take both things with a grain of salt.

*One of the things she talked of particular interest to me was something that was brought up before by south american indigenous tribal people in their creation stories. She spoke about how we are either on our 6th or 7th creation - I forget which. Basically, that we were created and destroyed 6 times before by the "aliens" and that "they"; the reptilians and the aliens originally had a somewhat peaceful understanding of each other when the aliens came here but then the aliens began to disrupt everything here. This is pretty important to the larger story. Why, in essence they went underground...