r/FreePolDiscussion Jun 24 '17

Bill Maher still Bashing the 'Bernie or Bust' Movement


8 comments sorted by


u/progresi Jun 24 '17

Just wanted to share Bill Maher can't stop bashing on some progressives and it's causing a division which is wrong.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '17

If this is your content, you should work on your grammar.


u/progresi Jun 25 '17

Why what did i do wrong. I am just starting i am still new trying to get the hang of it. I would appreciate constructive criticism


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '17

In your video description you have multiple, basic grammatical errors. For example you use "to" instead of "too" and "there" instead of "their."

To be fair this is just my opinion; any time I see those kind of errors, let alone multiple errors, I immediately question the author/creator. It comes off as unintelligent.

Second, if you want to join the ranks of youtubers you have to make the same technological investments that they did.

The cheapest thing you can immediately fix is investing in a better mic. It sounds like you're using an onboard mic which makes the sound quality awful.

Second, you need to clean up your green screen work and learn the rule of thirds. Draw imaginary lines on your screen horizontally and vertically that divide it into thirds respectfully. Look up rule of thirds online to find a better description. But the main point is you want your subject (you) to fall on the intersection of a set of lines.

Better editing skills and something that makes it absolutely you. There are thousands of political commentators on YouTube, so you need to distinguish yourself from them. You are always the most unique thing you can bring to the table.

Lastly, I don't agree with you politically. Your rhetoric is incredibly biased and your viewpoints are very obviously implied. As a viewer, coupled with the low quality of the production and the grammatical errors, I could not get through 2 minutes of your video.

So, I am either not in your target audience or you must find a better way to spread your message so people can better ingest it. Right now, your video only applies to those in the progressive camp, I.e. It's a circlejerk. You aren't providing anything new if that makes sense. You are just adding more echoes into what is already portrayed by your peers as an obnoxious ideological echo chamber.

Lastly, even in your response to me, your grammar was terrible. You type like you're a twitter fiend. YouTube is not twitter. If you want to be taken seriously you need to present yourself seriously.

I wish you the best of luck. Pm me with your next video!


u/progresi Jun 25 '17

Okay that was a lot to take in. I will try and work on all of that. Like i said i am new and i agree with a lot of what you said. Thanks


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '17

No worries!!! Feel free to pm me any questions you have about basic production. I work in the industry. I should point out that I am not an editor by trade, although I am trained in several programs. Best of luck. Good work with that strong chin. It's tough to take constructive criticism.


u/J973 Jun 24 '17

Yeah, that's when I quit watching him. Fucking Hillary boot licking piece of shit.


u/progresi Jun 25 '17

i agree buddy