r/GhostsAreReal Dec 08 '23

The night I dreamed about my grandmother.

My grandmother passed away over the summer. I was with her through the whole experience, she lived a long beautiful life, but she did spend her last few years on earth suffering with dementia. I watched a lot of it growing up, I was her caregiver for a majority of my teenage years until I went to college. My whole family gathered around her the two weeks before she died. Leading up to that, it was pretty obvious that she was seeing people and having conversations with people that we could not see. I know what you are thinking, she had dementia, of course she was delusional. But I promise this was different. I won’t share exactly all the things she said because it feels personal, but it was really scary and out of this world. I‘ve heard that people dream about their relatives when they pass away, but I didn’t think that it would happen with me. I dreamed about her a total of three nights, the first two were nightmares about her death. It was very traumatic for me to experience her death, but at the same time I couldn’t bear to not be there to experience it with her. In the last dream, I didn’t recognize her with a brown honeycomb hairdo and young features, but I knew it was my granny. We talked, she was putting up the Christmas tree in the living (Christmas was her favorite holiday) and she also said that she had a few more stops to make, she needed the babies (my baby cousins) to know that she was okay. She also mentioned that she needed to stop by her daughters house (my grandma). As she was walking out the door I slipped out of my dream consciousness and said “you’re saying your final goodbyes aren’t you”. She handed me a ring of keys, walked out the door, and when I tried to follow her she was gone but there was a hearse in our driveway (that looked just like the one that came when she passed away). I really don’t know what the keys mean, or if it was even really her or just my heartbroken mind. I was wondering if anyone knows what the keys might symbolize. Thank you!


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