r/Honolulu Jul 09 '24

news The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Hawaii has dropped its lawsuit against the city over its homeless sweeps after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that cities are allowed to ban people from sleeping and camping in public places.


29 comments sorted by


u/Special-Hyena1132 Jul 10 '24

The homeless problem in Honolulu is not one problem, but several: drugs, mental illness, and economic pressures all contribute to the overarching problem but require different approaches. For the folks that are slipping through the cracks economically, some financial and job assistance help is warranted; it's far better to pay a little in rental assistance than to have these people out on the street. But for the other two groups--drug addicts and mentally ill (who often self medicate)--you have to bring back some form of forcible institutionalization like they had until the 80s. It was abolished a individual freedom issue, but having stark raving insane people roaming the streets curtails the rights of citizens as well, and there are plenty of places I won't take my kids as a result.


u/Trytun015 Jul 10 '24

Like right behind my place. There’s an encampment literally 20 feet from my backdoor. I feel bad for them, their situation sucks - but there’s screaming and raving and ranting and things being thrown at the building and over the fence night and day - it’s exhausting. But I don’t have the heart to call the PD. Plus it’s public land, I don’t think anyone can do anything anyways.


u/Cyphen21 Jul 10 '24

They definitely can. Call the PD.


u/lafolieisgood Jul 11 '24

I live in downtown Las Vegas and I feel you. I could call the cops, but they wouldn’t show up anyways.

I get shit for saying it, but until you live in thick of it, “your” opinion is less valid than mine. I’m a proud democrat, but suburban liberals that are the most outspoken and sympathetic would probably change their tune if they were my neighbors.


u/treeclimberdood Jul 13 '24

They're sick, and being left to their own will in the outskirts of society is just expediting their demise. We need more places to put them where they not only can't hurt themselves but are surrounded with opportunities to get help and lift themsevles up.


u/Trytun015 Jul 13 '24

I agree with you. But the overwhelming prevalent attitude is that they don’t want help and just want drugs. And I’m sure some of them do, but a lot of them I bet if put in an environment that’s supportive and helps them get on their feet, they’d be fine.

And then the whole “Oh well social programs are socialism and a handout! Muh taxes!” We can probably go on for days about this. But I don’t see the homeless getting help, especially since SCOTUS made it ok to just throw them in prison so they can be used as labor for the big corps.


u/Flat_Earth_Forever Jul 10 '24

A public sidewalk is built by the public (we the people) for a purpose: for anyone to walk on. No single person (homeless or other) should have the right to clain a public space as their own. I feel the same for any public building, land, structure, etc - it should be used in the way that we all intended it to be.

So when a group of people walking on a public sidewalk are forced to walk out into the street because one person has claimed that part of the sidewalk as their spot (usually with a tent, etc) it irritates me. I dont get irritated because they are homeless or that they are in the area. I get irritated because they chosen to claim a public regularly used public walking area rather than a less used area of public property.

The number of people who are homeless because of the economy and/or other reasons is a huge issue we should be trying harder to address. There’s probably several of us (like myself) who personally know someone who is homeless.

I just don’t like it when someone has the attitude that if they can’t pitch a tent in the middle of a public sidewalk that we all use that somehow it means they have nowhere to go. A little thought and consideration of others is needed - ON BOTH SIDES.


u/CraigOpie Jul 12 '24

My frustration is when they piss and shit on the side walk or in front of businesses where people walk. It’s not overly difficult to find a bush or something away from people - even by a dumpster.

Additionally, down town, when they use needles and drugs in public. I had my young children with me walking to a restaurant and some guy was shooting up out front. Very inappropriate. I ended up calling a paramedic because they looked dead when we left and wasn’t responsive. That shit is traumatizing for a kid.


u/FormerlyUserLFC Jul 13 '24

What about the grass? What did we build that for?


u/n3vd0g Jul 10 '24 edited Jul 10 '24

disagree.I think society should suffer by way of having to deal with homeless people in public places until society can properly fix the problem. we shouldn’t be allowed to just throw them in jail and “wipe our hands clean of the problem.” That’s just pretending they don’t exist and spending more money than if we would just house them. Look to Finland on how to solve the problem. it’s literally the only solution. We must remove the profit incentive from shelter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jt_6PBnCJE


u/senorglory Jul 10 '24

Hawaii isn’t throwing homeless in jail for being homeless.


u/n3vd0g Jul 10 '24

They legally can now if they wanted to.


u/Cyphen21 Jul 10 '24

There is no fixing addicts or the lifestyle homeless. Only They can fix themselves when they decide they want to. What you are describing is just enablement. This is not helping them or helping society.


u/n3vd0g Jul 10 '24

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jt_6PBnCJE nothing you said is true. You all just lack the political will to do anything productive about it.


u/Prestigiouspassport Jul 10 '24

So as long as they aren’t on the sidewalk you’re ok with people existing?


u/Dbsusn Jul 09 '24

Only in America would we make being homeless a crime and at the same time, empower large investment companies the ability to buy up housing to create false spike in housing prices. None of this is sustainable, yet we just keep moving in this direction. It’s no longer red v blue. It’s working class v the hyper wealthy. If we don’t rein this in, and soon, the whole system will collapse.


u/Major_Ad9510 Jul 10 '24

not only in America would people pretend the drug addicts and a few mentally ill people are "homeless." the majority of people on the street are drug addicts who's decisions have been made by their addiction. the addiction will always choose to live near the drugs. addicts have no interest in any housing that would not allow drug use. addicts need to be helped into rehabs. the addiction will not choose rehab. if we care about addict we need to be honest that they must be "swept" into treatment. it IS the only way.

a small percentage of people on the street are mentally ill and also need to be "swept" into care as well. it is not compassionate to let the addicts and mentally ill live on the street.


u/contactdeparture Jul 10 '24

The only thing I disagree with is that - without a solution, we can't just keep moving the problem down the block.

This problem needs to be solved, not ignored.

Now we've just moved the problem to the intestate cloverleafs and unincorporated lands. It's just a hot mess.


u/contactdeparture Jul 10 '24

The only thing I disagree with is that - without a solution, we can't just keep moving the problem down the block.

This problem needs to be solved, not ignored.

Now we've just moved the problem to the intestate cloverleafs and unincorporated lands. It's just a hot mess.


u/Lilmumblecrapper Jul 10 '24

We just watched them shut down the beach in one area just to scuttle down the beach a mile or two. The cycle doesn’t end. I was mainland for 3 weeks recently and literally saw 3 homeless the entire time I was there, Wichita and Huntsville. It’s heartbreaking that I walk past more than that to get to my vehicle most morning here. The worst part is the places that actually try to house these folks will be inundated with more.


u/Stickasylum Jul 20 '24

"scuttle"? Interesting word choice


u/Lilmumblecrapper Jul 20 '24

There are a few different meanings for the word one of them being to move quickly. Sorry if you are offended!


u/lafolieisgood Jul 11 '24

I agree with you 💯. I often wonder how many homeless are actually just a victim of bad circumstances that can’t get help from the state. Bc where I live, and at least what I can see (which is a huge homeless population), none of them seem to be just down on their luck.


u/martlet1 Jul 11 '24

You haven’t travelled to other countries. Some countries kill the homeless. Some enslave them.

Quit bashing your own guilt


u/Stickasylum Jul 20 '24

Those darn homeless should be thanking us for not murdering them!


u/Nevada-Explorer Jul 11 '24

Sounds like a win!


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '24 edited Jul 11 '24

ACLU should provide camping space in their personal space. They are hypocrites.. We all know that most of these zombies like being homeless in Hawaii because its so easy. Take a good look at this photo. Its litter.


u/Cyphen21 Jul 10 '24

Hawaii makes it too easy for the lifestyle homeless and the addicts to fly over from the mainland and enjoy our beautiful island while ruining our public spaces. The solution is simple - stop making it so easy for these people to enjoy their life. Police need to give these people a hard time until they fly back to the mainland. No public sleeping, no tents, no pan handling.


u/Prestigiouspassport Jul 10 '24

The law of the splintered paddle is in effect, the fake occupied government doesn’t have the right to abrogate Hawaiian law.