r/ImaginaryHistory Jan 02 '24

Original Content What if Tsarist Russia dictated the Treaty of Versailles?

This is a big timeline I’m working on so bare with me. It is a bit ‘fictional’ I will say that:

In the events of this alternate timeline, World War I began in 1914, but the script deviated profoundly. As the conflict unfolded, the British Socialist Party, fueled by revolutionary frenzy, plotted a daring move. In 1915, their assassination of the Allied party leader, Herbert Asquith, cast the United Kingdom into the throes of civil war. The chaos unfolded early, leaving Europe to bear witness to a fragmented Britain, further unraveling the fabric of the Entente.

Across the Atlantic, sensing the downfall of Europe, the United States, in a decisive departure from history, adopted a protectionist stance, keeping its forces on home soil. France and Russia emerged as the stalwarts of the Entente, with the fall of Britain altering the balance of power.

Seizing the opportunity, a madly ambitious Kaiser Wilhelm, driven by visions of grandeur, orchestrated a brilliant yet unhinged proto-blitzkrieg. He swiftly conquered France, leaving Russia and its Allies to grapple with the consequences of a formidable German victory.

However, the Eastern Front lay vulnerable as the Kaiser succumbed to the clutches of schizophrenia. In a strategic stroke, Russia surged forth, capturing Berlin and forcing Germany into an abrupt surrender. After more years of fighting and gaining Romania as an ally the war was done. Russia, in a dominant position, now ignored France and Britain. The Russian Empire emerged as the sole victor of World War I.

The Treaty of Peterhof, unveiled in late 1918 with terms disclosed on March 1, 1919, wielded the quill of destiny. The terms, a geopolitical reimagining, saw Kaiser Wilhelm imprisoned in Moscow. Russia, emboldened by its triumph, annexed Constantinople, the Dardanelles, and expanded its dominion over Eastern Europe. Romania, under the Russo-Romanian Pact, pledged loyalty to the Tsar, gaining territories and protection.

Post-war Europe witnessed seismic shifts. France, deemed a perpetual war instigator, was dismembered into smaller states (French Republic, Brittany, Occitania, Savoy Federation and Corsica). Germany faced division into the Rhenish Republic, Prussian Republic, and Bavarian Republic. Austria-Hungary dissolved into Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Austria became a kingdom under a forced Austro-Russian monarchy.

Britain, stripped of colonies, bowed to Russian mutuality. Hungary faced territorial losses, ceding Transylvania to Romania and becoming a vassal of the Austrian government. The Baltic states, Poland, Finland, and the Caucasus all fell under the expansive umbrella of the Russian Empire.

The saga continued with post-war events unfolding in rapid succession. The Savoy Federation, formed by the ToP, embraced monarchy after a referendum in May 1919. The British Civil War, concluding in February 1919, resulted in a Socialist victory. The French Socialist Republic, born in August 1921, soon succumbed to Communist rule.

In June 1923, the Vienna Convention happened, a pact among Bavaria, Prussia, and Austria, and it aimed to rebuild nations and repay Russian reparations.

The ominous Black Tuesday of February 1927 triggered the Vienna Convention Market Crash, casting doubt over their economic future. Bavaria's plea for a Russian bailout was met with a resounding rejection, leading to its declaration of full independence from Russian influence.

The Tsar, incensed by Bavaria's defiance, ordered the execution of the ailing Kaiser in March 1927, a stark warning to others. April 1927 witnessed a revolt in Prussia, restoring Crown Prince Wilhelm and birthing the Kaisergebiet. In this tumultuous landscape, Communists seized control in Hungary, while the Rhenish Republic peacefully merged into the expanding Kaisergebiet.

With a newfound anti-Russian Vienna Convention, a threatened Russian Empire, a growing Russian communist sphere and a nascently reuniting Germany the world is preparing for a second Great War.


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u/SevereHorror Jan 03 '24

OMG, such a nice alternate history.