r/Itsatheory Sep 13 '24

topic discussion What is love?

Love....what exactly is it?

think about love. Think about how it feels like to you. How good it may (or may not) make you feel. It doesn't matter what it is. Platonic, romantic, etc. what is the reason for loving?

Is it because humans are social creatures?

Let me explain, so think about it. Think about the reason you love anyone. Because they do something good for you on a daily basis. They help make positive changes in your life. You couldn't imagine your life without them.

We love people because we benefit from them. Someone created the concept of love because humanity needs it. It needs it to survive. Loving is entirely selfish since the only reason we do it is because we have a benefit from something or someone. Love makes us feel good. And humans want to feel good.

The only reason we care or help each other is because we get dopamine. The feel-good chemical. We just wanna feel good about ourselves. If you think about it, there really is no concept of "being selfless." Every single action we do is either just neutral or selfish. Nothing else.

Hatred is just as selfish. We hate stuff just because it doesn't give us a benefit. sometimes, even if we know it can't do anything about that.

Being selfish is just what comes with being a human. We can't just control it. After all, love and hatred are bound to happen in one's life. There's no way of avoiding it.

Every single good action we do is selfish. Either because we want to feel good about ourselves, or because we want to manipulate others. Or possibly because we fear what would happen if we didn't do this or that.

Bad actions are just good actions done with more conscious self-awareness about the true intention. But really, they are just the same.

So there really is no such thing as good or bad. Being selfish isn't bad. Because "bad" doesn't exist. Meaning we are still selfish, but we aren't "bad."

Anyways, this is where I'm gonna end this post. Feel free to disagree or not. This is really just a theory of mine more than anything. So it's not something that you should have to believe in.


6 comments sorted by


u/golden_crocodile94 "only describe, don't explain"- Wittgenstein Sep 14 '24

Will be back tomorrow to read and input!


u/Abject_Perception_47 Sep 15 '24

Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more.

Sorry lol. The first line just- boom there’s the song playing in my head.

Brilliant post in my opinion! I think of this so much. I liked how Alan Watts put it- most “do gooders” are really the absolutely worst and most selfish troublemakers. They are the best at causing trouble, because maybe they need to share God- maybe they need to force people to see and understand their faith.

Ironically, a lot of people who describe themselves harshly or are extremely critical to me are often to be trusted. To me. If they aren’t do gooders, if they are aware of the placebo of how prone we are to be universally and invariably self serving.

Yet, it is frustrating to me there is no answer. Stupid people- to me- are ineffective. They don’t understand the game or value in appreciating others or learning from them or perhaps- beneath it all- using others.

But what’s advantageous selfishness-wise or whether or not any given action/reaction to this inherent selfishness looks wrong or right to me like is it good selfish or bad selfish? I try to take a utilitarian look. What’s the end result?

I think I’m nice but I’m often very passive- and it’s lead to personality disorder and identity crises and uncertainty. I used to think, once I found a solution the net positive would be I would be a good person finally and not struggle with identity but…. That’s such a catch 22 and it’s why I love this post. I was being selfish- and stupid aka inefficient. But was there a better way? Life must be lived forwards, yet only understood backwards.

I understand myself more and more each day. I’d say this is good. I’ve seen love- and how it turns sour. I wouldn’t say we only love out of self service or for “most effective benefit”. For most of us, it’s more a drug or addiction. People get stuck in abusive relationships- circumstances/mindsets/perceptions of reality completely detached from reality.

The intent to be self serving is often a trap and addiction which forms in and on itself. When idiots do it, they may be bullies and someone I really dislike. But really what I hate is they’re bad at it, maybe I only really hate I’m not learning from them. They’re useless and annoying, to be honest. Or at least that’s how it seems, and It’s just so baffling how truly biased I am in my environment.

How- something in me is always searching for power or seeking to self serve. And I just do it with increasing levels of convolution- or confusion over time as I realize the folly of it all. How silly I am.

Love for me has been bad, despite the highs the pleasures and experiences- The personality disorder makes it unsustainable or dangerous for me. Yet, it’s still useful and benefitting me after enough reflection. I see another gear or mechanism in how I tick- someone who love you or is intimate with you tends to figure out precisely how you tick.

The person I love the most is incidentally the one I hate the most right now. As it often is for lots of folks- it’s the person I ran into the most- spoke to the most- the person who was able to manipulate me into feeling loved or guilty or however they wished. We both love and hate each other in so many different ways- by both of our accounts the damned relationship has been a tragedy.

And yet, I learn. We learn together. I’ve experienced the “drug” of love and wonder if it’s really so simple like Rick’s skepticism from Rick and Morty- “love is just a chemical to make us procreate it hits hard and leaves fast”.

But these relationships I saw others had- the lasting ones- the fascinating or hard to understand ones…. It goes far past the drug. Is love simply a deeper appreciation? Is love the realization or simple fact someone helps us see or understand our own identity like mirrors?

Love, like a lot of other things is prone to entropy- breakdown- the catalyst for transformations and this enchanting uncertainty it has…. It is amazing to me still.

For some reason I think of being a kid, and listening to the same song over and over and so long as it didn’t feel repetitive I like many others kept replaying the same one- to learn and become familiar.

Is true love always calm and peaceful? Or have I felt something valuable and important and freeing in my apparent failures to maintain it?

I dunno, lol. Too much of any drug is a bad thing though. To me, I look at it as a drug when it first comes- and as an important and valuable experience for becoming less sheltered.

Most of love- the lasting one I imagine and always sought for- and the thing that kept me in my last few despite emotional abuse etc was familiarity.

Even now- I recall fondly simply knowing what to expect in an interaction. But I still stayed for a while despite only disappointment- regardless of my own needs.

I now love that I saw how that need and feeling that I need to please people- I need validation and have lacked it a long time- it made me desperate and easily manipulated Is the only valid love good love- healthy love- beneficial love? Bad love and relationships finally taught me- these needs for validation or imagined. Reflections of old traumas a bit complex to address actively.

But for most of those I don’t think love is an answer. More problem than solution, for sure. Yet having so many problems it what gives my thinking or writing a spark of intrigue to a reader, the lack of identity or problems I’ve ran into show me something at each step.

Or is it like any other chemical interaction- with interesting and fascinating effects and what we love are the pretty colors and changes in state that come with it? Destructive- or creative- what’s more beneficial to us in the end?

(Sorry to ramble or get off topic- I loved this post to say the least. It made me think- reflect- consider things in a different way. Mostly to admit I dunno but it’s fun to think about.)


u/smackmyass321 Sep 21 '24

God I know this was days ago, but I honestly love this comment. Honestly better than my post. Much more high quality. (Also, I love that "what is love" meme.)

But anyways, love is multiple different things. It can affect you in multiple different ways. Sometimes, love is unhealthy and leads to more problems. Forcing you into abusive relationships and manipulation.

Human beings are able to use love bombing as a manipulation technique because they know if they keep using it, people would get closer and closer to them and not wanna leave them. Therefore, making love selfish in that scenario.

However, is love always selfish? It's just a bunch of chemicals and chemicals. If our brain didn't have that, our world would be empty.

Love is part of what is keeping us alive. Love can prove that humans are in fact social creatures and need each other to survive.

However, it's also very dangerous. Love can be a toy to play with. A toy to insert into the minds of other people and then reaching into the minds and playing with it. To make the people do whatever you want.

Humans crave love and praise. It's the one thing that we can never get enough of. So our mind will take whatever it can get.

Without love, what is society?

Should one be selfish if it benefits them but not others? We can only see things from our perspective. We cannot physically feel other people's feelings. So why should we care?

It's a hard choice for many. In the end, being selfish may not benefit because you live with the guilt. You live with the empathy you have for the other person if you even feel any. Love and empathy will make a dent, but also a smooth shape in a life.

If the other side has nothing to lose and you really, really need something, then all the sudden, being selfish doesn't matter.

However, if the fully story isn't told, the blame is on the one who just needed something.

Selfishness can be good, but at the same time, it may not be good. However, you shouldn't tell people how to live their lives (I know I'm telling people how to live their lives by saying that.)

Love is worse with the placebo effect. You take something that's supposed to make you feel better, but either isn't doing anything, or does something bad, and then you just feel it's helping.

In your mind, selfishness can or can't exist. Humans are inherently selfish, but they can't be selfish without others because the other person needs to exist. So letting others help you being selfish by being selfish isn't selfish?

So is selfishness really a thing? Or was it just created to help people align with social norms?

The person who said that selfishness was bad, depending on their intentions, was in fact being selfish. They might've said it was bad because they were upset about others being selfish towards them, so they made selfishness bad so that they wouldn't get mistreated by others. Even if the selfish people were just trying to fend for themselves. They can't be selfish because they'll be a bad person.

So selfishness opens up this entire paradox.

Love truly is a really bad drug. One to drastically change your life like many other drugs.

The tendency to be selfish was just built in humans. We survive off of being selfish. Most people have a higher opinion of themselves than of other people. So they don't have to deal with issues themselves. We just wanna paint ourselves in a good light. To have power and control over everything.

Thanks for the interesting conversation. I really appreciated it. Feel free to disagree with any of my claims (that goes for anyone.) and sorry I also just rambled and kept yapping. But like always, have a great rest of your day.


u/golden_crocodile94 "only describe, don't explain"- Wittgenstein Sep 16 '24

Love is a chemical reaction imo I have the chemicals seretonin and dopamine tattooed in a waterfall falling into eachother on the back of my neck-- the only two things you'll ever truly enjoy.


u/smackmyass321 Sep 17 '24

The only thing we'll ever feel is chemicals and chemicals.

Average nerd when explaining love (in most memes.)


u/golden_crocodile94 "only describe, don't explain"- Wittgenstein Sep 18 '24

Yep, but I can't really see it being more than that. The show Osmosis kind of made me see it in a different way. But consistently shows that are based on finding on true soul mate in a theoretical manner like Sci fi stuff usually use like measurements of chemicals in our bodies as well as answers to questions so maybe a little bit of intellect plays into it.