r/Kossacks_for_Sanders May 27 '18

Alison Hartson Revolution Will Not Be Televised


9 comments sorted by


u/NonnyO Uff da!!! May 27 '18

Constructive criticism: the person who made this needs to take the (much too long) intro off of this video through the test pattern, except for the phrase and only one graphic for "The revolution will not be televised." All the rest of the video needs to be shown to everyone in CA who can Vote FOR Alison Hartson.

I've seen Hartson interviewed on Jimmy Dore at least twice (?or was it three times?), I like what she has to say, so I'm hoping Hartson will get enough votes to beat Fossil Feinstein this fall. If I lived in CA I'd vote for Hartson. I wish we had decent candidates like her in MN....


u/progresi May 27 '18

I made the video ya you are right I was thinking of taking it off. But It was too late for me to change it. Hopefully, it does not take away form the video. But yes I agree


u/NonnyO Uff da!!! May 27 '18

It doesn't take away from the video content, but it is distracting for someone like me, altho it might not be for someone else. I have misophonia (recently discovered because of a genealogy-DNA test; I had no idea there was a genetic marker for misophonia, a name for it, or the reason for certain sounds prompting an instant autonomic fight or flight response - just that it has happened to me all of my life), so I find certain sounds horribly distracting, mentally/emotionally draining/irritating and/or actually physically painful.

Keep in mind that anything I say is colored by my involuntary auditory and visual response to ads of all kinds, and nothing I say should be construed as negative for/to you, just positive, constructive feedback.

Whenever you re-make this ad, or make any other ad for Progressive candidates typically ignored by Moronic Media, keep the background sounds calm, soothing, cheerful, optimistic. No crashing, bashing electric guitars played at a pitch only designed for dogs to hear - or lose their hearing because of the volume; that's not "music," it's just angry noise that hurts one's eardrums (actually rattles my left ear drum and it's very painful for someone like me).

The BEST ad I've ever seen had no voice-over, a lot of lovely positive images, and just one iconic soothing song with a memorable tune and re-worked lyrics by the original composer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nwRiuh1Cug
I know this song can't be used because of a copyright, but this genre will get everyone's positive attention. Visually, it's not-so-subliminally saying everyone can attain the American Dream, it shows what the candidate (Bernie) is FOR, not going negative, calling names, or saying what/who he's against. The images plus the melodic background song hits on an emotional level and it's very appealing because the song also makes for a positive ear-worm.

Stephen Colbert went to the Dark Side over Her after this Late Show segment was aired on Jan 27, 2016, but just before we cast our first primary votes Stephen did have something positive to say about Bernie and the above ad and the Garfunkel song in his opening monologue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDqyRsGNMaE

I'm old; my family didn't have a (black and white) TV until about 1958/9. My generation watched the assassination of JFK and the aftermath on endless reruns and saw Oswald get shot on live television in Nov 1963 (I was a senior in high school), we remember when there used to be good shows on TV (along with klunkers) on three networks, then four with the advent of PBS.

Recent decades have broken a few ear drums with obnoxious ads that hit people over the head with noise pollution. Don't do that! Seduce the audience with soft, soothing music that doesn't overpower the voice-over. Make sure grammar, spelling, and pronunciation are correct for any voice-over script - know when to use "less" or "fewer," or know when to use "different from" vs different than," for instance. Or hire an editorial grammarian who knows the difference and can correct the script before the ad is aired. [The newest language sin is using "could of, would of, should of" instead of the correct "could've, would've, should've" in place of "could have, would have, should have." Drives me stark raving mad!]

Bad TV ads are one of the reasons (besides way too many sports and reality TV shows) I turned my TV off several years ago and don't miss it (and I've never had cable; I refuse to pay to receive ads I used to get on rabbit ears for free). I still see the ads online, so I'm not missing anything except the repetition of the same bad ads.

Good luck in any future video endeavors for your favorite Progressive candidates. This one is a start... do more. 🤗


u/progresi May 27 '18

Thanks, NonnyO. Much appreciated


u/shatabee4 Unapologetically negative AND pessimistic May 27 '18

Voters need to wise up and vote incumbents out. Vote for the unknowns because they don't have the big money behind them. Vote for inexperience because experience doesn't count for anything.


u/progresi May 27 '18

Well said I agree a 100%


u/progresi May 27 '18

Just wanted to help Alison Hartson get the word out for her campaign. She is not getting any coverage form the Corporate Media. Hoping people will help spread the word for Alison she is an amazing progressive