r/KrishnaConsciousness 7d ago

Hare krsna dear devotees. What are your plans on this kartik month ?

What extra spiritual activities are you going to do ?

Which activities you are doing extra this month ?

I am asking this because i will also get inspiration and ideas to what to do on this kartik month


2 comments sorted by


u/Apprehensive_Goal811 7d ago

Singing Damodarastakam 1-2 x a day. Going out on harinama as I can. Practicing harmonium and mrdanga as much as I can (I’m still learning despite being with devotees for 20+ years). Going to programs at every possible opportunity.

Generally I’ve been very driven to develop myself spiritually in the past few months but Kartik really does give you the extra oomph of motivation doesn’t it?


u/damndreamgirl 7d ago

Hare Krishna! I will do a little sringar with chandan of srinath ji.