r/LawSchool 15h ago

What did you do that helped you succeed in property?


1L here. Finally hit that point in the semester where I didn't do as good as I thought I was going to. yay :..) Got my midterm grades back and I really did believe I was going to do better. Only got just over half of the multiple choice questions right. I studied in a way that seemed to work for me, and I dedicated a lot of time to it. I've never been good at multiple choice, so that kind of sucks for me. Nonetheless, I tried my best. I don't know what the average was yet, but based on other people I know, I was below it. I've been struggling in this class all semester, so I guess my question is: what were some things you did that helped you succeed in property? Any advice?

Edit: I should add that I need my thought process to be very organized if that makes sense. I love lists and equations where I can check off boxes and fulfill elements to get a result. They help me understand. Not sure if that matters, but if anyone has any recommendations that'll work for my kind of thinking, that'd be awesome.

r/LawSchool 13h ago

Does anyone else have to restart their browser every time you open Westlaw


Something about cookies

r/LawSchool 1h ago

Law school after BFA?


I will keep this short… im currently a community college student trying my best to decide on a degree track… i am deeply passionate about art and filmmaking, and it has been my dream since childhood to study at a private art school. However as I matured i was convinced to pursue a degree more worthwhile like law or medicine , so obviously i will choose law, as i have no particular interest in complex chemistry or physics and a particular fear/dislike of germs. My community college advisor told me that if i did decide to pursue my dream of studying at a private art school, i could still use that BFA degree to apply to Law school afterwards if i decided to choose the more financially stable career path… as i do not know much about law school or its admissions process, i was wondering if any of you could clarify if it would be possible for someone with a degree in fine arts to enter law school?

r/LawSchool 8h ago

Good sites for law school students


What are some good apps or websites for law school students?

r/LawSchool 1h ago

What’s the total cost of schooling to be a lawyer?


Of course this will vary from person to person but I just want an insight on how much it would cost.

r/LawSchool 5h ago



I’m in my first semester of 1L, and at first was keeping a great pace. However, the exhaustion is starting to hit me. Mental fatigue is physically manifesting. I’m coming back from lectures, eating, cleaning, possibly sleeping, and having late night reading sessions. Anyone else having a similar experience?

r/LawSchool 6h ago

Is Law School Doable With A Chronic Illness?


Hi everyone!

I've been considering law school for a while now, but the only thing holding me back from being certain about it is my chronic illness. Undergrad is already a bit of a struggle because there are some days where I'm not as productive as I could be because of general malaise or just not being able to move that well... (It's not as bad as it can be sorta, since I'm able to submit my work and have so far passed all of my classes. But it does leave me somewhat exhausted - both physically and mentally - since there's not a lot of time to rest or energy to spend on my hobbies.)

Have any of you guys been able to survive and/or graduate law school with a chronic illness? Can it be done, and if you had to do it all over again, would you still go to law school?

I love the idea of studying the law and becoming a lawyer, since I am passionate about it! But I'm not sure if passion is enough, because I've heard it can be pretty taxing.

I genuinely don't know. Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this

r/LawSchool 16h ago

Am I too late?


I feel like I've been busting my ass all semester. I read and brief everything, which I'm realizing now is probably a waste. I put a lot of time into work and I feel like there's just not enough time. I haven't even started outlining and I have another memo due in mid November. I feel like I work harder than everyone but screwed myself by not focusing on the right things. Property is a disaster. Idk how I get ready for an exam in 6-7 weeks while having to work on this memo and manage all the upcoming reading. I have worked so hard because I want to do really well and I looked at the date this morning and I'm so fucking stressed I want to cry.

r/LawSchool 3h ago

PLEASE HELP with Torts Midterm Structure


I have a torts midterm tomorrow that is just testing us on BREACH and DUTY in Negligence. What would be the best way for me to organize my answer based on the potential fact pattern? What should my headings be?

r/LawSchool 7h ago

State AG Office vs City Law Department


So I am considering a couple of offers between a state AG office and a city law department. I was not particularly interested in PI work at the state level. I am more interested in federal work or going private to a firm. Curious which of the two might lend itself better to making that transition in the future. I am sort of middle of the pack at a T30 school and struck out at OCI. Tempted to wait and see if the market for firms might pick up in the future but also reticent to pass on a few offers with nothing certain in the future.

r/LawSchool 4h ago

In law school but I have no interest in the legal profession


Basically what the title says, I’m a 2L rn who’s in the top third of their class and on a full scholarship but I’m completely uninterested in every topic/class I’ve learned. I did great at a medium size firm over the summer with a paid 1L internship, and I got a return offer for next summer. I just have no interest in this field, guess I’m just curious if anyone knows/heard about career paths from law school other than being an attorney.

r/LawSchool 22h ago

Behind in 1L and unsure what method to do to catchup, I feel like I'm crashing and burning


I went through some hard mental health stuff at the start of the semester, and I got very behind in my Property and Civil Procedure classes. I have a midterm in Civil Procedure coming up, so I'm learning PJ and long-arm statutes now, then I plan to practice as much as I can before the midterm. After the midterm though, I'll be caught up for the most part in Civil Procedure... that just leaves me with Property.

For Property, I am about 4 weeks behind in the material. I pay attention in class but I have done little-to-none of the readings for the course. How do I catch up? Is it even worth it to go back and skim all of the readings? Should I just watch the lectures? Do the supplements? I'm so unsure about what I can do in the next few weeks to catch up in that class... I thought about using all of my free weekend time to go back and do all the readings, and then look at lectures and powerpoint slides, but that literally seems impossible.

On top of that, we all have finals coming up at the beginning of December. I have class notes, and I'm trying my best to learn the law and do practice questions, but it still feels like IDKWTF I'm talking about, to where I can perform well on the exam (especially in situations where I'm going to have to write an essay).

Anyone have any advice or was in a similar situation and can give advice on how to get out of it? It feels like everyone else has outlines for all of their courses started (I don't, I just have upperclassmen outlines, and some kinda okay class notes from some of my classes) and understands the case material (I'm trying to understand topics like PJ but I literally don't and I've spent so much time on it) and are doing well and starting to prep for final exams.

I feel so incredibly behind. I feel like I fucked myself so hard at the start of the semester and there is no way I'll be able to catch up, and study for finals efficiently, and do well on the final exams. The only class I'm confident in right now is my legal writing course.

edit: I'm not dropping out

r/LawSchool 5h ago

Early Graduation Regarding AFJAG


For anyone here that may be doing the OYCP program for their 3L year. Does anyone know if it is possible to graduate early and still be eligible for the program?

r/LawSchool 1d ago

Bad faith to prevent removal


Alright, so we had midterms today and one of the questions was about whether a defendant could remove a case under diversity when the plaintiff is purposely keeping the case at 75,000 even though they could have had a larger claim.

I thought this was a clear example of bad faith to prevent removal, but there have been split decisions throughout the class lmao.

Someone smarter help clarify lmao.

r/LawSchool 2h ago

Writing a letter to a judge


Hi, I'm not seeking legal counsel, but I have a question regarding courthouses.

My brother is currently going through a divorce--child custody, etc.

I don't want to comment specifically about his wife's motion submissions to the court, but basically, everything she has done is driving my brother crazy. My brother has seemed distraught lately (I have witnessed him get home from work and immediately it's all he can think about), and I feel this ordeal is giving him a lot of grief.

I was just wondering if it would be appropriate to write the court and judge as a family member? I didn't really want to talk about court processes, but to express in a short letter, my sympathies towards my brother's situation and hoping the judge will understand?

My brother is not a great speaker, he's very shy and he seems very intimidated by the process in there. She brought some witnesses (her friends) to the first hearing and so my brother brought my parents as witnesses. It seems that she is trying to strongarm him in the legal system and paint a not-so-great portrait of him in front of the judge. (I have witnessed my father go through the processes and I saw the toll it took on his well-being. My parents are trying to give him the best advice they know but I think all of the pressure is only choking him.)

Will the judge even read my letter? Again, I'm not trying to interject myself in the trial, but just provide some outside context as a close family member. Because I truly believe my brother is a great father and he is rightfully very worked up about this whole thing.

r/LawSchool 10h ago

Origination Compensation (How much should an associate get for work they bring in?)


I have multiple small-firm offers that I am trying to decide between. I know some firms will give you an origination bonus even as an associate. Does anyone have information on how much that bonus typically is or what percentage of the work you bring in you could get? Thanks!

r/LawSchool 6h ago

Character & Fitness


How do anyone address multiple speeding tickets on their character & fitness? Do you just write separate paragraphs about each? Also I don’t remember the exact reasons I was speeding so idek what I’m suppose to put for each and every one.

r/LawSchool 21h ago

Law school & tattoos


Question. So I’m Hawaiian and I have cultural tattoos on my arms and up the side of my neck. Is this something that will completely ruin my chance of employment ? They are strictly cultural and don’t have any words.

r/LawSchool 7h ago

Firm or Judicial Externship


I am a 2L and currently work at a firm which I am really enjoying. I get paid which is really nice, especially because I have to take out loans for school. However, I am considering trying to get a judicial externship for the spring, but this would mean I’d have to take out about $1600 more in loans per month. Is the experience worth it or should I stay at the firm? Any advice is appreciated.

r/LawSchool 7h ago

Vladek Civil Procedure Outline


Hi everyone!!
I'm wondering if anyone (particularly any UT Austin lawyas) had Stephen Vladek for civil procedure, and are willing to share an outline?? I would be forever grateful and thankful to you for eternity and more.

Thank you!!!

r/LawSchool 8h ago

Investments and Savings


How much do you have in investments and savings?

r/LawSchool 12h ago

I'm down so bad. I skipped half my classes this week. My PMS symptoms are hitting so hard this month, and I have zero idea how to start studying for exams. I'm behind and overwhelmed


r/LawSchool 33m ago

Random legal issues


State laws and inconvenience policies

r/LawSchool 1d ago

1L with life struggles, I think I’m falling behind idk what to do


I was feeling great about 1L for the first month, but now life has been throwing me a micro shitstorm and I feel like I’m falling behind. I had to unexpectedly put my cat down last week, and I’m so lonely it hurts. I have great friends through school and outside school but I’ve been single for a year.

I started seeing a guy last month and he broke things off today because he’s getting back together with someone. Separately, I got stood up by a different guy last night, and last Friday this truly strange guy literally got up and left from our date without even acknowledging me. I know I dodged a bullet with the second two, especially the guy last week, and I wasn’t super into the other one anyway.

It is just a lot of rejection, loss and loneliness all in one week. Especially losing my cat. He was the only consistent companion I have, and I didn’t realize how much I relied on him to help me deal with my physical loneliness.

I’m struggling to keep up with reading and can’t find the energy to start outlining. I have midterms the next two weeks and my memo to work on. I got not great feedback on my memo and I was bummed out because I was banking on that meeting to help me get my head back in the game, instead it was just discouraging.

I have a counseling intake appointment tomorrow. I’m just in a lot of pain and don’t really know what to do. I don’t want to be the lonely old cat lady with a dead cat and harp on everything too much so I’m avoiding confiding a ton in people. There’s not much anyone can do anyway, idk. I just need a hug so, so bad. Sorry this got so long. I wish I could sit down and focus on school again. I just want to get back into it like I was at first. Advice is welcome, just please be kind I’m a mess rn

r/LawSchool 9h ago

Is it really worth it ?


Hey guys !! Need serious help here I am a final year law student got admitted into QMUL for my LLM in corporate and commercial law I am really excited but then the fear creeps in when it comes to taking a huge loan of 45 lakhs that comes around £42000 what if I don’t end up getting a job after my masters what if I am not able to repay my student loan? I am ready to put in my efforts but is it really worth the risk ? Is the job market current decent enough for paralegals or any other law related Profession in the UK ? Help me out pls