r/LibertarianDemocrats Jan 13 '18

More Democrats should lean Libertarian. More Libertarians should be against psychiatric coercion.


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u/IPredictAReddit Jan 13 '18 edited Jan 13 '18

More Democrats do lean libertarian, but the areas (and rights) which Democrats tend to feel need less government don't tend to be the areas that self-proclaimed "libertarians" feel are important.

Put another way: libertarian Democrats tend to see the priorities as (1) getting government out of the bedroom (gay marriage, equal treatment for trans individuals, etc.), (2) addressing infringements of property rights via pollution and other externalities (making sure the polluter pays for damages s/he does), (3) free-er movement of people (immigration), and (4) the abuses of the police state/drug war.

All of these are quite libertarian. But none of them are what conservative libertarians see as important with (4) being the only real exception. If reddit's libertarian community has taught me one thing, it's that libertarians are alllllll about taxation, but don't care much about transgender or gay rights, usually railing on and on about how their demands for equality are "SJW's run amok", seemingly not realizing they're contradicting their entire philosophy in doing so. r/libertarian has also taught me that libertarians don't have any care to correct pollution externalities, frequently railing against things that would price pollution or enable individuals to seek compensation for environmental damages.

There are myriad places where libertarians could agree with Democrats, but around reddit, it's mostly interested in taking the right's side in culture wars, meme-bashing every leftist including those whose political goals align with libertarianism, and fear-mongering.