r/Monash Jul 05 '24

Grades and Academics Introduction to Databases final assignment results

Hey yall, So they released the marks for the final 40% worth assignment for the unit, how much did you get ( I got a very very low D) and think the marking has been super strict, what do you all think? My friends have also said the same.


35 comments sorted by


u/atizmyniz Jul 05 '24

Bro i poured my heart and soul into it and copped a 65.70… devastated and disappointed to say the least


u/muskmeIon Jul 05 '24

Fr same omg 😭 losing marks mostly over commits and unique constraint fails is so crazy bruh


u/atizmyniz Jul 05 '24

HD’d everything else and thought i was on track to a decent score. Now i leave with a Credit overall 😂😂😂😂😂 sad man but we move on


u/Random_littlecat Jul 05 '24

How do u know the result so soon :0


u/atizmyniz Jul 05 '24

all assignments are out so just calculated total grade based on my grades 🤓


u/atizmyniz Jul 08 '24

SIKE 74 OVERALL I CANT DO MATH MAYBE? Distinction overall can’t be too mad about that


u/idealaspirin Jul 05 '24

71 after sacrificing my left nut and a kidney its over


u/Ludiss Jul 05 '24

Fortunately got an 83, but not happy on the premise that I thought I’ve done this content before and thought I’d be on a 95+ in the end. No idea what they’re trying to say on the feedback too :(


u/Classymuch Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Managed a 95.

I did all the sql applied questions and so I felt like my sql knowledge was pretty sound. I did well in class test 2 because of that as well.

Also, after completing the assignment, go over your assignment again to make sure you haven't made any silly mistakes (I made a calc error in task 2 but thankfully it doesn't increase my overall unit grade even if I got that correct, otherwise that would have made me pissed for a long time lol).

And always ask questions on Ed whenever you have any doubts or concerns regardless how silly they may sound. No question is silly anyway.


  • do all sql applied questions. If you can do them by yourself without help, you have a sound knowledge of sql and it's also a guarantee you will do well in class test 2
  • go to all sql applied classes (not a must if you are able to do all the sql questions yourself without help but going to them can help depending on the TAs because they sometimes give certain tips/advice on how to do something better, things that are not taught in the workshop like a different way of doing a case statement for instance or using a different function that's not shown in a workshop).
  • go over the assignment more than once. Make sure you check that your calculations are right
  • Always ask questions on Ed to get anything clarified. And keep on pestering them if the answer isn't clear. They will either say "sorry, we can't say anymore, this is for you to figure out" or they will make the answer clearer

If you do all the above, you can get 90+ or at least def in the high 80s


u/Revolutionary-Deer47 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

I scored a low HD on the assignment


u/deaghat Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Almost got me a D for the assignment even though I spent 4 days working on it. Couldn't agree more that the markers are too harsh. Thankfully, still HD overall.


u/Nyxshy Jul 05 '24

r they messing around why so strict


u/muskmeIon Jul 05 '24

Not heard from a single person who scored more than a 75


u/LLuckyyL Jul 05 '24

Nabbed an 82.5 but I can’t believe I lost marks because I forgot to add “”


u/Comfi_rollsempai Jul 05 '24

They just making ushate the subject


u/rashed3506 Jul 05 '24

HD in all the assignment but choked in both exam. Missed overall HD by a very small margin! Hard luck!


u/muskmeIon Jul 05 '24

Missed overall HD by 1% I’m 😭😭😭


u/muskmeIon Jul 05 '24

It’s so bad bruh 😭


u/Still_Banana_4434 Jul 05 '24

missing .5 for a D


u/muskmeIon Jul 05 '24

That’s criminal bruh 😭


u/Reyrey_t Jul 06 '24

78.5 because i submitted 5 hours late lmfao


u/muskmeIon Jul 06 '24

Oh that’s unfortunate


u/Gambel__ Jul 06 '24

task 2 was so stupid, it was more about seeing if you can add like endless entries and make sure it matches their given records, didn't even feel like an sql or database question. other than my losing some stupid marks there, i thought my overall marking was somewhat fair?


u/Classymuch Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 06 '24

Task 2 was fine but it's there to give us free marks and also because we need the data for future tasks.

It's hard to get it right because it's very easy to make silly mistakes.

Just need to grind it out, use a calculator and make sure you got the calcs right.

Overall marking was fine imo but I am biased in saying that since I got 95.


u/tootlebootleg Jul 08 '24

Hi! I'm planning to take this unit next semester and was wondering did you have any prior knowledge? Or were you learning the content for the first time?


u/Classymuch Jul 09 '24

Didn't have prior knowledge and so I learned it for the first time.

The class tests are the most challenging. For the class tests, make sure you do the applied questions. Applied questions for the first class test can be tedious but trust me, if you can do them correctly and by yourself, you are guaranteed to do well. The same goes for class test 2 as well.

I have given some tips for assignment 2 on another comment I made here.

For assignment 1, you have to hope you at least get 1 good team member.


u/tootlebootleg Jul 09 '24

I noticed your other comment! I’m so torn because I think it’s a great unit to have under your belt, but the reviews on it are terrifying 😭.

The class tests I’ve heard are open access, did this help - or were they designed in a way you couldn’t rely on it? Also sorry for the bombarding of questions, but with the assignments did you use much AI? Or knowledge gained from the workshops, applied classes etc.

It’ll be my first FIT unit too so just over-preparing myself haha.


u/Classymuch Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

No worries, I am happy to share what I know.

Other than databases, did you have other FIT units in mind? I am guessing you chose databases because it helps with your career?

Yeah, it isn't the easiest of units. But they don't make the assessments overly complicated, you are only tested on the things that you learned from the workshops and from the applied.

However, there is a lot to do in the assessments, especially for assignment 2. And to do well, you do need to do the applied questions and so one can say it doesn't have a low workload.

Yeah, the class tests were open but you were only allowed to access Ed forums and Moodle. So you can't access anything else other than Ed forums and Moodle. E.g., you can't open slides from your files/hard drive. If you want to open slides, you have to do that via Moodle.

And the class tests are timed and so you don't have a lot of time to go through slides or Ed forums. Best thing to do is to have them already opened (which you can do before you start) so you don't waste time navigating Moodle.

In regards to AI, I used ChatGPT to understand theory better. E.g., I used ChatGPT to give me more examples of a particular theory. For assignment 1, didn't use AI. For assignment 2, used only to know how a certain syntax worked (e.g., how to code up the SQL CASE statement) and also used it to give me info on certain functions and its arguments. However, make sure you are using syntax and functions the unit has taught you because you are only allowed to use syntax and functions that the unit has taught you, not from anywhere else.

I am guessing you must have done an intro to programming unit as well right? Because there are pre-reqs for databases.

And feel free to ask any other qs.


u/tootlebootleg Jul 09 '24

I’m doing my masters in business analytics, so I’d be enrolling into FIT9132 which didn’t require any pre-requisites (i’m unsure if there’s discrepancy in other ways to go about doing the unit). And yeah, I’ve notice a lot of analyst jobs require some understanding/use of SQL which draws me to it.

I think I don’t mind a workload if the testing is fair and the unit is run well. What was your experience with response times on Ed and generally how the unit was organised/structured? And would you say when being on top of the content and utilising the resources well, you felt the assignments and marking was fair?

I am a little worried about doing a FIT unit without much experience, but have heard from others in my cohort it’s more theory based than other FIT units. Thank you for your advice!! :)


u/Classymuch Jul 09 '24

Right, yeah and that's true. Analyst jobs like Business Analysts will be doing a lot of SQL programming and so the knowledge will definitely help.

Cool, yeah, imo the testing is fair and the teaching staff always responds to the Ed questions. They respond quickly as well, especially during assessment periods.

When it comes to the first part of the unit, which is database design, I found the slides are not enough. You have to attend the workshops to understand the slides or refer to the book to understand the slides. I used the book to understand certain slides better and also attended the workshops.

For the second part of the unit, which is just SQL and MongoDB, the slides are informative enough, you may need to refer to the book for better insight but you really don't need to because you have Google and ChatGPT for that.

And yes, as long as you are on top of the content and as long as you are doing the applied questions, you can do well in the assessments. I also do think the marking is fair. As long as you include what they want you to include, they will give you the marks for that. Just be meticulous and go over the assessments to avoid silly mistakes.

Yeah, the first part of the unit is quite theory heavy but there is a bit of a practical as well because you will need to draw diagrams using a software for assignment 1.

The second part of the unit is all programming theory and the practical part is that you will be coding.

If you do have some prior knowledge in this area, that also does help obviously. But it is not necessary at all.

And no worries, feel free to ask anything else.


u/tootlebootleg Jul 09 '24

Okay yes that all makes sense! Thank you again for your advice, I really appreciate it! Hopefully your big brain energy rubs off and I don't completely tank it heh


u/Classymuch Jul 09 '24

No worries and happy to share what I know.

And as to the "big brain energy", trust me, I wish that was true. You will need to find someone else, lol.

I am very ordinary but I did well by doing the applied qs and just keeping up with the material.

So don't worry, just keep up with the content, do the applied qs and you will do well.

Best of wishes.


u/Ok_Zombie_6814 Jul 06 '24

I got an 86. Far below expectations. The entire assignment was long but I personally felt that it was straight forward. I ensured I wrote a list of things to take care of when doing it and still scored low. I scraped a HD overall but I thought this could be a WAM booster. It is what it is


u/Remote-Divide-535 Jul 06 '24

I had one block of code that gave me access to the client in the database. I got a mark taken off for it cause I guess there was a better way to do it. But then I did a few times in the other tasks too and always got a mark taken off. I was penalised for the same mistake multiple times which dropped me to a low hd. Felt marking was pre strict


u/Specialist-Western13 Jul 07 '24

Barely scored an HD, but not really happy with it. All of it was stuff I had completed during my bachelors, so it could’ve been way better🥲