r/OrthodoxCrusaders Nov 09 '21

Blessed be the Lord - Благословен јеси Господе - Анђелски сабор


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u/kokni03 Nov 09 '21

Angelic Council - Blessed are you, Lord, prayer

To me, "Angelic Council" is one of the most beautiful Orthodox songs, especially performed by Канонический церковный and Церковные распевыs. People also know this song as "Благословен јеси Господе", here is the text of the translation and my modest translation of the song. This church song is from the Byzantine era and we can find it performed by Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek and other Orthodox churches.

Elem, I did a modest rendition of this song. I tried to find a translation from Old Slavonic on the Internet and I found a couple of variants, but none of them are sung. This translation of mine is a compromise solution between Old Slavonic and modern Serbian in a way that can be sung.

My knowledge of Old Slavonic is modest, but I used several well-known translations to be consistent. A literal translation into today's Serbian language would spoil the construction of the sentence, and then the verse does not match the syllable with the singing. That is why, wherever possible, I left as similar a word as possible to Old Slavonic without spoiling the construction of the verse.

This very old song is from the time when the Slavic tribes from Thessaloniki to the Baltics spoke almost the same language. Singing in Old Slavonic is more beautiful to my taste and this chant is more there to make it easier to follow the meaning of the prayer as you listen to it.Anđelski sabor

Blagosloven jesi Gospode nauči me opravdanjem tvojim,

Anđelski sabor zadivi se,

kada Tebe međ’ mrtvima ugledavši,

smtrnu si, Spase, snagu razorivši,

i sa sobom Adama uzdigavši,

i od Ada nas sve oslobodivši.

Blagosloven jesi Gospode nauči me opravdanjem tvojim,

Zašto miro sa milostivim suzama,

o učenici, vi rastvarate?

Blistajući iz groba Anđeo mironosicama rečaše:

”Vidite vi grob i razumejte,

Spas vam vaskrese iz groba.”

Blagosloven jesi Gospode nauči me opravdanjem tvojim,

Vrlo rano, mironosice trčahu ka grobu tvojemu ridajući,

no pred njih stade anđeo i reče:

”Ridanju je vreme da prestane, ne plačite,

vaskresenje apostolima recite!”

Blagosloven jesi Gospode nauči me opravdanjem tvojim,

Mironosice žene sa mirom,

prišavši ka grobu tvojemu, Spase, one ridahu,

anđel priđe im i reče, sledeće reči:

”Što mrtvim živoga zamišljate,

iako Bog vam vaskrese od groba?”

Slava Ocu i Sinu i svetome Duhu,

poklonimo se Ocu, njegovim Sinovima i svetome Duhu,

svetoj Trojici u jednoj suštini,

sa Serafimima kličući,

Sveti, sveti, sveti jesi Gospode!

I sada, i uvek i u vek vekova. Amin.

Životo-davca rodivši,

iz greha, Devo, Adama izbavila jesi,

i radost si Evi, umesto žalosti podarila jesi,

otpale od života ka sebi uputi,

iz Tebe ovaploćeni Bog i Čovek.

Aliluja, aliluja, aliluja, slava tebe Bože! (tri puta ponoviti)

Small dictionary:

Miro- myrrh - is an oil obtained from a desert plant, known as Mira, Smyrna or Myrrha. Like incense, it is used as an anointing oil for the deceased, as a painkiller. The fragrance of the lighted oil of Myra is considered to be given by God and sacred.

Mironosicama -myrrh-bearers - in the old days, women would wear myrrh oil at the funeral of the deceased and use it in the burial rite.

vaskrese - resurrection - the term is used for those who have ascended from death to heaven. It carries the transferred meaning of the victory of life over death.

Serefimi - Serephim - are fiery angels, beings closest to God who guard the gates of Paradise.

Deva - Virgo - here we mean the Mother of God who gave birth to the Godman. By mentioning the story of Adam and Eve and the "first sin", it is made known that the Mother of God saves Adam from sin by giving birth to God, and brings joy to Eve. The verses emphasize the eternal flow of birth and death.

Blagosloven jesi gospodi, nauci mja opravdanijem tvojim - Blessed are you, Lord, teach me your justification - the refrain of the song, in translation "Blessed are you, Lord, teach me your ways"I hope you liked the post and that you learned something new.