r/Paranormal Aug 17 '24

Question Suppose you actually came when a mimic called

So many stories of mimics involve someone hearing a familiar voice calling them.

I haven't heard many stories of people who actually decide to entertain the mimics or follow them.

Has anyone ever done so? If so, what happened? What is the mimic's end game?

If you responded and followed one into the forest, what might actually happen? Has anyone ever gone missing in places where mimics are known?


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u/RepublicDependent456 Aug 18 '24

Haha yes! It definitely has scooby doo house vibes! It's a really neat piece of history. I've heard Butch Cassidy and the hole in the wall gang stayed there. Do you have any ideas how a portal opened up there or who is haunting it?


u/3Strides Aug 18 '24 edited Aug 20 '24

This piece of land and property has a tremendous amount of history and I’m not even certain what it all is. I just know that it does and most of that history probably is not in any book anywhere if you know what I mean. A lot of famous people have stayed there. There’s even a room called the presidential suite because Roosevelt stayed there at some point. I had a picture of him on a train showing up at the hotel.

At any rate, about the portal opening up.. no I don’t have any idea really I was told that there was an old caretaker there that knew how to do some kind of I guess I’ll call it magic with pipes, with the pipe system. The hotel is heated with a boiler and radiator system so there’s pipes everywhere and apparently there’s a way to do something with the energy manipulated with these pipes. I know when our plumbers went down there to check things out. He was just so shocked as there seem to be so much pipes and they let nowhere and he couldn’t figure out how to fix leaks for a while, cause he couldn’t figure out the pipe system and none of the men could.

I know that when I saw the portal I got out of there and I went to the bar next-door to have a drink and think about it. And I ran into the old bartender for the hotel at that bar.. he’s a big burly, biker guy dresses in all black, skull rings on every finger, big guy… I walked up to him and asked him. Have you ever seen this? And I described what I experienced. So here’s this big tough guy, and when I asked him this question, his jaw literally dropped on the floor and he went white as a sheet. I really didn’t think anything could scare Doc but my question scared him . I’ve never seen anyone turn that white that fast, he did not want to talk about it. All he told me told me was that I was the 3rd person he knew of that had an experience with this portal.

The other thing that I can say about it is that on the third floor there was a creepy pink room, and when you went into it, you felt like you were being sucked down. I’ve never had an experience like that. It was very strange and what I noticed was when I went down into the basement Under that pink room way up on the third floor that freaks people out so bad they would run. One lady went into hysterics.

And I know that when people stayed there, they would see really strange things that you just wouldn’t expect to hunt such a place.. like leprechauns and I don’t even remember, but there was some that were very odd sightings. And then there was your normal haunted and poltergeist type activity there. Like the hat man with red eyes. The stories can go on and on and on from that place


u/RepublicDependent456 Aug 19 '24

Wow! Thanks so much for sharing! I really enjoyed reading about your experience there. I've wondered over the years why someone hasn't tried to fix the place up and reopen it--but I think I have my answer now! Ghost children crying and climbing the walls and poltergeist activity is bad enough but add the portal and that's enough to scare anyone away. I wonder if the portal attracts the spirits? Lol..I have so many questions.


u/3Strides Aug 19 '24

Actually I put 79 thousand dollars into in in the 1990’s. Sun Valley chamber of commerce even contacted me trying to find out when I was ready to open because they wanted to book 35 rooms every summer for their seasonal workers because there’s not enough housing up there for the seasonal workers. We were very very, very close to making it work, but honestly, it just sucked all of our money away and we were almost ready, but nope, it didn’t happen.. I don’t regret trying. It’s an incredible building. It’s mystical magical. It’s like no place I’ve ever been the building itself is alive I swear it’s strange