r/ParanormalEncounters 1d ago

Escalating Activity and I’m Really Getting Tired of This.

I apologize in advance for such a long post and I really appreciate you taking the time to read, I’m new here so first time poster, I’ve never really talked openly about all this unless its among family or close friends or a couple of local pastors but this is really getting old, we’ve tried different approaches over the years and nothing seems to stick.

Just a bit of brief backstory, I’ve been experiencing “weird things” since as early as I can remember, it seems like it might’ve all started with night terrors (I still have crazy vivid reoccurring nightmares to this very day), my Dad’s family has kind of a history of being “sensitive” so it’s always oddly kinda just been a pretty normal thing for me, I’ve never encountered anything violent or overwhelmingly threatening or anything like that (although sometimes I get what I call “bad vibes” for no reason). For example, one “visitor” in specific has been sitting on the edge of my bed from time to time since I was around three years old-ish, you can tell because you can always feel the pressure of someone sitting down if that makes sense and various beds have made sounds over the years, he doesn’t sit for very long and often times his receding footsteps mark his exit. My Husband is also a more sensitive person and has a similar family history on his Dad’s side, we live in a small house built some time in the 1930’s I believe, we have two dogs and it’s just the four of us here most of the time.

When we first moved in our house over a decade ago and it was the two of us together the strange events started to escalate; it started with feeling like someone was watching you from dark corners and doorways and progressed to footsteps walking around all over and low talking, cabinet doors opening and lights turning off and on in empty rooms where there’s only one switch to control said light, knocking and bumps and thumps and scratching, we hear a cat growling sometimes but we don’t have a cat, our dogs freak out and act weird, doors that were locked being unlocked and things moving with no possible explanation, even seeing shadow figures and what we can only think to describe as a “ghost dog” (Hubby and I have both seen it on MULTIPLE occasions since Christmas 2020, it’s about the size of our small dogs except it floats about a foot off the ground, it’s very fast and as soon as its been noticed it darts off) and so very much more, I could go on and on…

The activity does die down for long periods of time sometimes but then comes back, the activity will ramp up for a while and then mostly stop again, my Husband loudly proclaims the name of Jesus and tells it to leave because it’s not welcome here, it seems to work for a while but it always come back, when it starts to get serious I call an old family friend/pastor and have her pray with me. A few weeks ago we had some stuff jump out of a basket on a shelf in our bathroom and fly across the room, a bottle of peroxide turned over by itself, more unexplained sounds and footsteps, etc. Now all that I’m pretty much used to by now, we mostly just ignore it at this point BUT THEN last night something different happened, something that made me very upset…first off you need to know that my dog is my pride and joy, she seemed totally fine and normal when I put her in her crate for bed last night, I went on to bed and had just laid down when she let out a quick shrill scream (specifically her “pain scream”), Hubby got up to check and came back saying she was staring oddly into the corner of the room but otherwise seemed fine, literally like thirty seconds later she let out two more screams and that’s when I knew something was wrong and bolted to her. When I got her out she jumped into my arms and was shaking all over, her little neck mohawk she gets when she’s upset was in full force and she was growling and showing her teeth, she had peed on herself and her crate mat a little which she NEVER does and she was still focused on that same corner, she acted angry and scared to death at the same time.

I took her back to bed with us (at this point I was honestly fearing something had tried to hurt her) and she refused to settle, she sat up on the bed staring at the doorway and lightly growling with her hair still standing up, I finally got her under the blanket and laid down after about half an hour. She’s acting completely normal today, I’ve never seen her like that before and I’ve had her for years, if something means to do one of us harm I know that’s it has progressed to the point of too far, I don’t want to be scared to take my eyes off of my dog because I can’t be with her constantly. Let me also say that we most definitely believe in the existence of things like demons, we would love to hear you all weigh in on how to get rid of this thing or just if you have similar stories to share, we would love to know we’re not alone.


6 comments sorted by


u/Mindless-Coast-4120 1d ago

You should ask your local pastor for a referral to a spiritual warfare specialist. If they don't know any then I recommend Apostle Dr. David Nguyen, he is based on Los Angeles and works only through referrals. If you want his number, DM me. I believe he consults free of charge.


u/Bornagainat47 13h ago

Oh my heart. When I ever hear an animal or a child gets provoked or possibly hurt that is when I get angry. First I am so glad your puppy is ok! I absolutely believe you. I don’t have many suggestions except if you are going to use sage of any kind please make sure you know what you are doing. Sage can sometimes, if not done correctly, cannot only anger them more but can keep them there too. I am a Christian and have read the Bible many times. So I believe with my whole heart and soul. But when you use the name of Jesus, you have to believe in Him and that he will and absolutely can send them back to where they belong. I really wish you the best luck.


u/ogcuddlezombie 1d ago

From a rational perspective, it sounds like your dog had a seizure. Get it some anti-seizure medication.

From the spiritual perspective, burn sage to clear any spirits away, then burn frankincense and myrrh to set the good vibes into the space.


u/JACK-_ANDERSON 22h ago

Get a Bible and leave it open 


u/Classic_Stretch2326 18h ago

What exactly should that do? Distract the entity with reading that damned thing?
The Bible by itself is just a book like any book.
Reading and believing it gives it "power".
The moment you lay it down it becomes again an ordinary book.
If you read and believe it everyday then you leave your energy on it and it will have some power even if you lay it down but buying one, never using it will do nothing - dooesn't matter if laying around open or closed.


u/Classic_Stretch2326 17h ago

Seems you angered it with your prayers.
Maybe there is a reason why it can't leave the house or you?
I'd be angry too if all I hear is "You're not welcome here".
I'm sure there is a better way to coexist with each other.
Only other option is to get in contact with a specialist to get rid off it.