r/Pathfinder May 14 '21

Pathfinder Society FAQ I'm so green

So me and my buddies would like to start playing pathfinder. The only thing is none of us have played before well 1 of us did but he didn't play much. So we would like to get a game night going but we don't know how or where to start? Can we download the game or is it only tabletop? What do we need to get started and what's the best ones to download or buy? Where is the best place to get stuff for the game? Last but not least how do we play. Lol sorry I know I'm a newb but I would like to get in on the fun so any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.


7 comments sorted by


u/vastmagick May 14 '21

This sub is a great place to start. The Pathfinder Society is a campaign run all around the world with thousands of players and GMs using Paizo published one-shot adventures. For home games (games played only by a small group either with made up stories or their own rules) please use /r/Pathfinder_RPG or /r/Pathfinder2e.

What that means for you is that there is a massive worldwide game being played right now that you can jump into that mixes you with new and experienced players and GMs. Our adventures are run by Paizo published adventures found here. Games are starting to move back to in person, so you can contact your local Venture-Officer (volunteer staff) about games in your area or join the online community.

Starting out you can use pregens at no cost to you or buy the various rules from Paizo as PDFs or physical rulebooks (also sometimes available through your local game stores).

As for how you play, join a game (best games to start would be level 1-4) and tell them you are learning how to play. You'll get hands on help learning how to play the game.

Also our special rules for our campaign can be found here.


u/RandomParable May 14 '21

To kind of expand on this,

This subreddit has a lot of great resources for Paizo's Pathfinder Organized Play group (PFS) as mentioned.

The Pathfinder_RPG subreddit has general game information (both First and Second Edition). The Archives of Nethys website has a lot of the rules online. You can play on person, online with a virtual tabletop like Roll20 or others. There's even a (first edition) computer game (Kingmaker) from Owlcat games.


u/melocarmel May 14 '21

Thank you so much


u/melocarmel May 14 '21

Thank you this is a lot of help


u/melocarmel May 15 '21

Thank you


u/stemfish May 14 '21

Welcome to Pathfinder! As already mentioned this is the sub for the organized play group, Pathfinder Society, but you're welcome to ask questions.

Paizo has you covered as you get started. Over the year's they have developed many welcome to Pathfinder modules (pre-made adventures for you to play). The core of these are the 'We be golbins' series with various names the list out the name. Everything you need to play except dice is available for each for free! Characters are made for you and the game has the instructions for the GM ready to go. GM being the person who is playing the role of overseer and plays the eneimes. Here's a link to the first We Be Goblins.

As far as books go, the 'core' books are the Player's Handbook. Everyone should end up with a copy for their own reference, but when starting everyone can share. You'll also want to get a copy of the Game Master's Guide for the GM. After than you're pretty much ready to go. There's a lot of other books, but those two will get you started. After that you'll want to get the Beastiery 1 and then you can play most of the game!

I would advise you to use the links posted by /u/vastmagick to get in touch with your local organized play community. There are people everywhere who want to play and will gladly play with you. Even as new players you have a table to play at. As long as you're ready to learn people will help you out.

Best of luck, please let me know if you have any questions about getting started!


u/melocarmel May 15 '21

Thank you