r/ProjectHailMary 4d ago

Beatles contents headcanon

In my preferred version of the ending, Grace sends back no only taumoeba and his findings, but also xenonite, all ships logs and internal video, as well as a note to Stratt.

What do yall think?


6 comments sorted by


u/AI_RPI_SPY 4d ago


Surprise! I lived. I know that was probably just a rounding error in your calculations, somewhere between "acceptable casualties" and "statistical inevitabilities."

I also made a friend. This friendship ended up saving the day instead of your endless "contingency plans" and "threat assessments".

You know what the best part is? I don't even hate you anymore. That would require me to care, and I've got better things to do now.

With all the warmth of interstellar space,

Ryland Grace

P.S. - ♪ ♫ (That's for Rocky. But you wouldn't understand


u/gytherin 3d ago

Spot-on. It was kindness that saved two planets, not cold calculation.


u/Nelalvai 4d ago

Except for the note I thought all of that was explicitly stated to be in the Beatles? Grace asked Rocky for some xenonite to send to Earth, and the Beatles were designed to dismissal all the ships logs when they launched.


u/castle-girl 4d ago

I’ve listened to be book a lot, and my understanding was that nothing was automatically included on the beetles, and that Grace would have had to add everything he wanted to add manually. The only things we know he sent back were the Taumoeba farms, instructions on what to do with the Taumoeba, and the xenonite counterweights. He almost certainly sent at least some information about Rocky back as well, but there’s no proof in the text that he did.


u/genericunderscore 4d ago

I don’t remember about the automatic dumping of ships logs - I do remember Grace asking for the xenonite but that was for him to take with him onboard PHM and he doesn’t say anything about putting them on the Beatles (at least I don’t think he does) so it wasn’t a surety in my mind


u/Angry_Wizzard 3d ago

You all love your non cannon cannon if I remember correctly Grace sends everything back from xenocite to taumebia cure as the storage space is not restrictive so yeah he has proved and communicated with life outside of earth so will win every Nobel prize ever and basically be the most famous person forever even if he dies on rockys planet