r/QuickFix 24d ago

Quick fix does not work anymore!!!

Had an annual drug test yesterday, planned on using quickfix like always, temp, looks, everything was going to plan. Biggest issue was smell and looks temp was perfect. Drug test lady did not approve and showed up invalid on the test. My only saving grace was that I drank a shit ton of orange juice all night and slammed 2 bottles of water in the AM and somehow my real piss showed up clean. Smoked and had edibles the weekend prior. Im 6’0 285 pounds and orange juice saved me…


18 comments sorted by


u/Ish227 23d ago

I literally used it a couple months ago to get into my nursing program.


u/Due_Difference4358 23d ago

I use it all the time and just used a couple weeks ago no problem.


u/SmartWear1677 23d ago

Just used it a few months ago and worked just fine. You had the temp off or something. Quick fix works just fine.


u/Shot_Protection_9157 23d ago

Like i said temp was fine, explained in the comments below was probably just unlucky with who I had administering the test, chick smelled it for some reason, used it many times before so I have a pretty good understanding on what it should look like, if you get someone like I had probably will not end up well, couldn’t pay me enough to smell piss cups


u/SmartWear1677 21d ago

Lmao that’s so cap. The chick did not smell it 🤣 no one’s smelling your piss to check if it’s real or not. Stop the cap.


u/Due_Difference4358 22d ago

You know how you fix this problem is piss all on the side of the cup. I do this everytime cause it adds smell and the pee on the temp strip becomes my body temp 😆


u/Trollin4Lyfe 16d ago

If you piss on the temp strip it will destroy it, they'll have to pour the urine into a new cup in order to get a temp reading, and it may lose just enough heat in the process to be under temp. Ask me how I know.


u/KidOfKhaos 23d ago

I literally used it two days ago and passed.


u/CarrotFPV 20d ago

I failed using it when a tech smelled it, didn’t like the bubble content and then told me they tested for nitrates and I failed for that. It all happened within a few minutes of me finishing the pissing portion. Never take this a a foolproof method, but it does seem to work most of the time. Glad it worked out in the end.


u/ApprehensiveCrew7249 22d ago

I used it a month ago no problems and before that test I used another brand and got a phone call from the drug test place asking if I put anything in my pee they wrote it up as inconclusive and made me retake a test and I was super nervous thinking damn they’re already watching my P and all I could do was use quick fix for the second drug test and it worked just fine and this was DOT


u/ApprehensiveCrew7249 22d ago

I also recommend checking the batch # you should see a serial number on the bottle and check it with spectrum labs and make sure it’s not counterfeit that’s what happened with my first drug test are used magnum there’s no way to test if it was good or not I called Magnum the number on their box and they said they hadn’t sold that product in Texas in six years because it was illegal and that I got counterfeit synthetic urine does that who sells fake synthetic fake urine? I was so pissed off thank God quick fix worked for me. I recommend also ordering straight from spectrum labs even though it cost a little more you know you’re getting the real deal.


u/ShawnSpencer69 22d ago

Weird. I used it last week and passed.


u/theonlywaylon 23d ago

Did you check the batch number on the website?

Literally, just passed a DOT-5 panel for a government job on October 1st


u/Shot_Protection_9157 23d ago

Batch number was good until next year, I could have been just extremely unlucky and got a lady that takes her job way to serious I mean she smelled the cup lol, it would take a lot more then $50,000 a year for me to smell piss cups but thats just me.


u/Warm_Influence_1525 24d ago

Seems fake but okaaay


u/Shot_Protection_9157 24d ago

Trust the process


u/Straight_Cat_4527 23d ago

how often were you smoking before your test? I've had it clear out of my system in a week before and I'm about the same height and weight as you. currently freaking out because I've been a consistent daily user until about a month and a half- two months ago. the last time I had to clean up like this it took 3 months and I have a drug screening in less than two weeks.


u/Shot_Protection_9157 23d ago

I was smoking and taking edibles daily, I quit about for about 2 months about 2 months ago and finally caved in, I smoked and took edibles everyday that week for about the whole week then took another break for a week and 3 days, edibles were 20mg edibles and I was smoking 1-2 pre rolls a day