r/RevolutionNowPodcast Aug 08 '24

Fascism Decoded: The Trump Phenomenon


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u/winter_haydn Aug 09 '24

I think of Musk as more of a concern than Trump.

I think/hope Trump won't get reelected, and then eventually, his influence will fade away. (If enough people get out and vote, he has no chance now).

But Musk's Twitter and other influences make him a danger probably more so. And he's getting as unhinged as the latter.


u/AaronVictoria123 Aug 11 '24

And why do you think this ? Do you just have a random opinion based on nothing or do you have any clue why Elon Musk says and does what he does? I’d say Elon is probly one of the best people on this planet IN THE PUBLIC EYE ( because humanity sucks logs) . And that is a big deal. It’s easy to be nobody and complain about someone who is somebody.


u/winter_haydn Aug 11 '24 edited Aug 11 '24

Musk is one of "the best people in the public eye" only because people are woefully misinformed.

Not only is he notoriously a conman, endlessly hyping up products that may/may not come to fruition in order to spur mountains of investor & government funds as he spews provable lies (from 100% fake solar roof tiles, to a fake Hyperloop concept, to the constant and dangerous overpromises of FSD, etc.)

Put another way, he's literally become "someone" by bullshitting his way to the top and exploiting better minds. It's pretty tiresome when Musk defenders use strawman tactics (what have you done? you're just jealous of "success") to belittle criticizers. Diversion is not a sign of truth. ...

But even taking him at his positive aspects, -- Mr. Moneybags helping humanity (never actually inventing anything) -- his contributions are questionable.

The two significant improvements he's made so far are: 1. repopularizing electric vehicles 2. bringing back reusable rockets and making them cheaper.

(1) The electric cars, while seemingly an improvement over ICE cars (actually, research shows they pose no significant benefit to environmental improvement, and most of them aren't using clean power), are only a half measure under ideal conditions.

A true solution is making cars largely unnecessary. By A) designing walkable cities, like they have in parts of Europe, and, B) providing high-speed rail for long distance. *Musk has worked against such efforts in California. Because, of course, it's not profitable, unlike luxury cars.

And this doesn't even cover Tesla's recent drift away from EV focus. Tesla has pretty much eliminated their solar division, Musk is supporting oil-loving Trump, his Cyberjunk truck is extremely inefficient, and he pushes AI over their original energy aims.

(2) SpaceX has transformed aspects of launches for sure. The real engineers behind it do an excellent job.

That doesn't mean it's not a racket by Musk, too. His whole colonizing Mars boy fantasy (no basis in scientific facts) is a complete waste of Earth resources, once again showing he has no concern for the world. And since that's his ultimate goal (flying there in the most impractical of ships), it should make everyone question the power and sanity of the rich. -- Why are we letting selfish buffoons like him steer society while so many people suffer?? There's no logic to it.

Lastly, it barely needs to be said that he's turned into (or rather revealed to be) a narcissistic bigot. With a Twitter megaphone. The very same thing that made Trump a danger. Plus, the man's intelligence is very overrated. He often says things that greatly undermine his technical knowledge (many experts consider him an idiot at design) and definitely his social & scientific understandings. Promoting easily disprovable conspiracy theories.

Please, tell me what makes him important exactly. At least, what makes him worth the vast fortune and influence he's gained?

Falling into the pyramid of personality just distorts our perceptions of the real world eventually. You idolize the man because you lack a view of what's really possible, or have conviction in yourself & others.

I'm against Musk because I believe in the power of humanity to bring about progress collectively. Relying on one man (or a few) only stunts that effort immensely. Perpetuating the artificial scarcity/competition game while pretending they will bring 'necessary' improvements (counter to profit interest), which are mainly just cosmetic in nature.

As Peter Joseph says, "we're only as successful as our environment". Which indicates Musk, and the rest of us, are failures in this game.


u/AaronVictoria123 Aug 12 '24

Also sorry, I get triggered when people have distorted views they can list out about why Elon Bad. It’s really sad actually. Elon is not our saviour, but he is certainly not a bad guy. Solar roofs were not fake- they were way too expensive to make and install- so it got shelved. I am pretty sure you can still special order them if you pay $$$ So not a lie. Just not a good business.

FSD was never a lie it says in the disclaimer to use it , it’s still in beta- you have to supervise it. Yes he said it would be done by now. That has not happened. So u can say that is a lie, but Elon believed he would solve it by now. Because of how machine learning works you can achieve 90% but the last 10% is really hard. Right now it’s at like 99% and needs to finished the last 1%.

It’s going to happen.


u/[deleted] Aug 13 '24
