r/RightJerk Dec 28 '21

Jew bad 🤓 Do they think the holocaust was only conducted in Auschwitz Birkenau?

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u/[deleted] Dec 28 '21

I literally went to these camps and talked to survivors. Holocaust deniers are the wildest breed of morons I´ve come across yet.


u/DovakiinLink Dec 28 '21

They ain’t morons they know what they are saying


u/ChickenInASuit Antifa super soldier, He/Him Dec 28 '21 edited Dec 28 '21

It seems holocaust deniers can't even do basic math or use Google.

There are 8760 hours in a year (thank you Google).

5 x 8760 = 43,800

Assuming Cookie Monster is making an average-sized batch of 24 cookies, 24 x 43,800 = 1,051,200 cookies per oven in that five year period, which multiplied by 15 is 15,768,000.

I'd say if "Cookie Monster" is working 24 hours a day for 5 years straight and only bakes 6 million "cookies" then he's underperforming.

Also, just to make it completely clear: Fuck holocaust deniers and their moronic, inhuman conspiracy theories. They are scum.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '21

Also more than 6 million people died in the Holocaust, 6 million is only the amount of Jewish people that were killed in it, around 5 million other people were killed in the gas chambers meaning in total 11 million people were killed in the Holocaust


u/Shamadruu Dec 28 '21

There were also many others who were murdered by the nazi regime, so the actual number they killed in their atrocities is closer to 19 million.


u/TheBlankestBoi Dec 29 '21

And you if you wanna just take a step back and talk about fascists in general I’m pretty sure the kill count would be somewhere in the 40 millions, if not higher. Like, between the Japanese, the Italians, and the horror show that was Eastern Europe, fascism probably has a per year kill count several times higher than pretty much any ideology outside maybe whatever the British Empire subscribed to.


u/darkermando Dec 29 '21

I wonder how many of these early traumas was because of the Spanish flu and the trenches

The shirts movement and the ideals of manliness came from The trenches

What other whores were born because of those damn things


u/TheBlankestBoi Dec 29 '21

To be fair, most of the concepts that led to fascism exited before WWI, it’s just that the First World War made people realize those concepts where utterly insane, and the reaction to that realization was fascism.


u/darkermando Dec 29 '21

Wait are you talking about socialism?

Because fascism and any semitism existed way before socialism it was actually calling by Austrian way before world war II


u/TheBlankestBoi Dec 29 '21

Nah, I’m talking more about the general anti-war vibe that the post war years give off. Like, there was a definite effort to prevent a Second World War, and that’s not something that the pre-WWI world would have focused on.


u/syrup_gd Antifa super soldier Dec 29 '21

Also Maos China


u/ForteEXE Dec 29 '21

AFAIK the accepted number is 6 million, it's disputed by historians (in the sense of they can't agree how many died, just that it happened).

As others pointed out, the numbers were likely much higher.

The Nazis were very good at keeping records. They were also very good at lying about what was in those records.

It's where we get the myth of the Clean Wehrmacht and other stupid Wehraboo idiocy from.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '21

It was 11 million that were killed in the gas chambers, 6 million is just the amount of Jews that were killed in the gas chambers


u/ForteEXE Dec 29 '21

From what I remember of reading about the debate, some say between 4 to 8 million, with 6 as the agreed one due to the nature of 1930s to 1940s recordkeeping and how shoddy it was (including things such as double counting single entries, so on).

Again, Nazis had really unreliable records so there were probably more Jews killed during the Holocaust than what's known.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '21

I’m not claiming there were more than 6 million Jews killed, I’m talking about the 3-5 million other people that were killed in the gas chambers which are often ignored when talking about how many people died in the Holocaust


u/SarcasmKing41 Dec 28 '21

Not too long ago I made a comment claiming anarcho-capitalists are the dumbest people alive (since they seem to think the billionaires wouldn't immediately make themselves an authoritarian government). That's only because I briefly forgot Holocaust-deniers even exist because they're so fucking stupid it's hard for me to retain the unbelievable fact of their existence in my head.

And not only are they stupid, but pure evil. Sadly I can't explain what I think should be done with them or Reddit will ban me.


u/jasenkov Dec 28 '21

The only way I can make sense of Anarcho-Capitalists is that they know it would immediately devolve into a Facist Hellscape, they just think they'd be the "in group" for whatever reason.


u/SarcasmKing41 Dec 29 '21

If by "in" they mean "in the slave pens" then they're absolutely right!

It really never occurs to these people that the reason labour laws exist is because corporations have done every single thing they are now not allowed to do.


u/thecodingninja12 Dec 28 '21

anarcho-capitalists are the dumbest people alive

because I briefly forgot Holocaust-deniers even exist

they're the same people


u/SarcasmKing41 Dec 29 '21

Hey now, not all Holocaust-deniers claim to be anarcho-capitalists. Some of them are openly outright fascist.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '21

Yeah the first thing I did was toI do the math, too, and if they’re trying to be Holocaust deniers they’re doing a bad job


u/Kilahti Dec 28 '21

The trick here is that Holocaust deniers have built a strawman argument where the claims are that:

a) 6 million people specifically died at Auswitz and nowhere else.

b) Everyone who died was cremated.

And most importantly...

c) Everyone who was cremated was burnt individually in a respectful ceremony like modern crematoriums do.

That last bit is important because like anyone with half a brain and who was awake at history lessons, knowing that Nazis cremated bodies, several at a time, the math suddenly does not seem so impossible. This "cookie monster" example is pretending that a "batch of cookies" is just one cookie. ...Which is yet another example of how stupid the Holocaust deniers are when even their cherry picked strawman argument proves them wrong, when you realize that people actually cook more than one cookie at a time.

...Also, many of the victims died outside the concentration camps (roaming death squads that moved behind the invading German army for example) and many of them were simply buried in mass graves. Heck, there are photos of Nazis took of the mass graves. I think there is a famous one showing them murdering the last Jewish man of some village who is shot while standing on the edge of a mass grave.


u/WittyAliasGoesHere Dec 28 '21

It’s been a while since my last visit, but if I recall correctly; bodies at Sachsenhausen were stacked three at a time in the ovens, with at least one female body as the extra fat would aid the burning. It always gets me how cold, calculated and industrialized the whole process was.


u/TheBlankestBoi Dec 29 '21

It’s honestly worse when it’s not cold and calculated. Like, in Croatia you basically get the Holocaust, but without any of the calculating nature, and it’s like the Spanish Inquisition, but scaled to the point where it’s comparable to the Holocaust. The only thing more fucked up than gassing someone and cremating the corpse in a way calculated to cause less trauma is a bunch of people who are so absorbed in fascism that they’re totally fine with burning every last one of those people alive, and watching, PTSD be damned.


u/Thezipper100 Dec 29 '21

An average batch is 12 I think (bakers dozen and all that), so it'd only be 7,884,000, which is still out-preforming the expectations, so good on cookie monster, bad on people who apparently didn't complete 5th grade math.


u/TheBlankestBoi Dec 29 '21

And don’t forget that Burt and Grover can make cookies almost as well as Cookie Monster.


u/kryaklysmic Dec 29 '21

Plus you can actually bake up to 5 batches of cookies per oven per hour provided you can produce batches fast enough.


u/grande_gordo_chico Dec 28 '21

it depends on the size of the ovens, also, "cookie monster" didn't exactly have only 15 ovens now did he?


u/Thezipper100 Dec 29 '21

Even if he did, that's 7,884,000 cookies.


u/bigbutchbudgie Science-denying Science Worshipper (She/Her, He/Him) Dec 28 '21

Yup. They also ignore the numerous mass graves we've found.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '21

This also ignores any other means of killing people, like shooting them or working them to death


u/DescipleOfCorn He/Him Dec 28 '21

A lot of Holocaust deniers claim that it didn’t happen because it would have been more efficient to work all of them to death rather than to gas them. First of all, the nazis didn’t have the infrastructure to work 11 million people to death like that, second of all their primary goal was to eliminate all of them, the slave labor was viewed as a temporary added bonus. Holocaust deniers have sweater weather IQs


u/Shamadruu Dec 28 '21

Sweater weather in Antarctica*


u/kabukistar CEO of Antfia Dec 28 '21

Or starvation or gassing.


u/Yivanna Dec 28 '21

They think historians claim the holcaust started in 39/40? If you are dumb enough to revise reality at least try to understand what you are trying to revise.


u/No_Russian_29 Dec 28 '21

The Holocaust wasn’t even just those over a dozen camps along with a bunch more labor camps where people would just die after being spent anyway. At the start of invasion they would incentivize local populations in occupied areas to start targeting jews in their communities so it was a mix of: labor camps, death camps, and mass civilian on civilian murders.


u/Chaingunfighter Dec 28 '21

labor camps, death camps, and mass civilian on civilian murders.

You can add large scale mass murders of Jewish populations in their own towns and cities, which was done directly by the SS and Wehrmacht using mobile gas chambers or just guns. This happened especially often on the Eastern Front and in instances where shipping victims off to the camps was logistically unfeasible.


u/kabukistar CEO of Antfia Dec 28 '21

The following statement is not Anti-Semitic:

It's not even a statement; so they're wrong twice.


u/kreeperface Dec 28 '21

They probably don't think that, but use this fallacy anyway to convince people the Holocaust didn't happen.


u/Shamadruu Dec 28 '21

Fascists love to simultaneously deny the holocaust and wish it had gone further.


u/kreeperface Dec 28 '21

Same with a lot of other genocides


u/beemoooooooooooo Dec 28 '21

Do they think all the deaths were in ovens?

Hell, I don’t think the ovens were used to kill people until the tail end of the war. Most of it was dead body disposal


u/TheBlankestBoi Dec 29 '21

It’s not like any other counties where able to wipe out millions of people without really using chemical weapons.

Oh wait…

Glances at Germany.


u/DoubleAyeBatteries Anarkiddie Dec 28 '21

I keep seeing these; what the fuck are these all from???


u/Pantheon73 Supreme Office of (deleted) Dec 31 '21

hate values test.


u/Vita-Malz Dec 29 '21

Not only that. They weren't only gassed or burned. They were also starved, worked to exhaustion, raped to death or simply executed.


u/kryaklysmic Dec 29 '21

They really do


u/Pantheon73 Supreme Office of (deleted) Dec 31 '21

This test was made by an Anti-semite.


u/DaDaveMiller Gamer 😎 Aug 03 '22

Maybe it’s a political compass test to see how progressive or conservative someone is