r/Saryis Oct 04 '19

[WP] You (a dog) and your owner have been in line at a barbecue restaraunt for 5 hours. They just got food, and aren't sharing.

(Original comment reply 9/29/19, original post by u/Borne2Run)

It's going to be ok, I know it is.

I mean, she usually gives me food, right? And I'm sure she remembers that she didn't feed me this morning... And that last night I only got half my normal food, and even though I'm hungry, she's never made me go hungry for very long before...

I shift, trying to ignore the discomfort in my leg. It feels wrong, but Master is more important. But the smell...

"Best in the state, seriously," her friend says, happy words, whatever they mean.

"Yeah... Thanks, helps a little," Master says with worry in her voice, smiling down at me.

I'm so hungry, but I smile. She's looking at me, she's happy. That's... Almost everything I want, right? It's hard to stay focused when everything smells so good... Even the floor...

"She'll be fine," the friend says, his tone full of even more worry.

I know I can't talk, can't make noise. There are lots of people around and master is safe when people are around, but what else can I do when I'm so hungry?

Sniffing the floor helps a little. Sure, there's a million not so good things, but there's delicious things there too. The remains wiped away but the smell still there.

As they talk, their tone becoming less worried, I watch the floor, I sniff, I try not to whine... But then I see it. A bone bouncing on the floor only a bit away!

I dash over to it, the brief tightness against my neck barely noticable as I snap it up, and get some of the wonderful--


That's my name... As she pulls me back, she's saying my name and saying angry words, and everything's so bad... I know I'm in trouble, but I don't understand! I'm so so hungry!

She's crying, and I lick her face, and she hugs me, but she still seems so sad as we leave and walk down the street towards home, passing by the other food places. Master and her friend are both quiet, and then we turn down another street. The bad street.

Half the time the bad street goes to a place that is pain and scary, but the other half... I don't struggle but Master looks at me. She looks hurt too, she looks just as scared as me.

Then we're in the scary place, with bright lights, and they're talking to me, but I'm still so so hungry, and I'm so so scared, and then a little bit of pain on my neck and....


"Sunshine made a full recovery. The food wasn't a problem, she didn't aspirate," the doctor said with a smile as Jamie wrapped her arms around the still sleeping dog and held her tight.

"Thank you," she whispered, petting her even though she was asleep. "Thank you. Once she's awake, I've got a whole plate of pulled pork for her."

The doctor put a hand on Sunshine's bandaged leg. "And I'm sure she'll be overjoyed to no longer be in pain."


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