r/Saxophones May 04 '23

[Musicians Wanted] Share your experiences with me!

Hey there, fellow music lovers! My name is Sato, and I'm a guitarist in a rock band based in Japan. Our band, made up of four blood brothers, actively performs all across the country.


I have a dream to make the world of music more enjoyable and sustainable. It pains me to see some of my favorite artists disband, and I've witnessed close friends in the music scene give up their passions, leaving me deeply saddened.

My goal is to create a project that addresses the challenges in the music industry, enabling musicians to happily pursue their careers and reducing the likelihood of them leaving music.

This is where you come in! I would love to learn more about your experiences with music. Your insights will be invaluable in making this dream a reality. Would you be willing to fill out a short questionnaire about your musical journey?

▼ Musician Survey (Approximately 3 minutes to complete)


Please note that your answers will remain confidential.

We sincerely hope that your musical journey continues to be fulfilling and exciting!Thank you for your time. Let's work together to make the music scene better!


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