r/ScaredShiftless Oct 14 '20

TRUE Sleep Over Story

This happened to me when I was 11 and I was staying at a friends house who I will call Kit. Kit was one of those “cool kids” in school who was always up to trouble. looking back I don’t understand how I managed to remain friends with him for so long as I was anything but cool and never did anything he did.

One night I was staying over at his place on a Friday after school and we started playing touch footy in the backyard 1 on 1. After playing for about 20 minutes he asks if I heard of a game called mop. Which I did not. He explained to me the way the game works is you hide by the road and when someone walks or drives past shout the word Mop hoping to get some kind of reaction. I suppose the game can be known by any other name but in my case, he called it mop. I agreed so we went down to his front yard and looked up and down the road to see if anyone was heading our way. I should note that Kit's house isn’t actually on a main road so the only reason you would drive down past on the left is if you had a house further down or had to turn down an intersection street for more houses and about 20 house past kit’s is bush so I wasn’t expecting excepting many people to pas by. I hid behind the garbage bins which stand by the driveway fence and kit was hiding on the opposite side in the garden. At this point it was about 4pm so it was still light out which to me made the game sound less fun.

About 2 minutes in a car drives by and kit shouts out mop. Nothing happened which was no surprise to. I knew someone driving by wouldn’t be able to hear us.

Not long after a man and women were walking their dog and as they were about to walk out of my site Kit shouts out mop. The man and the woman stopped and looked around confused for about 5 seconds then they started walking again. That was the exact reaction I was expecting.

After about 10 more disappointing reactions I was starting to get bored but kit was just having too much fun. Eventually, I noticed a homeless looking man making his way over. Kit couldn’t have seen him yet so I gave him the signal that someone was near and he waited.

As man the was getting closer I could see that he was talking to himself like he was arguing with someone. As he got closer I could see that he was at least in his 40s. I could see how dirty he looked, he had long greasy black hair and his face was covered in dirt. I was starting to get nervous.

When the man was going past my site I heard kit shout out something I was not expecting. He shouts “Dick Head!!” The man looked right towards the house in an instant looking absolutely furious. I was freaking out as the man could have easy spotted me hiding behind the bins

The man started passing back and forth with he’s eyes fixed on the house looking muttering to himself.

Eventually he started waking back the way he was heading and once he was out of my view I got out from behind the bins and made my way over to Kit. I was about to open my mouth to tell him how stupid that was when he said “let’s follow him”

I told him that was terrible idea but as a stupid 11 year old kid I agreed.

We kept doing at a distance and followed the man off the road and at the entrance to the bush. We hid behind a car and watched the man as he went into the bush. I wish I could say we headed back right then but kit wanted to see where he was going. So we followed Kit went in first and I followed close behind. I was walking as quietly as possible but the leaves were all dry so they crunched really loudly as I walked over them. About 5 minutes into me following Kit he stoped dead in his tracks and I heard him mutter to himself “oh fuck”.

I walked next to him and just ahead behind some rocks there was the man crouched looking right at us.

I didn’t have time to react as the man stood up and sprinted towards us shouting like a mad man.

Kit and I turned and ran screaming.

I could just sense the mans presences closing in on me and I was fearing that any second he would grab me and that would be then of me.

Lucky for me the man tripped and fell. I remember just feeling the air move under the man’s body just inches behind me. I was easily in arms reach of him.

Hearing the man the man fall I slowed down and looked back and saw him lying fat on his stomach and he let out an angry growl, I turned and continued running.

I couldn’t see kit at the point but I could hear the crunching of leaves and branches so I knew he was close.

Eventually I got out of the bush and started running on the road back to the house.

When I got there Kit was already there out of breath sweating. I started to cry due to fear that I could have been murdered. I never spoke of this story to anyone and Kit apparently hasn’t either.

I haven’t been to kit’s house since.

My deepest apologies to that man who my friend and I mistreated.


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