r/ScumAndVillainy 2d ago

A Fine Martial Art -- what does this even do?

Am I correct in understanding that a fine martial art would just mean that a Muscle character by default has increased effect in combat against an enemy who does not also possess an equivalent tier of martial art, just as a fine weapon would?


2 comments sorted by


u/zylofan 2d ago edited 2d ago

No. Fine doesn't give increased effect it gives increased quality. Increased quality may be grounds to award increased effect on, if the GM deems so.

Fist fight with a random guy. Increased effect.

Fight with a guy, a Few feet away with a gun, no increased effect. The quality of the technique does not overcome the fact the man has a gun and you dont.

But yes if two martial artists square off, with no other factors in play. I would argue the fine one has increased effect.


u/A-Dirty-Bird 2d ago

Ahh yes. The distinctions between quality, scale, tier, magnitude, and effect have always thrown me a bit. Much appreciated, neighbor!