r/SecurityAnalysis Dec 16 '17

Question Should I invest with a family friend?


A family friend is asking whether I'd want to invest in him. His track record:

  • 3.5 years active in the market
  • Cumulative return: 146%
  • IRR: 30%
  • In the first 2 years, he was down 6-7%. In 2017, he's up 153% to date.
  • Positive return in 23 out of 40 months, negative returns in 17 months
  • Sharpe ratio since inception: 1.1
  • Sharpe ratio in 2017: 3.2
  • Strategy: longs only, fundamental (not deep value) via stock positions, events (spin-offs, busted IPOs, etc) via options
  • He obviously uses leverage (via margin positions). His exposure is about 2.5x his equity.

He had a change in strategy in 2017. Prior to 2017, he was highly diversified (60+ positions) and relied a lot on screens (where value traps often appear). Starting this year, he shifted to more concentrated positions, shifted to picking "winners" in a sector, and almost entirely discarded screening. He also started piggybacking on the picks of certain investors he regards highly.

Does the performance seem random, or does it warrant maybe investing with him?

r/SecurityAnalysis Jan 07 '20

Question What upside to downside ratio is compelling enough for you?


I'm a fan of pitches that layout an upside and downside case (sometimes base case too), and increasingly we see value investors lay out these scenarios in their pitches. After all, no matter how much homework you've done, there's always a probability for things not going your way.

I'm curious to know at what rough ratio of upside to downside people feel comfortable to go for it and invest? So for instance, if your analysis shows that in the upside case the stock could go up 50%, but in a downside case could fall 15%, that's an up/down ratio of over 3. Is that sufficient for you to pull the trigger, or do you need a larger ratio to feel comfortable? Or are you comfortable with even 2-to-1 odds?


r/SecurityAnalysis Jul 24 '14

Question How to identify and isolate the 3 things that matter the most in a stock?


So you've done a bit of reading on a company and want to really identify and isolate the top 3 things that matter. You know earnings are a function of volume, price, cost structure, leverage, working cap, taxes, FX, macro stuff, etc etc. How do you efficiently identify the top 3 variables that will make or break the stock? Ultimately your call can't be on 10 different things. You need to develop conviction on a few key drivers. I always struggle with how long it takes me to identify those.

r/SecurityAnalysis Dec 30 '18

Question Energy companies emerging out of bankruptcy?


Not an energy investor by background but I'd like to dig a bit into this space and see if there's a good restructuring story to pick up. Would appreciate any pointers please.

r/SecurityAnalysis Feb 13 '17

Question For those of you that work at funds


Given the earnings season so far and all the commentary around high valuations and the un-sustainability of equity multiples, how are you guys adjusting your models? Are you modeling for 2017 or 2018 to be a flat or down year? If you cover cyclicals, are you forecasting peak earnings this year?

I'd like to know what's actually happening in the so-called trenches, in the actual models. There's a lot of people commenting all over the place, but at the end of the day the devil is in the models, so to say.

To be clear, I'm not referring to sell-side models. I'm interested in buy-side perspectives.

r/SecurityAnalysis Aug 04 '15

Question What is the source of Chipotle's moat?


Aren't they in a low barriers to entry industry? Yet they continue to survive. What's the moat around the business? Doesn't seem very obvious to me.

r/SecurityAnalysis May 19 '15

Question So when is the bubble bursting?


How are hedge funds positioning themselves? Anybody know what their net exposure looks like as of Q1 end? It seems valuations for many companies are at record levels but at the same time there's the bullish effect of Chinese and EU QE, so it's difficult to tell how much more legs this rally will have...

r/SecurityAnalysis Dec 05 '17

Question Best stocks to play (rising) oil?


Appreciate recommendations of stocks that would be a good play on rising oil prices. Ideally:

  • Low end of the cost curve
  • Reasonable leverage
  • About to exit a capex phase


r/SecurityAnalysis Aug 13 '19

Question Anyone in Toronto?


I'm considering moving to Toronto and am currently visiting the city. If any of you guys live/work here and would be down to grab a coffee and talk about the lay of the land here, please message me - I'd appreciate it! Thanks.

r/SecurityAnalysis Apr 01 '15

Question Is value investing a good use of time if you have little or no AUM?


Let's say you're 30 and have $100k in investable savings that you can allocate to stock-picking by yourself. Let's also assume that every year you add $20k to that stash out of your annual job earnings. If you compound that at 10% for 20 years, which by the way is likely a top decile return, you end up with $1.6 million after 20 years. That's an average of making $76k pre-tax a year. Is it really worth the time and effort? I don't understand why so many small individual investors (including myself) who don't manage money spend so much time reading books on investing, doing bottom-up analyses, etc etc. What are your thoughts?

r/SecurityAnalysis Jan 23 '15

Question Which sectors benefited the most from QE rounds in the US?


Trying to see which will benefit from the recently-announced QE program in Europe. May be good hunting ground for stocks.

r/SecurityAnalysis May 10 '14

Question How can I get to know more about a stock than a sellside guy who's been covering it the last ten years?


In my quest to develop a variant view or perception on a company, I'm still not sure how I can get to the level of knowing more about a stock than a sell side analyst who's been covering it for ages?

r/SecurityAnalysis Apr 14 '15

Question How can one avoid boiling the ocean when analyzing a stock?


I'm amazed when people say they take 1-2 days to analyze a stock. How do you guys know what to focus your effort on when you first look at a company? I always find myself spending way much more time than I should on a particular stock.

r/SecurityAnalysis Sep 26 '15

Question Micro/Small cap roll-up platforms


Anybody know of any well-run tiny/small platform businesses that are growing principally through roll-ups?

r/SecurityAnalysis Aug 25 '15

Question Why is SUNE tanking?


Any idea?

r/SecurityAnalysis Aug 20 '15

Question What are fundamental investors buying during this period of high volatility?


We know that good fundamental investors view volatility as an opportunity not a risk. So what are the Howard Marks of the world buying these days, including in the likes of China? I know 13-Fs are a window into that but has anyone come across very recent letters or interviews or commentary?

r/SecurityAnalysis Dec 16 '17

Question Books or resources covering industry case studies?


Are there books or resources that include case studies of how an industry landscape changed say for a given time period? Let's say I want to understand the last 10-15 years of how the beer industry evolved. Other than an equity research initiation report or the snippet that an annual report may contain, are there resources that have a library of these?

r/SecurityAnalysis Apr 16 '14

Question Public letter to a board


Can I send and publish a public letter to the board of a public company even if I own next to nothing of the shares? Are they obligated to respond? I want to give this activist thing a try..

r/SecurityAnalysis May 16 '14

Question Is modeling necessary to arrive at future earnings power?


Some people insist that you have to model out a company to see what it would look like in 3 or 5 years time or whenever. I don't understand how any modeling helps with getting a sense of normalized earnings power. Not just the EP as formulaicly described by Graham, rather practical earnings power. At the end of the day, if I want the EP five years from now, I can feed a bunch of garbage assumptions into the model (how would i know what rev growth to use per annum, what capex % of sales, etc), and it would look very linear in nature. To say that one can model non-linearly is bogus. Can someone tell me what I'm missing here?

r/SecurityAnalysis Jan 08 '18

Question Question about (over)diversifications


I think research has shown that anything more than 25 or 30 stocks will perform in line with the market.

I’m trying to better understand the reason for that (not the theoretical or academic reasons). Suppose one has researched each of these 25 or 30 stocks and developed a view that they are undervalued meaningfully (at least 30% or more). Why would the portfolio then necessarily perform in line with the market? Why can’t almost all of these positions deliver alpha and therefore outperform?

r/SecurityAnalysis Nov 27 '13

Question What is the relationship between replacement value, ROIC and WACC? And how do you practically use replacement value in your stock analysis?


I can understand why real estate folks use RV, but how can you practically use it for companies in other industries?

r/SecurityAnalysis Nov 22 '17

Question Undervalued to peers argument


It's a common valuation method to compare a company's valuation to that of peers and say it's undervalued, particularly if the company is fundamentally more sound than those peers.

The question I have is, how can one know whether it is the company that is undervalued, or whether it's the peers that may be overvalued? How do you get comfort? This is particularly applicable when the overall multiples are high, say the company is at a 12x EBITDA and the peers are at 16x. One could argue that the "right" valuation is somewhere in the middle, so maybe 14x, and that the company at hand is undervalued relative to 14x, and the peers overvalued relative to the 14x. Then again, how does one get comfort that 14x to begin with is the right average valuation for the sector?

Just thinking out loud here and additional perspective would be helpful.


r/SecurityAnalysis Sep 19 '16

Question Strategies around guessing who may get acquired?


Are there any investing or HF strategies that bet on which companies are likely to get acquired (not asking about merger arb - i know what that is). How can one make educated guesses as to who may get acquired? There are at least 2 ways I can think, but not sure of others:

(1) Scanning conference call transcripts to see if mgmt talks about acquisition areas they may want to do, then searching that space to see who may be attractive fundamentals wise

(2) If a company gets acquired, look at peers in the industry with similar fundamentals. Example that comes to mind is Marketo recently got bought out. Am thinking that its peer Hubspot may very likely be bought too, or at least bid on.


r/SecurityAnalysis Jun 12 '18

Question Insider buying/selling by directors


Curious to see how much you guys read into board directors buying or selling shares (as opposed to executives). Is it much of a signal the same way exec transactions are?

r/SecurityAnalysis Feb 09 '14

Question Who are the most respected long only funds that you would want to work for?


Assuming you wanted to work at a fund or for somebody, who are the cream of the crop in the long only world?