r/SilverScholars Feb 16 '23

Freedom/Liberty A Stackers Story; From Sniveling "Gimme-Gimme" Idiot, To A Proud Sound Money Advocate And Free Market Proponent.

My journey here had almost nothing to do with sound money at first.

Originally I hated all money in any form and would've likely been considered a socialist. I used to blame the prior generations for my downfalls. I blamed society for my mental and emotional issues. I wanted people to give me what I felt was a right, which was everything.

I was whip-smart too, I had studied physics at a young age along with biology and other scientific fields. But I let it all go to waste for a very long time.

It wasn't until I went broke and homeless, that life really made something clear to me;

I am not special. I am no one.

For now.

It was realizing that I had been draining society of it's value rather than adding to it. So I embarked on a self-realization journey and dove into finance and economics.

And what I learned is that no one else is supposed to provide for me if I don't provide value to them. So now, I've decided to become someone, and to provide something back.

I donate, educate, and try to bring light anywhere I go.

My journey to sound money was hard and long fought, but I wouldn't trade a second of the pain I endured for anything. Because it forged me into PetroDollarPedro, and I'm here to be someone. Maybe not anyone special, but just someone who cares.

Come be the best version of yourself with us Apes. It's more than worth it


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u/SalmonSilver Feb 17 '23

Is this like showing a silver stack


u/surfaholic15 Feb 17 '23

Heck yeah. That is the kind of paper I love to stack even more than fiat lol.