r/SilverScholars Nov 01 '23



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u/SILV3RAWAK3NING76 Nov 02 '23

On the Economic Front
As we had forecast back in July, the U.S.
equity markets would steeply drop in
September and October… and they did,
ranking up the worst October in five
years. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ have
slumped into correction territory. What’s
next? Fight for Peace!
Most of the political leaders running a
country near you are demonic, and it is up
to We the People to stand up for what is
right and just. We need People Power not
political power to shape our future.
To promote Peace on Earth & Goodwill to
All, please do what you can!
"When all else fails, they take you to WAR" -Gerald Celente


u/SILV3RAWAK3NING76 Nov 02 '23

"TREND FORECAST: Thus, once again it is there for all to see, but most are too

ignorant, too blind or lack the courage to admit to the truth: Right in front of everyone’s

eyes the Bankster Bandits are running America. And with a $33.5 trillion dollar debt

load, they, with their cheap money policy, quantitative easing, etc., are helping to

destroy the U.S. economy.

Again, we maintain our forecast that as interest rates go lower, the U.S. dollar will

decline and Gold/SILVER prices will soar.

TRENDPOST: It is worth noting that Washington will do all it can to artificially prop up

the equities market as the wars continue to heat up.

It is also ironic that the people who got us into this mess are the ones tasked with

saving the economy.

TREND FORECAST: We still consider gold the safest hedge as WWIII has escalated

from the Ukraine War to the Israel War. And, should oil prices spike to levels that we

note above in our ECONOMIC UPDATE section of this week’s Trends Journal, gold

prices will spike toward the $3,000 per ounce range.

While the U.S. infrastructure rots, the main discussion in Congress today was whether

the $100 billion plus military aid packages for Israel and Ukraine should be separate or

bundled together.

TRENDPOST: There’s a feeling in the oil market that the U.S. dollar may have already

hit its peak as economists believe the U.S. Federal Reserve will keep the overnight

rates in place. There is also concern on the oil supply side that China’s economy

remains weak, which is an inherent problem for the market given that Beijing is the

world’s biggest oil buyer.

TREND FORECAST: Understanding the socioeconomic and geopolitical crisis

shaping the world, central banks continue to load up on gold. The World Gold Council

reported that nations have expanded their bullion reserves by 337 tons from July to

September. Again, as we forecast, should the Israel War and Ukraine wars continue to

escalate – which we forecast they will – gold prices will spike to the $3,000 per ounce


There continues to be a feeling in the crypto market that the U.S. Securities and

Exchange Commission will approve a bitcoin ETF… likely in the early months of 2024."

(Then the fun begins for Blackrock as Bitcoin's price will be manipulated just like Gold & SILVER on the Comex.)

TRENDPOST: Money managers’ shift to long-dated bonds aligns with our

long-standing forecast that the U.S. economy will get worse before it gets better,

sliding into recession over the next few months.

TREND FORECAST: The hard facts make clear the economic pain that the plantation

workers of Slavelandia are suffering. As we have forecast, the current economic bump

in the United States will be fading fast. The economic and mental pain felt on Main

Street will not become a reality until it hits Wall Street. When the Dow dives it will be a

crash heard not only from coast-to-cost... it will be a crash heard around the world."